Module DeclareObl
type 'a obligation_body
DefinedObl of 'a
TermObl of Constr.constr
module Obligation : sig ... end
type obligations
obls : Obligation.t array;
remaining : int;
type fixpoint_kind
IsFixpoint of Names.lident option list
module ProgramDecl : sig ... end
val declare_obligation : ProgramDecl.t -> Obligation.t -> Constr.types -> Constr.types option -> Entries.universes_entry -> bool * Obligation.t
Save an obligation
module ProgMap : CMap.ExtS with type key = Names.Id.t and module Set := Names.Id.Set
val declare_definition : ProgramDecl.t -> Names.GlobRef.t
type progress
Remain of int
n obligations remaining
Dependent on other definitions
Defined of Names.GlobRef.t
Defined as id
Resolution status of a program
type obligation_qed_info
name : Names.Id.t;
num : int;
auto : Names.Id.t option -> Int.Set.t -> unit Proofview.tactic option -> progress;
val obligation_terminator : Evd.side_effects Declare.proof_entry list -> UState.t -> obligation_qed_info -> unit
part 2 of saving an obligation, proof mode
val obligation_hook : ProgramDecl.t -> Obligation.t -> Int.t -> (Names.Id.t option -> Int.Set.t -> 'a option -> 'b) -> Declare.Hook.S.t -> unit
part 2 of saving an obligation, non-interactive mode
val update_obls : ProgramDecl.t -> Obligation.t array -> int -> progress
update_obls prg obls n progress
What does this do?
val check_can_close : Names.Id.t -> unit
Check obligations are properly solved before closing a section
val get_prg_info_map : unit -> ProgramDecl.t CEphemeron.key ProgMap.t
val program_tcc_summary_tag : ProgramDecl.t CEphemeron.key Names.Id.Map.t Summary.Dyn.tag
val obl_substitution : bool -> Obligation.t array -> Int.Set.t -> (ProgMap.key * (Constr.types * Constr.types)) list
val dependencies : Obligation.t array -> int -> Int.Set.t
val err_not_transp : unit -> unit
val progmap_add : ProgMap.key -> ProgramDecl.t CEphemeron.key -> unit
val stm_get_fix_exn : (unit -> Exninfo.iexn -> Exninfo.iexn) Hook.t