\[\begin{split}\newcommand{\as}{\kw{as}} \newcommand{\Assum}[3]{\kw{Assum}(#1)(#2:#3)} \newcommand{\case}{\kw{case}} \newcommand{\cons}{\textsf{cons}} \newcommand{\consf}{\textsf{consf}} \newcommand{\Def}[4]{\kw{Def}(#1)(#2:=#3:#4)} \newcommand{\emptyf}{\textsf{emptyf}} \newcommand{\End}{\kw{End}} \newcommand{\kwend}{\kw{end}} \newcommand{\even}{\textsf{even}} \newcommand{\evenO}{\textsf{even}_\textsf{O}} \newcommand{\evenS}{\textsf{even}_\textsf{S}} \newcommand{\Fix}{\kw{Fix}} \newcommand{\fix}{\kw{fix}} \newcommand{\for}{\textsf{for}} \newcommand{\forest}{\textsf{forest}} \newcommand{\Functor}{\kw{Functor}} \newcommand{\In}{\kw{in}} \newcommand{\Ind}[4]{\kw{Ind}[#2](#3:=#4)} \newcommand{\ind}[3]{\kw{Ind}~[#1]\left(#2\mathrm{~:=~}#3\right)} \newcommand{\Indp}[5]{\kw{Ind}_{#5}(#1)[#2](#3:=#4)} \newcommand{\Indpstr}[6]{\kw{Ind}_{#5}(#1)[#2](#3:=#4)/{#6}} \newcommand{\injective}{\kw{injective}} \newcommand{\kw}[1]{\textsf{#1}} \newcommand{\length}{\textsf{length}} \newcommand{\letin}[3]{\kw{let}~#1:=#2~\kw{in}~#3} \newcommand{\List}{\textsf{list}} \newcommand{\lra}{\longrightarrow} \newcommand{\Match}{\kw{match}} \newcommand{\Mod}[3]{{\kw{Mod}}({#1}:{#2}\,\zeroone{:={#3}})} \newcommand{\ModA}[2]{{\kw{ModA}}({#1}=={#2})} \newcommand{\ModS}[2]{{\kw{Mod}}({#1}:{#2})} \newcommand{\ModType}[2]{{\kw{ModType}}({#1}:={#2})} \newcommand{\mto}{.\;} \newcommand{\nat}{\textsf{nat}} \newcommand{\Nil}{\textsf{nil}} \newcommand{\nilhl}{\textsf{nil\_hl}} \newcommand{\nO}{\textsf{O}} \newcommand{\node}{\textsf{node}} \newcommand{\nS}{\textsf{S}} \newcommand{\odd}{\textsf{odd}} \newcommand{\oddS}{\textsf{odd}_\textsf{S}} \newcommand{\ovl}[1]{\overline{#1}} \newcommand{\Pair}{\textsf{pair}} \newcommand{\plus}{\mathsf{plus}} \newcommand{\SProp}{\textsf{SProp}} \newcommand{\Prop}{\textsf{Prop}} \newcommand{\return}{\kw{return}} \newcommand{\Set}{\textsf{Set}} \newcommand{\Sort}{\mathcal{S}} \newcommand{\Str}{\textsf{Stream}} \newcommand{\Struct}{\kw{Struct}} \newcommand{\subst}[3]{#1\{#2/#3\}} \newcommand{\tl}{\textsf{tl}} \newcommand{\tree}{\textsf{tree}} \newcommand{\trii}{\triangleright_\iota} \newcommand{\Type}{\textsf{Type}} \newcommand{\WEV}[3]{\mbox{$#1[] \vdash #2 \lra #3$}} \newcommand{\WEVT}[3]{\mbox{$#1[] \vdash #2 \lra$}\\ \mbox{$ #3$}} \newcommand{\WF}[2]{{\mathcal{W\!F}}(#1)[#2]} \newcommand{\WFE}[1]{\WF{E}{#1}} \newcommand{\WFT}[2]{#1[] \vdash {\mathcal{W\!F}}(#2)} \newcommand{\WFTWOLINES}[2]{{\mathcal{W\!F}}\begin{array}{l}(#1)\\\mbox{}[{#2}]\end{array}} \newcommand{\with}{\kw{with}} \newcommand{\WS}[3]{#1[] \vdash #2 <: #3} \newcommand{\WSE}[2]{\WS{E}{#1}{#2}} \newcommand{\WT}[4]{#1[#2] \vdash #3 : #4} \newcommand{\WTE}[3]{\WT{E}{#1}{#2}{#3}} \newcommand{\WTEG}[2]{\WTE{\Gamma}{#1}{#2}} \newcommand{\WTM}[3]{\WT{#1}{}{#2}{#3}} \newcommand{\zeroone}[1]{[{#1}]} \end{split}\]

Syntax extensions and notation scopes

In this chapter, we introduce advanced commands to modify the way Coq parses and prints objects, i.e. the translations between the concrete and internal representations of terms and commands.

