Library Stdlib.extraction.ExtrOCamlPString
Extraction to OCaml of primitive strings.
Note: the extraction of primitive strings relies on Coq's internal file
kernel/, so make sure the corresponding binary is available
when linking the extracted OCaml code.
For example, if you build a ("_CoqProject" + coq_makefile)-based project
and if you created an empty subfolder "extracted" and a file "test.v"
containing Cd "extracted". Separate Extraction function_to_extract.,
you will just need to add in the "_CoqProject" file: test.v, -I extracted
and the list of extracted/*.ml and extracted/*.mli files, then add
CAMLFLAGS += -w -33 in the Makefile.local file.
Primitive types and operators.
Extract Constant PrimString.string => "Pstring.t".
Extract Constant PrimString.max_length => "Pstring.max_length".
Extract Constant PrimString.make => "Pstring.make".
Extract Constant PrimString.length => "Pstring.length".
Extract Constant PrimString.get => "Pstring.get".
Extract Constant PrimString.sub => "Pstring.sub".
Extract Constant => "".
Extract Constant => "(fun x y -> let c = x y in if c = 0 then Eq else if c < 0 then Lt else Gt)".