module OT : Stdlib.Map.OrderedType
type 'a kind_gen = 'a K.t
type ('diff, 'info, 'property_data) t
val empty : id -> ( 'diff, 'info, 'property_data ) t
val current_branch : ( 'e, 'i, 'c ) t -> Branch.t
val branches : ( 'e, 'i, 'c ) t -> Branch.t list
val reset_branch : ( 'e, 'i, 'c ) t -> Branch.t -> id -> ( 'e, 'i, 'c ) t
val branch :
( 'e, 'i, 'c ) t ->
?root:id ->
?pos:id ->
Branch.t ->
kind ->
( 'e, 'i, 'c ) t
val delete_branch : ( 'e, 'i, 'c ) t -> Branch.t -> ( 'e, 'i, 'c ) t
val merge :
( 'diff, 'i, 'c ) t ->
id ->
ours:'diff ->
theirs:'diff ->
?into:Branch.t ->
Branch.t ->
( 'diff, 'i, 'c ) t
val commit : ( 'diff, 'i, 'c ) t -> id -> 'diff -> ( 'diff, 'i, 'c ) t
val rewrite_merge :
( 'diff, 'i, 'c ) t ->
id ->
ours:'diff ->
theirs:'diff ->
at:id ->
Branch.t ->
( 'diff, 'i, 'c ) t
val checkout : ( 'e, 'i, 'c ) t -> Branch.t -> ( 'e, 'i, 'c ) t
val set_info : ( 'e, 'info, 'c ) t -> id -> 'info -> ( 'e, 'info, 'c ) t
val get_info : ( 'e, 'info, 'c ) t -> id -> 'info option
module Dag :
with type node = id
with type node = OT.t
with type NodeSet.t = Stdlib.Set.Make(OT).t
with type NodeSet.elt = OT.t
val dag : ( 'diff, 'info, 'cdata ) t -> ( 'diff, 'info, 'cdata ) Dag.t
val create_property : ( 'e, 'i, 'c ) t -> id list -> 'c -> ( 'e, 'i, 'c ) t
val gc : ( 'e, 'info, 'c ) t -> ( 'e, 'info, 'c ) t * Dag.NodeSet.t
val reachable : ( 'e, 'info, 'c ) t -> id -> Dag.NodeSet.t