The main commands to provide custom symbolic notations for terms are Notation and Infix; they will be described in the next section. There is also a variant of Notation which does not modify the parser; this provides a form of abbreviation. It is sometimes expected that the same symbolic notation has different meanings in different contexts; to achieve this form of overloading, Coq offers a notion of notation scopes. The main command to provide custom notations for tactics is Tactic Notation.

Set Printing Depth 50.


Basic notations

Command Notation string := one_term ( syntax_modifier+, )? : scope_name?

Defines a notation, an alternate syntax for entering or displaying a specific term or term pattern.

This command supports the local attribute, which limits its effect to the current module. If the command is inside a section, its effect is limited to the section.

Specifying scope_name associates the notation with that scope. Otherwise it is a lonely notation, that is, not associated with a scope.

For example, the following definition permits using the infix expression A /\ B to represent (and A B):

Notation "A /\ B" := (and A B).

"A /\ B" is a notation, which tells how to represent the abbreviated term (and A B).

Notations must be in double quotes, except when the abbreviation has the form of an ordinary applicative expression; see Abbreviations. The notation consists of tokens separated by spaces. Alphanumeric strings (such as A and B) are the parameters of the notation. Each of them must occur at least once in the abbreviated term. The other elements of the string (such as /\) are the symbols.

Substrings enclosed in single quotes are treated as literals. This is necessary for substrings that would otherwise be interpreted as idents. Similarly, every symbol of at least 3 characters and starting with a simple quote must be quoted (then it starts by two single quotes). Here is an example.

Notation "'IF' c1 'then' c2 'else' c3" := (IF_then_else c1 c2 c3).

A notation binds a syntactic expression to a term. Unless the parser and pretty-printer of Coq already know how to deal with the syntactic expression (such as through Reserved Notation or for notations that contain only literals), explicit precedences and associativity rules have to be given.


The right-hand side of a notation is interpreted at the time the notation is given. In particular, disambiguation of constants, implicit arguments and other notations are resolved at the time of the declaration of the notation.

Precedences and associativity

Mixing different symbolic notations in the same text may cause serious parsing ambiguity. To deal with the ambiguity of notations, Coq uses precedence levels ranging from 0 to 100 (plus one extra level numbered 200) and associativity rules.

Consider for example the new notation

Notation "A \/ B" := (or A B).

Clearly, an expression such as forall A:Prop, True /\ A \/ A \/ False is ambiguous. To tell the Coq parser how to interpret the expression, a priority between the symbols /\ and \/ has to be given. Assume for instance that we want conjunction to bind more than disjunction. This is expressed by assigning a precedence level to each notation, knowing that a lower level binds more than a higher level. Hence the level for disjunction must be higher than the level for conjunction.

Since connectives are not tight articulation points of a text, it is reasonable to choose levels not so far from the highest level which is 100, for example 85 for disjunction and 80 for conjunction 1.

Similarly, an associativity is needed to decide whether True /\ False /\ False defaults to True /\ (False /\ False) (right associativity) or to (True /\ False) /\ False (left associativity). We may even consider that the expression is not well-formed and that parentheses are mandatory (this is a “no associativity”) 2. We do not know of a special convention for the associativity of disjunction and conjunction, so let us apply right associativity (which is the choice of Coq).

Precedence levels and associativity rules of notations are specified with a list of parenthesized syntax_modifiers. Here is how the previous examples refine:

Notation "A /\ B" := (and A B) (at level 80, right associativity).
Notation "A \/ B" := (or A B) (at level 85, right associativity).

By default, a notation is considered nonassociative, but the precedence level is mandatory (except for special cases whose level is canonical). The level is either a number or the phrase next level whose meaning is obvious. Some associativities are predefined in the Notations module.

Complex notations

Notations can be made from arbitrarily complex symbols. One can for instance define prefix notations.

Notation "~ x" := (not x) (at level 75, right associativity).

One can also define notations for incomplete terms, with the hole expected to be inferred during type checking.

