Module Declare
module Proof : sig ... end
Construction of constants using interactive proofs.
type opacity_flag
= Vernacexpr.opacity_flag
val start_proof : name:Names.Id.t -> udecl:UState.universe_decl -> poly:bool -> Evd.evar_map -> (Environ.env * EConstr.types) list -> Proof.t
start_proof ~name ~udecl ~poly sigma goals
starts a proof of namename
with goalsgoals
(a list of pairs of environment and conclusion);poly
determines if the proof is universe polymorphic. The proof is started in the evar mapsigma
(which can typically contain universe constraints), and with universe bindingsudecl
val start_dependent_proof : name:Names.Id.t -> udecl:UState.universe_decl -> poly:bool -> Proofview.telescope -> Proof.t
except that there may be dependencies between initial goals.
type 'a proof_entry
= private
proof_entry_body : 'a Entries.const_entry_body;
proof_entry_secctx : Names.Id.Set.t option;
proof_entry_feedback : Stateid.t option;
proof_entry_type : Constr.types option;
proof_entry_universes : Entries.universes_entry;
proof_entry_opaque : bool;
proof_entry_inline_code : bool;
Proof entries represent a proof that has been finished, but still not registered with the kernel.
XXX: Scheduled for removal from public API, don't rely on it
type proof_object
= private
name : Names.Id.t;
name of the proof
entries : Evd.side_effects proof_entry list;
list of the proof terms (in a form suitable for definitions).
uctx : UState.t;
universe state
XXX: Scheduled for removal from public API, don't rely on it
val close_proof : opaque:opacity_flag -> keep_body_ucst_separate:bool -> Proof.t -> proof_object
type variable_declaration
SectionLocalDef of Evd.side_effects proof_entry
SectionLocalAssum of
typ : Constr.types;
impl : Glob_term.binding_kind;
XXX: Scheduled for removal from public API, don't rely on it
type 'a constant_entry
DefinitionEntry of 'a proof_entry
ParameterEntry of Entries.parameter_entry
PrimitiveEntry of Entries.primitive_entry
XXX: Scheduled for removal from public API, don't rely on it
val declare_variable : name:Names.variable -> kind:Decls.logical_kind -> variable_declaration -> unit
val definition_entry : ?fix_exn:Future.fix_exn -> ?opaque:bool -> ?inline:bool -> ?feedback_id:Stateid.t -> ?section_vars:Names.Id.Set.t -> ?types:Constr.types -> ?univs:Entries.universes_entry -> ?eff:Evd.side_effects -> ?univsbody:Univ.ContextSet.t -> Constr.constr -> Evd.side_effects proof_entry
Declaration of global constructions i.e. Definition/Theorem/Axiom/Parameter/...
XXX: Scheduled for removal from public API, use `DeclareDef` instead
val declare_constant : ?local:import_status -> name:Names.Id.t -> kind:Decls.logical_kind -> Evd.side_effects constant_entry -> Names.Constant.t
declare_constant id cd
declares a global declaration (constant/parameter) with nameid
in the current section; it returns the full path of the declarationinternal specify if the constant has been created by the kernel or by the user, and in the former case, if its errors should be silent
XXX: Scheduled for removal from public API, use `DeclareDef` instead
val inline_private_constants : uctx:UState.t -> Environ.env -> Evd.side_effects proof_entry -> Constr.t * UState.t
inline_private_constants ~sideff ~uctx env ce
will inline the constants ince
's body and return the body plus the updatedUState.t
.XXX: Scheduled for removal from public API, don't rely on it
val definition_message : Names.Id.t -> unit
XXX: Scheduled for removal from public API, do not use
val assumption_message : Names.Id.t -> unit
val fixpoint_message : int array option -> Names.Id.t list -> unit
val check_exists : Names.Id.t -> unit
For legacy support, do not use
module Internal : sig ... end
val return_proof : Proof.t -> closed_proof_output
Requires a complete proof.
val return_partial_proof : Proof.t -> closed_proof_output
An incomplete proof is allowed (no error), and a warn is given if the proof is complete.
