Module UVars.Instance

type t

A universe instance represents a vector of argument universes and sort qualities to a polymorphic definition (constant, inductive or constructor).

val empty : t
val is_empty : t -> bool
val of_array : (Sorts.Quality.t array * Univ.Level.t array) -> t
val to_array : t -> Sorts.Quality.t array * Univ.Level.t array
val abstract_instance : (int * int) -> t

Instance of the given size made of QVar/Level.var

val append : t -> t -> t

To concatenate two instances, used for discharge

val equal : t -> t -> bool


val length : t -> int * int

Instance length

val hcons : t -> t


val hash : t -> int

Hash value

val share : t -> t * int

Simultaneous hash-consing and hash-value computation

val pr : (Sorts.QVar.t -> Pp.t) -> (Univ.Level.t -> Pp.t) -> ?variance:Variance.t array -> t -> Pp.t

Pretty-printing, no comments

The set of levels in the instance

val subst_fn : ((Sorts.QVar.t -> Sorts.Quality.t) * (Univ.Level.t -> Univ.Level.t)) -> t -> t
type mask = Sorts.Quality.pattern array * int option array
val pattern_match : mask -> t -> ('termSorts.Quality.tUniv.Level.t) Partial_subst.t -> ('termSorts.Quality.tUniv.Level.t) Partial_subst.t option

Pattern matching, as used by the rewrite rules mechanism