Notation "x = y" := (@eq _ x y) (at level 70, no associativity).

One can define closed notations whose both sides are symbols. In this case, the default precedence level for the inner sub-expression is 200, and the default level for the notation itself is 0.

Notation "( x , y )" := (@pair _ _ x y).
Setting notation at level 0.

One can also define notations for binders.

Notation "{ x : A | P }" := (sig A (fun x => P)).

In the last case though, there is a conflict with the notation for type casts. The notation for type casts, as shown by the command Print Grammar constr is at level 100. To avoid x : A being parsed as a type cast, it is necessary to put x at a level below 100, typically 99. Hence, a correct definition is the following:

Reset Initial.
Notation "{ x : A | P }" := (sig A (fun x => P)) (x at level 99).
Setting notation at level 0.

More generally, it is required that notations are explicitly factorized on the left. See the next section for more about factorization.

Simple factorization rules

Coq extensible parsing is performed by Camlp5 which is essentially a LL1 parser: it decides which notation to parse by looking at tokens from left to right. Hence, some care has to be taken not to hide already existing rules by new rules. Some simple left factorization work has to be done. Here is an example.

Notation "x < y" := (lt x y) (at level 70).
Fail Notation "x < y < z" := (x < y /\ y < z) (at level 70).
Toplevel input, characters 0-60: > Fail Notation "x < y < z" := (x < y /\ y < z) (at level 70). > ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Warning: Notation "_ < _ < _" was already defined with a different format. [notation-incompatible-format,parsing] The command has indeed failed with message: Notation "_ < _ < _" is already defined at level 70 with arguments constr at next level, constr at next level, constr at next level while it is now required to be at level 70 with arguments constr at next level, constr, constr at next level.

In order to factorize the left part of the rules, the subexpression referred to by y has to be at the same level in both rules. However the default behavior puts y at the next level below 70 in the first rule (no associativity is the default), and at level 200 in the second rule (level 200 is the default for inner expressions). To fix this, we need to force the parsing level of y, as follows.

Notation "x < y" := (lt x y) (at level 70).
Notation "x < y < z" := (x < y /\ y < z) (at level 70, y at next level).

For the sake of factorization with Coq predefined rules, simple rules have to be observed for notations starting with a symbol, e.g., rules starting with “{” or “(” should be put at level 0. The list of Coq predefined notations can be found in the chapter on The Coq library.

Displaying symbolic notations

The command Notation has an effect both on the Coq parser and on the Coq printer. For example:

Check (and True True).
True /\ True : Prop

However, printing, especially pretty-printing, also requires some care. We may want specific indentations, line breaks, alignment if on several lines, etc. For pretty-printing, Coq relies on OCaml formatting library, which provides indentation and automatic line breaks depending on page width by means of formatting boxes.

The default printing of notations is rudimentary. For printing a notation, a formatting box is opened in such a way that if the notation and its arguments cannot fit on a single line, a line break is inserted before the symbols of the notation and the arguments on the next lines are aligned with the argument on the first line.

A first, simple control that a user can have on the printing of a notation is the insertion of spaces at some places of the notation. This is performed by adding extra spaces between the symbols and parameters: each extra space (other than the single space needed to separate the components) is interpreted as a space to be inserted by the printer. Here is an example showing how to add spaces around the bar of the notation.

Notation "{{ x : A | P }}" := (sig (fun x : A => P)) (at level 0, x at level 99).
Check (sig (fun x : nat => x=x)).
{{x : nat | x = x}} : Set

The second, more powerful control on printing is by using syntax_modifiers. Here is an example

Notation "'If' c1 'then' c2 'else' c3" := (IF_then_else c1 c2 c3) (at level 200, right associativity, format "'[v ' 'If' c1 '/' '[' 'then' c2 ']' '/' '[' 'else' c3 ']' ']'").
Identifier 'If' now a keyword
Check   (IF_then_else (IF_then_else True False True)     (IF_then_else True False True)     (IF_then_else True False True)).
If If True then False else True then If True then False else True else If True then False else True : Prop

A format is an extension of the string denoting the notation with the possible following elements delimited by single quotes:

  • tokens of the form '/ ' are translated into breaking points. If there is a line break, indents the number of spaces appearing after the “/” (no indentation in the example)

  • tokens of the form '//' force writing on a new line

  • well-bracketed pairs of tokens of the form '[ ' and ']' are translated into printing boxes; if there is a line break, an extra indentation of the number of spaces after the “[” is applied

