Module Globnames

val isVarRef : Names.GlobRef.t -> bool
val isConstRef : Names.GlobRef.t -> bool
val isIndRef : Names.GlobRef.t -> bool
val isConstructRef : Names.GlobRef.t -> bool
val canonical_gr : Names.GlobRef.t -> Names.GlobRef.t
val destVarRef : Names.GlobRef.t -> Names.variable
val destConstRef : Names.GlobRef.t -> Names.Constant.t
val destIndRef : Names.GlobRef.t -> Names.inductive
val destConstructRef : Names.GlobRef.t -> Names.constructor
val subst_global_reference : Mod_subst.substitution -> Names.GlobRef.t -> Names.GlobRef.t
Extended global references
type abbreviation = Names.KerName.t
type extended_global_reference =
| TrueGlobal of Names.GlobRef.t
| Abbrev of abbreviation
val abbreviation_eq : abbreviation -> abbreviation -> bool
module ExtRefOrdered : sig ... end
module ExtRefMap : CMap.UExtS with type key = extended_global_reference and module Set := ExtRefSet