Module Libobject

Libobject declares persistent objects, given with methods:

* a caching function specifying how to add the object in the current scope; called when the object is added and after the end of the containing sections. If the object wishes to register its visibility in the Nametab, it should do so for all possible suffixes.

* a loading function, specifying what to do when the module containing the object is loaded; called at Require and after the end of the containing modules. If the object wishes to register its visibility in the Nametab, it should do so for all suffixes no shorter than the "int" argument

* an opening function, specifying what to do when the module containing the object is opened; called when the containing modules are Imported. Objects which should only have an effect when the nearest containing module is imported (and not when the modules containing the nearest module are imported) must check that the "int" argument is 1. If the object wishes to register its visibility in the Nametab, it should do so for the suffix of the length the "int" argument

* a classification function, specifying what to do with the object, when the current module (containing the object) is ended; The possibilities are: Dispose - the object is dropped at the end of the module. Substitute - the object is kept at the end of the module. When the module is cloned (Include, module aliases) or when it's a module type which is getting instantiated (eg if module type T is used for a functor argument X : T or Declare Module X : T), the substitution function is called on the object to update the module name. Keep - the object is kept at the end of the module. When the module is cloned the object is not cloned with it. This means that Keep objects in a module type or functor are dropped. Anticipate - this is for objects that have to be explicitly managed by the end_module function (currently only Require).

* a substitution function, performing the substitution; this function should be declared for substitutive objects only (see above). NB: the substitution might be delayed instead of happening at module creation, so this function should _not_ depend on the current environment

* a discharge function, that is called at section closing time to collect the data necessary to rebuild the discharged form of the non volatile objects. If it returns None the object is dropped. It is called in the state inside the section at its end, before it is reset. Notably the global environment contains the section data and the non-discharged globals.

* a rebuild function, that is applied after section closing to rebuild the non volatile content of a section from the data collected by the discharge function It is called in the state after the end of the section with any previous objects already present. Notably the global environment contains the discharged globals.

Any type defined as a persistent object must be pure (e.g. no references) and marshallable by the OCaml Marshal module (e.g. no closures).

type substitutivity =
| Dispose
| Substitute
| Keep
| Anticipate

Both names are passed to objects: a "semantic" kernel_name, which can be substituted and a "syntactic" full_path which can be printed

type object_name = Libnames.full_path * Names.KerName.t
type open_filter
type ('a, 'b, 'discharged) object_declaration = {
object_name : string;
object_stage : Summary.Stage.t;
cache_function : 'b -> unit;
load_function : int -> 'b -> unit;
open_function : open_filter -> int -> 'b -> unit;
classify_function : 'a -> substitutivity;
subst_function : (Mod_subst.substitution * 'a) -> 'a;
discharge_function : 'a -> 'discharged option;
rebuild_function : 'discharged -> 'a;
val unfiltered : open_filter
val make_filter : finite:bool -> string CAst.t list -> open_filter

Anomaly when the list is empty.

type category
val create_category : string -> category

Anomaly if called more than once for a given string.

val in_filter : cat:category option -> open_filter -> bool

On cat:None, returns whether the filter allows opening uncategorized objects.

On cat:(Some category), returns whether the filter allows opening objects in the given category.

val simple_open : ?cat:category -> ('i -> 'a -> unit) -> open_filter -> 'i -> 'a -> unit

Combinator for making objects with simple category-based open behaviour. When cat:None, can be opened by Unfiltered, but also by Filtered with a negative set.

val filter_eq : open_filter -> open_filter -> bool
val filter_and : open_filter -> open_filter -> open_filter option

Returns None when the intersection is empty.

val filter_or : open_filter -> open_filter -> open_filter

The default object is a "Keep" object with empty methods. Object creators are advised to use the construction {(default_object "MY_OBJECT") with cache_function = ... } and specify only these functions which are not empty/meaningless

val default_object : ?stage:Summary.Stage.t -> string -> ('a'b'a) object_declaration
val ident_subst_function : (Mod_subst.substitution * 'a) -> 'a

the identity substitution function


Given an object declaration, the function declare_object_full will hand back two functions, the "injection" and "projection" functions for dynamically typed library-objects.

