Module Context.Rel

Representation of contexts that can capture anonymous as well as non-anonymous variables. Individual declarations are then designated by de Bruijn indexes.

module Declaration : sig ... end
type ('constr, 'types, 'r) pt = ('constr'types'r) list

Rel-context is represented as a list of declarations. Inner-most declarations are at the beginning of the list. Outer-most declarations are at the end of the list.

val empty : ('c't'r) pt

empty rel-context

val add : ('c't'r) -> ('c't'r) pt -> ('c't'r) pt

Return a new rel-context enriched by with a given inner-most declaration.

val length : ('c't'r) pt -> int

Return the number of local declarations in a given rel-context.

val equal : ('r -> 'r -> bool) -> ('c -> 'c -> bool) -> ('c'c'r) pt -> ('c'c'r) pt -> bool

Check whether given two rel-contexts are equal.

val nhyps : ('c't'r) pt -> int

Return the number of local assumptions in a given rel-context.

val lookup : int -> ('c't'r) pt -> ('c't'r)

Return a declaration designated by a given de Bruijn index.

  • raises Not_found

    if the designated de Bruijn index outside the range.

val map : ('c -> 'c) -> ('c'c'r) pt -> ('c'c'r) pt

Map all terms in a given rel-context.

val map_with_relevance : ('r -> 'r) -> ('c -> 'c) -> ('c'c'r) pt -> ('c'c'r) pt

Map all terms in a given rel-context.

val map_het : ('r1 -> 'r2) -> ('c -> 'd) -> ('c'c'r1) pt -> ('d'd'r2) pt

Map all terms in a given named-context.

val map_with_binders : (int -> 'c -> 'c) -> ('c'c'r) pt -> ('c'c'r) pt

Map all terms in a given rel-context taking into account the position of the binder in the context starting at 1.

val iter : ('c -> unit) -> ('c'c'r) pt -> unit

Perform a given action on every declaration in a given rel-context.

val fold_inside : ('a -> ('c't'r) -> 'a) -> init:'a -> ('c't'r) pt -> 'a

Reduce all terms in a given rel-context to a single value. Innermost declarations are processed first.

val fold_outside : (('c't'r) -> 'a -> 'a) -> ('c't'r) pt -> init:'a -> 'a

Reduce all terms in a given rel-context to a single value. Outermost declarations are processed first.

val to_vars : ('c't'r) pt -> Names.Id.Set.t

Return the set of all named variables bound in a given rel-context.

val to_tags : ('c't'r) pt -> bool list

Map a given rel-context to a list where each local assumption is mapped to true and each local definition is mapped to false. The resulting list is in reverse order compared to the order of declarations in the context.

val drop_bodies : ('c't'r) pt -> ('c't'r) pt

Turn all LocalDef into LocalAssum, leave LocalAssum unchanged.

val chop_nhyps : int -> ('c't'r) pt -> ('c't'r) pt * ('c't'r) pt

chop_nhyps n Γ returns Γ'',Γ' such that Γ=Γ'Γ'', Γ'' has n hypotheses (i.e. LocalAssum), excluding local definitions (i.e. LocalDef), and Γ'', if n non zero, starts with an hypothesis (i.e., Γ'' has the form x:A;Γ''', i.e., local definitions at the junction of the n hypotheses are put in Γ' rather than in Γ''

val instance : (int -> 'v) -> int -> ('c't'r) pt -> 'v array

instance mk n Γ builds an instance args such that Γ,Δ ⊢ args:Γ with n = |Δ| and with the local definitions of Γ skipped in args where mk is used to build the corresponding variables. Example: for x:T, y:=c, z:U and n=2, it gives mk 5, mk 3.

val instance_list : (int -> 'v) -> int -> ('c't'r) pt -> 'v list

instance_list is like instance but returning a list.

val to_extended_vect : (int -> 'r) -> int -> ('c't'r) pt -> 'r array
val to_extended_list : (int -> 'r) -> int -> ('c't'r) pt -> 'r list