  • well-bracketed pairs of tokens of the form '[hv ' and ']' are translated into horizontal-or-else-vertical printing boxes; if the content of the box does not fit on a single line, then every breaking point forces a new line and an extra indentation of the number of spaces after the “[hv” is applied at the beginning of each new line

  • well-bracketed pairs of tokens of the form '[v ' and ']' are translated into vertical printing boxes; every breaking point forces a new line, even if the line is large enough to display the whole content of the box, and an extra indentation of the number of spaces after the “[v” is applied at the beginning of each new line (3 spaces in the example)

  • extra spaces in other tokens are preserved in the output

Notations disappear when a section is closed. No typing of the denoted expression is performed at definition time. Type checking is done only at the time of use of the notation.


Sometimes, a notation is expected only for the parser. To do so, the option only parsing is allowed in the list of syntax_modifiers in Notation. Conversely, the only printing syntax_modifier can be used to declare that a notation should only be used for printing and should not declare a parsing rule. In particular, such notations do not modify the parser.

The Infix command

The Infix command is a shortcut for declaring notations for infix symbols.

Command Infix string := one_term ( syntax_modifier+, )? : scope_name?

This command is equivalent to

Notation "x string y" := (one_term x y) ( syntax_modifier+, )? : scope_name?

where x and y are fresh names and omitting the quotes around string. Here is an example:

Infix "/\" := and (at level 80, right associativity).

Reserving notations

Command Reserved Notation string ( syntax_modifier+, )?

A given notation may be used in different contexts. Coq expects all uses of the notation to be defined at the same precedence and with the same associativity. To avoid giving the precedence and associativity every time, this command declares a parsing rule (string) in advance without giving its interpretation. Here is an example from the initial state of Coq.

Reserved Notation "x = y" (at level 70, no associativity).

Reserving a notation is also useful for simultaneously defining an inductive type or a recursive constant and a notation for it.


The notations mentioned in the module Notations are reserved. Hence their precedence and associativity cannot be changed.

Command Reserved Infix string ( syntax_modifier+, )?

This command declares an infix parsing rule without giving its interpretation.

When a format is attached to a reserved notation (with the format syntax_modifier), it is used by default by all subsequent interpretations of the corresponding notation. Individual interpretations can override the format.

Simultaneous definition of terms and notations

Thanks to reserved notations, inductive, co-inductive, record, recursive and corecursive definitions can use customized notations. To do this, insert a decl_notations clause after the definition of the (co)inductive type or (co)recursive term (or after the definition of each of them in case of mutual definitions). The exact syntax is given by decl_notation for inductive, co-inductive, recursive and corecursive definitions and in Record types for records.

Here are examples:

Reserved Notation "A & B" (at level 80).
Inductive and' (A B : Prop) : Prop := conj' : A -> B -> A & B where "A & B" := (and' A B).
and' is defined and'_rect is defined and'_ind is defined and'_rec is defined and'_sind is defined
Fixpoint plus (n m : nat) {struct n} : nat := match n with     | O => m     | S p => S (p+m) end where "n + m" := (plus n m).
Toplevel input, characters 0-125: > Fixpoint plus (n m : nat) {struct n} : nat := match n with | O => m | S p => S (p+m) end where "n + m" := (plus n m). > ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Warning: Not a truly recursive fixpoint. [non-recursive,fixpoints] plus is defined plus is recursively defined (guarded on 1st argument)

Displaying information about notations

Flag Printing Notations

Controls whether to use notations for printing terms wherever possible. Default is on.

Flag Printing Parentheses

If on, parentheses are printed even if implied by associativity and precedence Default is off.

See also

Printing All to disable other elements in addition to notations.

Command Print Grammar ident

Shows the grammar for the nonterminal ident, which must be one of the following:

  • constr - for terms

  • pattern - for patterns

  • tactic - for currently-defined tactic notations, tactics and tacticals (corresponding to ltac_expr in the documentation).

  • vernac - for commands

The first three of these give the precedence and associativity for each construct. For example, these lines printed by Print Grammar tactic indicates that the try construct is at level 3 and right-associative. SELF represents the tactic_expr nonterminal at level 5 (the top level):

| "3" RIGHTA
  [ IDENT "try"; SELF

Note that the productions printed by this command are represented in the form used by Coq's parser (coqpp), which differs from how productions are shown in the documentation.

Locating notations

To know to which notations a given symbol belongs to, use the Locate command. You can call it on any (composite) symbol surrounded by double quotes. To locate a particular notation, use a string where the variables of the notation are replaced by “_” and where possible single quotes inserted around identifiers or tokens starting with a single quote are dropped.