module Dyn : Dyn.S
type obj = Dyn.t
module ExportObj : sig ... end
type algebraic_objects =
| Objs of t list
| Ref of Names.ModPath.t * Mod_subst.substitution
and t =
| ModuleObject of Names.Id.t * substitutive_objects
| ModuleTypeObject of Names.Id.t * substitutive_objects
| IncludeObject of algebraic_objects
| KeepObject of Names.Id.t * t list
| ExportObject of ExportObj.t
| AtomicObject of obj
and substitutive_objects = Names.MBId.t list * algebraic_objects

Object declaration and names: if you need the current prefix (typically to interact with the nametab), you need to have it passed to you.

val declare_object : ('a'a_) object_declaration -> 'a -> obj
val declare_object_full : ('a'a_) object_declaration -> 'a Dyn.tag
val declare_named_object_full : ('aobject_name * 'a_) object_declaration -> (Names.Id.t * 'a) Dyn.tag
val declare_named_object : ('aobject_name * 'a_) object_declaration -> Names.Id.t -> 'a -> obj
val declare_named_object_gen : ('aNametab.object_prefix * 'a_) object_declaration -> 'a -> obj
val cache_object : (Nametab.object_prefix * obj) -> unit
val load_object : int -> (Nametab.object_prefix * obj) -> unit
val open_object : open_filter -> int -> (Nametab.object_prefix * obj) -> unit
val subst_object : (Mod_subst.substitution * obj) -> obj
val classify_object : obj -> substitutivity
val object_stage : obj -> Summary.Stage.t
type discharged_obj
val discharge_object : obj -> discharged_obj option
val rebuild_object : discharged_obj -> obj
type locality =
| Local
| Export
| SuperGlobal
val object_with_locality : ?stage:Summary.Stage.t -> ?cat:category -> string -> cache:('a -> unit) -> subst:((Mod_subst.substitution * 'a) -> 'a) option -> discharge:('a -> 'a) -> (locality * 'alocality * 'alocality * 'a) object_declaration

Object with semi-static scoping: the scoping depends on the given locality not the rest of the object.

It is up to the caller of add_leaf to produce sensible errors if a value which cannot be discharged is given with non Local locality.

If subst is None non Local values are Keep, otherwise Substitute.

Export values are only imported with shallow imports (depth = 1).

cat only matters when importing, ie only for Export values.

Higher-level API for objects with fixed scope.

We recommend to avoid declaring superglobal objects and using the nodischarge variants.

val local_object : ?stage:Summary.Stage.t -> string -> cache:('a -> unit) -> discharge:('a -> 'a option) -> ('a'a'a) object_declaration
val local_object_nodischarge : ?stage:Summary.Stage.t -> string -> cache:('a -> unit) -> ('a'a'a) object_declaration
val global_object : ?cat:category -> ?stage:Summary.Stage.t -> string -> cache:('a -> unit) -> subst:((Mod_subst.substitution * 'a) -> 'a) option -> discharge:('a -> 'a option) -> ('a'a'a) object_declaration
val global_object_nodischarge : ?cat:category -> ?stage:Summary.Stage.t -> string -> cache:('a -> unit) -> subst:((Mod_subst.substitution * 'a) -> 'a) option -> ('a'a'a) object_declaration
val superglobal_object : ?stage:Summary.Stage.t -> string -> cache:('a -> unit) -> subst:((Mod_subst.substitution * 'a) -> 'a) option -> discharge:('a -> 'a option) -> ('a'a'a) object_declaration
val superglobal_object_nodischarge : ?stage:Summary.Stage.t -> string -> cache:('a -> unit) -> subst:((Mod_subst.substitution * 'a) -> 'a) option -> ('a'a'a) object_declaration
val dump : unit -> (int * string) list