Module Opaqueproof
type 'a delayed_universes
PrivateMonomorphic of 'a
PrivatePolymorphic of int * Univ.ContextSet.t
Number of surrounding bound universes + local constraints
type proofterm
= (Constr.constr * Univ.ContextSet.t delayed_universes) Future.computation
type opaquetab
type opaque
val empty_opaquetab : opaquetab
val create : Names.DirPath.t -> proofterm -> opaquetab -> opaque * opaquetab
From a
to someopaque
type work_list
= (Univ.Instance.t * Names.Id.t array) Names.Cmap.t * (Univ.Instance.t * Names.Id.t array) Names.Mindmap.t
type cooking_info
modlist : work_list;
abstract : Constr.named_context * Univ.Instance.t * Univ.AUContext.t;
type opaque_proofterm
= (Constr.t * unit delayed_universes) option
type indirect_accessor
access_proof : Names.DirPath.t -> int -> opaque_proofterm;
access_discharge : cooking_info list -> (Constr.t * unit delayed_universes) -> Constr.t * unit delayed_universes;
Opaque terms are indexed by their library dirpath and an integer index. The two functions above activate this indirect storage, by telling how to retrieve terms.
val force_proof : indirect_accessor -> opaquetab -> opaque -> Constr.constr * unit delayed_universes
From a
back to aconstr
. This might use the indirect opaque accessor given as an argument.
val force_constraints : indirect_accessor -> opaquetab -> opaque -> Univ.ContextSet.t
val subst_opaque : Mod_subst.substitution -> opaque -> opaque
val discharge_opaque : cooking_info -> opaque -> opaque
val join_opaque : ?except:Future.UUIDSet.t -> opaquetab -> opaque -> unit
val dump : ?except:Future.UUIDSet.t -> opaquetab -> opaque_proofterm array * int Future.UUIDMap.t