Locate "exists".
Notation "'exists' x .. y , p" := ex (fun x => .. (ex (fun y => p)) ..) : type_scope (default interpretation) "'exists' ! x .. y , p" := ex (unique (fun x => .. (ex (unique (fun y => p))) ..)) : type_scope (default interpretation)
Locate "exists _ .. _ , _".
Notation "'exists' x .. y , p" := ex (fun x => .. (ex (fun y => p)) ..) : type_scope (default interpretation)

Inheritance of the properties of arguments of constants bound to a notation

If the right-hand side of a notation is a partially applied constant, the notation inherits the implicit arguments (see Implicit arguments) and notation scopes (see Notation scopes) of the constant. For instance:

Record R := {dom : Type; op : forall {A}, A -> dom}.
R is defined dom is defined op is defined
Notation "# x" := (@op x) (at level 8).
Check fun x:R => # x 3.
fun x : R => # x 3 : forall x : R, dom x

As an exception, if the right-hand side is just of the form @qualid, this conventionally stops the inheritance of implicit arguments (but not of notation scopes).

Notations and binders

Notations can include binders. This section lists different ways to deal with binders. For further examples, see also Notations with recursive patterns involving binders.

Binders bound in the notation and parsed as identifiers

Here is the basic example of a notation using a binder:

Notation "'sigma' x : A , B" := (sigT (fun x : A => B))   (at level 200, x ident, A at level 200, right associativity).
Identifier 'sigma' now a keyword

The binding variables in the right-hand side that occur as a parameter of the notation (here x) dynamically bind all the occurrences in their respective binding scope after instantiation of the parameters of the notation. This means that the term bound to B can refer to the variable name bound to x as shown in the following application of the notation:

Check sigma z : nat, z = 0.
sigma z : nat, z = 0 : Set

Note the syntax_modifier x ident in the declaration of the notation. It tells to parse x as a single identifier.

Binders bound in the notation and parsed as patterns

In the same way as patterns can be used as binders, as in fun '(x,y) => x+y or fun '(existT _ x _) => x, notations can be defined so that any pattern can be used in place of the binder. Here is an example:

Notation "'subset' ' p , P " := (sig (fun p => P))   (at level 200, p pattern, format "'subset' ' p , P").
Identifier 'subset' now a keyword
Check subset '(x,y), x+y=0.
subset '(x, y), x + y = 0 : Set

The syntax_modifier p pattern in the declaration of the notation tells to parse p as a pattern. Note that a single variable is both an identifier and a pattern, so, e.g., the following also works:

Check subset 'x, x=0.
subset 'x, x = 0 : Set

If one wants to prevent such a notation to be used for printing when the pattern is reduced to a single identifier, one has to use instead the syntax_modifier p strict pattern. For parsing, however, a strict pattern will continue to include the case of a variable. Here is an example showing the difference:

Notation "'subset_bis' ' p , P" := (sig (fun p => P))   (at level 200, p strict pattern).
Identifier 'subset_bis' now a keyword
Notation "'subset_bis' p , P " := (sig (fun p => P))   (at level 200, p ident).
Check subset_bis 'x, x=0.
subset_bis x, x = 0 : Set

The default level for a pattern is 0. One can use a different level by using pattern at level \(n\) where the scale is the same as the one for terms (see Notations).

Binders bound in the notation and parsed as terms

Sometimes, for the sake of factorization of rules, a binder has to be parsed as a term. This is typically the case for a notation such as the following:

Notation "{ x : A | P }" := (sig (fun x : A => P))     (at level 0, x at level 99 as ident).

This is so because the grammar also contains rules starting with {} and followed by a term, such as the rule for the notation { A } + { B } for the constant sumbool (see Specification).

Then, in the rule, x ident is replaced by x at level 99 as ident meaning that x is parsed as a term at level 99 (as done in the notation for sumbool), but that this term has actually to be an identifier.

The notation { x | P } is already defined in the standard library with the as ident syntax_modifier. We cannot redefine it but one can define an alternative notation, say { p such that P }, using instead as pattern.

Notation "{ p 'such' 'that' P }" := (sig (fun p => P))   (at level 0, p at level 99 as pattern).
Identifier 'such' now a keyword

Then, the following works:

Check {(x,y) such that x+y=0}.
{(x, y) such that x + y = 0} : Set

To enforce that the pattern should not be used for printing when it is just an identifier, one could have said p at level 99 as strict pattern.

