Module Vernacextend

Vernacular Extension data

type vernac_keep_as =
| VtKeepAxiom
| VtKeepDefined
| VtKeepOpaque
type vernac_qed_type =
| VtKeep of vernac_keep_as
| VtDrop
type vernac_when =
| VtNow
| VtLater
type vernac_classification =
| VtStartProof of vernac_start
| VtSideff of vernac_sideff_type
| VtQed of vernac_qed_type
| VtProofStep of {
proof_block_detection : proof_block_name option;
| VtQuery
| VtProofMode of Pvernac.proof_mode
| VtMeta
and vernac_start = opacity_guarantee * Names.Id.t list
and vernac_sideff_type = Names.Id.t list * vernac_when
and opacity_guarantee =
| GuaranteesOpacity(*

Only generates opaque terms at Qed

| Doesn'tGuaranteeOpacity(*

May generate transparent terms even with Qed.

and solving_tac = bool

a terminator

and anon_abstracting_tac = bool

abstracting anonymously its result

and proof_block_name = string

open type of delimiters

type vernac_command = ?loc:Loc.t -> atts:Attributes.vernac_flags -> unit -> Vernactypes.typed_vernac
type plugin_args = Genarg.raw_generic_argument list
type (_, _) ty_sig =
| TyNil : (vernac_commandvernac_classification) ty_sig
| TyTerminal : string * ('r's) ty_sig -> ('r's) ty_sig
| TyNonTerminal : ('a'b'c) Extend.ty_user_symbol * ('r's) ty_sig -> ('a -> 'r'a -> 's) ty_sig
type ty_ml =
| TyML : bool * ('r's) ty_sig * 'r * 's option -> ty_ml
val static_vernac_extend : plugin:string option -> command:string -> ?classifier:(string -> vernac_classification) -> ?entry:Vernacexpr.vernac_expr Procq.Entry.t -> ty_ml list -> unit

Statically extend vernacular commands.

This is used by coqpp VERNAC EXTEND. It should not be used directly, use declare_dynamic_vernac_extend instead.

Commands added by plugins at Declare ML Module / Require time should provide plugin.

Commands added without providing plugin cannot be removed from the grammar or modified. Not passing plugin is possible for non-plugin rocq-runtime commands and deprecated for all other callers.

val static_linking_done : unit -> unit

Used to tell the system that all future vernac extends are from plugins.

val declare_dynamic_vernac_extend : command:Vernacexpr.extend_name -> ?entry:Vernacexpr.vernac_expr Procq.Entry.t -> depr:bool -> 's -> ('r's) ty_sig -> 'r -> Vernacexpr.extend_name

Dynamically extend vernacular commands (for instance when importing some module).

Reusing a command string will replace previous uses. The result is undefined and probably produces anomalies if the previous grammar rule is still active and was different from the new one.

The polymorphic arguments are as in TyML.

The declared grammar extension is disabled, one needs to call Egramml.extend_vernac_command_grammar in order to enable it. That call should use undoable:true to make it possible to disable the extension, e.g. by backtracking over the command which enabled it.

type 'a argument_rule =
| Arg_alias of 'a Procq.Entry.t(*

This is used because CAMLP5 parser can be dumb about rule factorization, which sometimes requires two entries to be the same.

| Arg_rules of 'a Procq.Production.t list(*

There is a discrepancy here as we use directly extension rules and thus entries instead of ty_user_symbol and thus arguments as roots.

type 'a vernac_argument = {
arg_printer : Environ.env -> Evd.evar_map -> 'a -> Pp.t;
arg_parsing : 'a argument_rule;
val vernac_argument_extend : plugin:string -> name:string -> 'a vernac_argument -> 'a Genarg.vernac_genarg_type * 'a Procq.Entry.t
val get_vernac_classifier : Vernacexpr.extend_name -> classifier

STM classifiers

val classify_as_query : vernac_classification

Standard constant classifiers

val classify_as_sideeff : vernac_classification
val classify_as_proofstep : vernac_classification