Module Declare
This module provides the official functions to declare new variables, parameters, constants and inductive types. Using the following functions will add the entries in the global environment (module Global
), will register the declarations in the library (module Lib
) --- so that the reset works properly --- and will fill some global tables such as Nametab
and Impargs
type 'a proof_entry
= private
proof_entry_body : 'a Entries.const_entry_body;
proof_entry_secctx : Names.Id.Set.t option;
proof_entry_feedback : Stateid.t option;
proof_entry_type : Constr.types option;
proof_entry_universes : Entries.universes_entry;
proof_entry_opaque : bool;
proof_entry_inline_code : bool;
Proof entries
type variable_declaration
SectionLocalDef of Evd.side_effects proof_entry
SectionLocalAssum of
typ : Constr.types;
impl : Glob_term.binding_kind;
type 'a constant_entry
DefinitionEntry of 'a proof_entry
ParameterEntry of Entries.parameter_entry
PrimitiveEntry of Entries.primitive_entry
val declare_universe_context : poly:bool -> Univ.ContextSet.t -> unit
val declare_variable : name:Names.variable -> kind:Decls.logical_kind -> variable_declaration -> unit
val definition_entry : ?fix_exn:Future.fix_exn -> ?opaque:bool -> ?inline:bool -> ?types:Constr.types -> ?univs:Entries.universes_entry -> ?eff:Evd.side_effects -> Constr.constr -> Evd.side_effects proof_entry
val pure_definition_entry : ?fix_exn:Future.fix_exn -> ?opaque:bool -> ?inline:bool -> ?types:Constr.types -> ?univs:Entries.universes_entry -> Constr.constr -> unit proof_entry
val delayed_definition_entry : ?opaque:bool -> ?inline:bool -> ?feedback_id:Stateid.t -> ?section_vars:Names.Id.Set.t -> ?univs:Entries.universes_entry -> ?types:Constr.types -> 'a Entries.const_entry_body -> 'a proof_entry
val declare_constant : ?local:import_status -> name:Names.Id.t -> kind:Decls.logical_kind -> Evd.side_effects constant_entry -> Names.Constant.t
declare_constant id cd
declares a global declaration (constant/parameter) with nameid
in the current section; it returns the full path of the declarationinternal specify if the constant has been created by the kernel or by the user, and in the former case, if its errors should be silent
val declare_private_constant : ?role:Evd.side_effect_role -> ?local:import_status -> name:Names.Id.t -> kind:Decls.logical_kind -> unit proof_entry -> Names.Constant.t * Evd.side_effects
val inline_private_constants : univs:UState.t -> Environ.env -> Evd.side_effects proof_entry -> Constr.t * UState.t
inline_private_constants ~sideff ~univs env ce
will inline the constants ince
's body and return the body plus the updatedUState.t
val definition_message : Names.Id.t -> unit
val assumption_message : Names.Id.t -> unit
val fixpoint_message : int array option -> Names.Id.t list -> unit
val cofixpoint_message : Names.Id.t list -> unit
val recursive_message : bool -> int array option -> Names.Id.t list -> unit
val check_exists : Names.Id.t -> unit
AlreadyDeclared of string option * Names.Id.t
module Internal : sig ... end