Module Glob_ops

val glob_sort_eq : Glob_term.glob_sort -> Glob_term.glob_sort -> bool
val cases_pattern_eq : 'a Glob_term.cases_pattern_g -> 'a Glob_term.cases_pattern_g -> bool
exception ComplexSort

Expect a Prop/SProp/Set/Type universe; raise ComplexSort if contains a max, an increment, or a flexible universe

val glob_sort_family : Glob_term.glob_sort ->
val alias_of_pat : 'a Glob_term.cases_pattern_g -> Names.Name.t
val set_pat_alias : Names.Id.t -> 'a Glob_term.cases_pattern_g -> 'a Glob_term.cases_pattern_g
val cast_type_eq : ('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a Glob_term.cast_type -> 'a Glob_term.cast_type -> bool
val glob_constr_eq : 'a Glob_term.glob_constr_g -> 'a Glob_term.glob_constr_g -> bool
val map_cast_type : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a Glob_term.cast_type -> 'b Glob_term.cast_type
val smartmap_cast_type : ('a -> 'a) -> 'a Glob_term.cast_type -> 'a Glob_term.cast_type
val cases_pattern_loc : 'a Glob_term.cases_pattern_g -> Loc.t option
val cases_predicate_names : 'a Glob_term.tomatch_tuples_g -> Names.Name.t list
val mkGApp : ?⁠loc:Loc.t -> 'a Glob_term.glob_constr_g -> 'a Glob_term.glob_constr_g -> 'a Glob_term.glob_constr_g

Apply one argument to a glob_constr

val map_glob_constr : (Glob_term.glob_constr -> Glob_term.glob_constr) -> Glob_term.glob_constr -> Glob_term.glob_constr
val binding_kind_eq : Glob_term.binding_kind -> Glob_term.binding_kind -> bool

Equality on binding_kind

val map_glob_constr_left_to_right : (Glob_term.glob_constr -> Glob_term.glob_constr) -> Glob_term.glob_constr -> Glob_term.glob_constr

Ensure traversal from left to right

val warn_variable_collision : ?⁠loc:Loc.t -> Names.Id.t -> unit
val mk_glob_constr_eq : (Glob_term.glob_constr -> Glob_term.glob_constr -> bool) -> Glob_term.glob_constr -> Glob_term.glob_constr -> bool
val fold_glob_constr : ('a -> Glob_term.glob_constr -> 'a) -> 'a -> Glob_term.glob_constr -> 'a
val fold_glob_constr_with_binders : (Names.Id.t -> 'a -> 'a) -> ('a -> 'b -> Glob_term.glob_constr -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b -> Glob_term.glob_constr -> 'b
val iter_glob_constr : (Glob_term.glob_constr -> unit) -> Glob_term.glob_constr -> unit
val occur_glob_constr : Names.Id.t -> 'a Glob_term.glob_constr_g -> bool
val free_glob_vars : 'a Glob_term.glob_constr_g -> Names.Id.Set.t
val bound_glob_vars : Glob_term.glob_constr -> Names.Id.Set.t
val loc_of_glob_constr : 'a Glob_term.glob_constr_g -> Loc.t option
val glob_visible_short_qualid : 'a Glob_term.glob_constr_g -> Names.Id.Set.t
exception UnsoundRenaming
val rename_var : (Names.Id.t * Names.Id.t) list -> Names.Id.t -> Names.Id.t
val rename_glob_vars : (Names.Id.t * Names.Id.t) list -> 'a Glob_term.glob_constr_g -> 'a Glob_term.glob_constr_g
val map_pattern_binders : (Names.Name.t -> Names.Name.t) -> Glob_term.tomatch_tuples -> Glob_term.cases_clauses -> Glob_term.tomatch_tuples * Glob_term.cases_clauses

map_pattern_binders f m c applies f to all the binding names in a pattern-matching expression (Glob_term.glob_constr_r.GCases) represented here by its relevant components m and c. It is used to interpret Ltac-bound names both in pretyping and printing of terms.

val map_pattern : (Glob_term.glob_constr -> Glob_term.glob_constr) -> Glob_term.tomatch_tuples -> Glob_term.cases_clauses -> Glob_term.tomatch_tuples * Glob_term.cases_clauses

map_pattern f m c applies f to the return predicate and the right-hand side of a pattern-matching expression (Glob_term.glob_constr_r.GCases) represented here by its relevant components m and c.

val cases_pattern_of_glob_constr : Environ.env -> Names.Name.t -> 'a Glob_term.glob_constr_g -> 'a Glob_term.cases_pattern_g

Conversion from glob_constr to cases pattern, if possible

Evaluation is forced. Take the current alias as parameter,

raises Not_found

if translation is impossible

val glob_constr_of_closed_cases_pattern : Environ.env -> 'a Glob_term.cases_pattern_g -> Names.Name.t * 'a Glob_term.glob_constr_g
val glob_constr_of_cases_pattern : Environ.env -> 'a Glob_term.cases_pattern_g -> 'a Glob_term.glob_constr_g

A canonical encoding of cases pattern into constr such that composed with cases_pattern_of_glob_constr Anonymous gives identity

val add_patterns_for_params_remove_local_defs : Environ.env -> Names.constructor -> 'a Glob_term.cases_pattern_g list -> 'a Glob_term.cases_pattern_g list
val empty_lvar : Ltac_pretype.ltac_var_map