Module type Grammar.S

Signature type of the functor Grammar.GMake. The types and functions are almost the same than in generic interface, but:

type te
type 'c pattern
type parsable
val parsable : ?⁠loc:Loc.t -> char Stdlib.Stream.t -> parsable
val tokens : string -> (string option * int) list
module Entry : sig ... end
type ('self, 'trec, 'a) ty_symbol
type ('self, 'trec, 'f, 'r) ty_rule
type 'a ty_rules
type 'a ty_production
val s_nterm : 'a Entry.e -> ('selfty_norec'a) ty_symbol
val s_nterml : 'a Entry.e -> string -> ('selfty_norec'a) ty_symbol
val s_list0 : ('self'trec'a) ty_symbol -> ('self'trec'a list) ty_symbol
val s_list0sep : ('self'trec'a) ty_symbol -> ('selfty_norec'b) ty_symbol -> bool -> ('self'trec'a list) ty_symbol
val s_list1 : ('self'trec'a) ty_symbol -> ('self'trec'a list) ty_symbol
val s_list1sep : ('self'trec'a) ty_symbol -> ('selfty_norec'b) ty_symbol -> bool -> ('self'trec'a list) ty_symbol
val s_opt : ('self'trec'a) ty_symbol -> ('self'trec'a option) ty_symbol
val s_self : ('selfty_mayrec'self) ty_symbol
val s_next : ('selfty_mayrec'self) ty_symbol
val s_token : 'c pattern -> ('selfty_norec'c) ty_symbol
val s_rules : warning:(string -> unit) option -> 'a ty_rules list -> ('selfty_norec'a) ty_symbol
val r_stop : ('selfty_norec'r'r) ty_rule
val r_next : ('self_'a'r) ty_rule -> ('self_'b) ty_symbol -> ('selfty_mayrec'b -> 'a'r) ty_rule
val r_next_norec : ('selfty_norec'a'r) ty_rule -> ('selfty_norec'b) ty_symbol -> ('selfty_norec'b -> 'a'r) ty_rule
val rules : ((_ty_norec'fLoc.t -> 'a) ty_rule * 'f) -> 'a ty_rules
val production : (('a_'fLoc.t -> 'a) ty_rule * 'f) -> 'a ty_production
module Unsafe : sig ... end
val safe_extend : warning:(string -> unit) option -> 'a Entry.e -> Gramext.position option -> (string option * Gramext.g_assoc option * 'a ty_production list) list -> unit
val safe_delete_rule : 'a Entry.e -> ('a_'f'r) ty_rule -> unit