type glob_search_item =
| GlobSearchSubPattern of Vernacexpr.glob_search_where * bool * Pattern.constr_pattern |
| GlobSearchString of string |
| GlobSearchKind of Decls.logical_kind |
| GlobSearchFilter of Names.GlobRef.t -> bool |
type glob_search_request =
| GlobSearchLiteral of glob_search_item |
| GlobSearchDisjConj of (bool * glob_search_request) list list |
type filter_function = Names.GlobRef.t -> Decls.logical_kind option -> Environ.env -> Evd.evar_map -> Constr.constr -> bool
type display_function = Names.GlobRef.t -> Decls.logical_kind option -> Environ.env -> Evd.evar_map -> Constr.constr -> unit
val blacklist_filter : filter_function
Check whether a reference is blacklisted.
val module_filter : Names.DirPath.t list Vernacexpr.search_restriction -> filter_function
Check whether a reference pertains or not to a set of modules
val search_filter : glob_search_item -> filter_function
search_xxx gl pattern modinout
searches the hypothesis of the gl
th goal and the global environment for things matching pattern
and satisfying module exclude/include clauses of modinout
val search_rewrite : Environ.env -> Evd.evar_map -> Pattern.constr_pattern -> Names.DirPath.t list Vernacexpr.search_restriction -> display_function -> unit
val search_pattern : Environ.env -> Evd.evar_map -> Pattern.constr_pattern -> Names.DirPath.t list Vernacexpr.search_restriction -> display_function -> unit
val search : Environ.env -> Evd.evar_map -> (bool * glob_search_request) list -> Names.DirPath.t list Vernacexpr.search_restriction -> display_function -> unit
type search_constraint =
| Name_Pattern of Str.regexp | (* Whether the name satisfies a regexp (uses Ocaml Str syntax) *) |
| Type_Pattern of Pattern.constr_pattern | (* Whether the object type satisfies a pattern *) |
| SubType_Pattern of Pattern.constr_pattern | (* Whether some subtype of object type satisfies a pattern *) |
| In_Module of Names.DirPath.t | (* Whether the object pertains to a module *) |
| Include_Blacklist | (* Bypass the Search blacklist *) |
val interface_search : Environ.env -> Evd.evar_map -> (search_constraint * bool) list -> Constr.constr coq_object list
val generic_search : Environ.env -> Evd.evar_map -> display_function -> unit
This function iterates over all hypothesis of the goal numbered glnum
(if present) and all known declarations.
val prioritize_search : (display_function -> unit) -> display_function -> unit
prioritize_search iter
iterates over the values of iter
(seen as a sequence of declarations), in a relevance order. This requires to perform the entire iteration of iter
before starting streaming. So prioritize_search
should not be used for low-latency streaming.