NOTE: to print terms you always want to use functions in Printer, not these ones which are for very special cases.
val debug_print_constr : EConstr.constr -> Pp.t
debug printers: print raw form for terms, both with evar-substitution and without.
val debug_print_constr_env : Environ.env -> Evd.evar_map -> EConstr.constr -> Pp.t
val print_constr_env : Environ.env -> Evd.evar_map -> EConstr.constr -> Pp.t
Pretty-printer hook: print_constr_env env sigma c
will pretty print c if the pretty printing layer has been linked into the Coq binary.
val set_print_constr : (Environ.env -> Evd.evar_map -> EConstr.constr -> Pp.t) -> unit
set_print_constr f
sets f to be the pretty printer
val print_named_context : Environ.env -> Pp.t
Printers for contexts
val pr_rel_decl : Environ.env -> Constr.rel_declaration -> Pp.t
val print_rel_context : Environ.env -> Pp.t
val print_env : Environ.env -> Pp.t