* Load paths.
A load path is a physical path in the file system; to each load path is associated a Coq DirPath.t
(the "logical" path of the physical path).
val logical : t -> Names.DirPath.t
Get the logical path (Coq module hierarchy) of a loadpath.
val physical : t -> CUnix.physical_path
Get the physical path of a loadpath
val get_load_paths : unit -> t list
Get the current loadpath association.
val remove_load_path : CUnix.physical_path -> unit
Remove the current logical path binding associated to a given physical path, if any.
val find_load_path : CUnix.physical_path -> t
Get the binding associated with a physical path. Raises Not_found
if there is none.
val find_with_logical_path : Names.DirPath.t -> t list
get the list of load paths that correspond to a given logical path
val find_extra_dep_with_logical_path :
?loc:Loc.t ->
from:Names.DirPath.t ->
file:string ->
unit ->
finds a file rooted in from.
Locate a file among the registered paths. Do not use this function, as it does not respect the visibility of paths.
type 'a locate_result = ( 'a, locate_error ) Stdlib.result
val locate_qualified_library :
?root:Names.DirPath.t ->
Libnames.qualid ->
(Names.DirPath.t * CUnix.physical_path) locate_result
Locates a library by implicit name.
val try_locate_absolute_library : Names.DirPath.t -> string
type vo_path = {
unix_path : string; | (* Filesystem path containing vo/ml files *) |
coq_path : Names.DirPath.t; | (* Coq prefix for the path *) |
implicit : bool; | (*
has_ml : bool; | (* If |
recursive : bool; | (*
Adds a path to the Coq and ML paths
val add_vo_path : vo_path -> unit