type form =
| Atom of int
| Arrow of form * form
| Bot
| Conjunct of form * form
| Disjunct of form * form
type proof =
| Ax of int
| I_Arrow of proof
| E_Arrow of int * int * proof
| D_Arrow of int * proof * proof
| E_False of int
| I_And of proof * proof
| E_And of int * proof
| D_And of int * proof
| I_Or_l of proof
| I_Or_r of proof
| E_Or of int * proof * proof
| D_Or of int * proof
| Pop of int * proof
type state
val project : state -> proof
val init_state : ('a * form * 'b) list -> form -> state
val branching : state -> state list
val success : state -> bool
val pp : state -> Pp.t
val pr_form : form -> Pp.t
val reset_info : unit -> unit
val pp_info : unit -> unit