val close_future_proof : feedback_id:Stateid.t -> Proof.t -> closed_proof_output Future.computation -> proof_object
val by : unit Proofview.tactic -> Proof.t -> Proof.t * bool
by tac
applies tactictac
to the 1st subgoal of the current focused proof. Returnsfalse
if an unsafe tactic has been used.
val build_by_tactic : ?side_eff:bool -> Environ.env -> uctx:UState.t -> poly:bool -> typ:EConstr.types -> unit Proofview.tactic -> Constr.constr * Constr.types option * Entries.universes_entry * bool * UState.t
Helpers to obtain proof state when in an interactive proof
val get_goal_context : Proof.t -> int -> Evd.evar_map * Environ.env
val get_current_goal_context : Proof.t -> Evd.evar_map * Environ.env
get_current_goal_context ()
works asget_goal_context 1
val get_current_context : Proof.t -> Evd.evar_map * Environ.env
get_current_context ()
returns the context of the current focused goal. If there is no focused goal but there is a proof in progress, it returns the corresponding evar_map. If there is no pending proof then it returns the current global environment and empty evar_map.
val build_constant_by_tactic : name:Names.Id.t -> ?opaque:opacity_flag -> uctx:UState.t -> sign:Environ.named_context_val -> poly:bool -> EConstr.types -> unit Proofview.tactic -> Evd.side_effects proof_entry * bool * UState.t
Temporarily re-exported for 3rd party code; don't use
val declare_universe_context : poly:bool -> Univ.ContextSet.t -> unit
type locality
Global of import_status
module Hook : sig ... end
Declaration hooks
val declare_entry : name:Names.Id.t -> scope:locality -> kind:Decls.logical_kind -> ?hook:Hook.t -> ?obls:(Names.Id.t * Constr.t) list -> impargs:Impargs.manual_implicits -> uctx:UState.t -> Evd.side_effects proof_entry -> Names.GlobRef.t
Declare an interactively-defined constant
val declare_definition : name:Names.Id.t -> scope:locality -> kind:Decls.logical_kind -> opaque:bool -> impargs:Impargs.manual_implicits -> udecl:UState.universe_decl -> ?hook:Hook.t -> ?obls:(Names.Id.t * Constr.t) list -> poly:bool -> ?inline:bool -> types:EConstr.t option -> body:EConstr.t -> ?fix_exn:(Exninfo.iexn -> Exninfo.iexn) -> Evd.evar_map -> Names.GlobRef.t
Declares a non-interactive constant;
will be normalized w.r.t. the passedevar_map
. Universes should be handled properly, including minimization and restriction. Note thatsigma
is checked for unresolved evars, thus you should be careful not to submit open terms
val declare_assumption : ?fix_exn:(Exninfo.iexn -> Exninfo.iexn) -> name:Names.Id.t -> scope:locality -> hook:Hook.t option -> impargs:Impargs.manual_implicits -> uctx:UState.t -> Entries.parameter_entry -> Names.GlobRef.t
module Recthm : sig ... end
val declare_mutually_recursive : opaque:bool -> scope:locality -> kind:Decls.logical_kind -> poly:bool -> uctx:UState.t -> udecl:UState.universe_decl -> ntns:Vernacexpr.decl_notation list -> rec_declaration:Constr.rec_declaration -> possible_indexes:int list list option -> ?restrict_ucontext:bool -> Recthm.t list -> Names.GlobRef.t list
val prepare_obligation : ?opaque:bool -> ?inline:bool -> name:Names.Id.t -> poly:bool -> udecl:UState.universe_decl -> types:EConstr.t option -> body:EConstr.t -> Evd.evar_map -> Constr.constr * Constr.types * UState.t * RetrieveObl.obligation_info
val prepare_parameter : poly:bool -> udecl:UState.universe_decl -> types:EConstr.types -> Evd.evar_map -> Evd.evar_map * Entries.parameter_entry
AlreadyDeclared of string option * Names.Id.t