Module Vernacentries.Preprocessed_Mind_decl

pre-processing and validation of VernacInductive

type flags = ComInductive.flags
type record = {
flags : flags;
udecl : Constrexpr.cumul_univ_decl_expr option;
primitive_proj : bool;
kind : Vernacexpr.inductive_kind;
records : Record.Ast.t list;
type inductive = {
flags : flags;
udecl : Constrexpr.cumul_univ_decl_expr option;
typing_flags : Declarations.typing_flags option;
private_ind : bool;
uniform : ComInductive.uniform_inductive_flag;
inductives : (Vernacexpr.one_inductive_expr * Vernacexpr.notation_declaration list) list;
type t =
| Record of record
| Inductive of inductive