Note also that in the absence of a as ident, as strict pattern or as pattern syntax_modifiers, the default is to consider sub-expressions occurring in binding position and parsed as terms to be as ident.

Binders not bound in the notation

We can also have binders in the right-hand side of a notation which are not themselves bound in the notation. In this case, the binders are considered up to renaming of the internal binder. E.g., for the notation

Notation "'exists_different' n" := (exists p:nat, p<>n) (at level 200).
Identifier 'exists_different' now a keyword

the next command fails because p does not bind in the instance of n.

Fail Check (exists_different p).
The command has indeed failed with message: The reference p was not found in the current environment.
Notation "[> a , .. , b <]" :=   (cons a .. (cons b nil) .., cons b .. (cons a nil) ..).
Setting notation at level 0.

Notations with expressions used both as binder and term

It is possible to use parameters of the notation both in term and binding position. Here is an example:

Definition force n (P:nat -> Prop) := forall n', n' >= n -> P n'.
force is defined
Notation "▢_ n P" := (force n (fun n => P))   (at level 0, n ident, P at level 9, format "▢_ n P").
Check exists p, ▢_p (p >= 1).
exists p : nat, ▢_p (p >= 1) : Prop

More generally, the parameter can be a pattern, as in the following variant:

Definition force2 q (P:nat*nat -> Prop) :=   (forall n', n' >= fst q -> forall p', p' >= snd q -> P q).
force2 is defined
Notation "▢_ p P" := (force2 p (fun p => P))   (at level 0, p pattern at level 0, P at level 9, format "▢_ p P").
Check exists x y, ▢_(x,y) (x >= 1 /\ y >= 2).
exists x y : nat, ▢_(x, y) (x >= 1 /\ y >= 2) : Prop

This support is experimental. For instance, the notation is used for printing only if the occurrence of the parameter in term position comes in the right-hand side before the occurrence in binding position.

Notations with recursive patterns

A mechanism is provided for declaring elementary notations with recursive patterns. The basic example is:

Notation "[ x ; .. ; y ]" := (cons x .. (cons y nil) ..).
Setting notation at level 0.

On the right-hand side, an extra construction of the form .. t .. can be used. Notice that .. is part of the Coq syntax and it must not be confused with the three-dots notation “” used in this manual to denote a sequence of arbitrary size.

On the left-hand side, the part “x s .. s y” of the notation parses any number of times (but at least once) a sequence of expressions separated by the sequence of tokens s (in the example, s is just “;”).

The right-hand side must contain a subterm of the form either φ(x, .. φ(y,t) ..) or φ(y, .. φ(x,t) ..) where \(φ([~]_E , [~]_I)\), called the iterator of the recursive notation is an arbitrary expression with distinguished placeholders and where \(t\) is called the terminating expression of the recursive notation. In the example, we choose the names \(x\) and \(y\) but in practice they can of course be chosen arbitrarily. Note that the placeholder \([~]_I\) has to occur only once but \([~]_E\) can occur several times.

Parsing the notation produces a list of expressions which are used to fill the first placeholder of the iterating pattern which itself is repeatedly nested as many times as the length of the list, the second placeholder being the nesting point. In the innermost occurrence of the nested iterating pattern, the second placeholder is finally filled with the terminating expression.

In the example above, the iterator \(φ([~]_E , [~]_I)\) is \(cons [~]_E\, [~]_I\) and the terminating expression is nil. Here are other examples:

Notation "( x , y , .. , z )" := (pair .. (pair x y) .. z) (at level 0).
Notation "[| t * ( x , y , .. , z ) ; ( a , b , .. , c ) * u |]" :=   (pair (pair .. (pair (pair t x) (pair t y)) .. (pair t z))         (pair .. (pair (pair a u) (pair b u)) .. (pair c u)))   (t at level 39).
Setting notation at level 0.

Notations with recursive patterns can be reserved like standard notations, they can also be declared within notation scopes.

Notations with recursive patterns involving binders

Recursive notations can also be used with binders. The basic example is:

Notation "'exists' x .. y , p" :=   (ex (fun x => .. (ex (fun y => p)) ..))   (at level 200, x binder, y binder, right associativity).

The principle is the same as in Notations with recursive patterns except that in the iterator \(φ([~]_E , [~]_I)\), the placeholder \([~]_E\) can also occur in position of the binding variable of a fun or a forall.

To specify that the part “x .. y” of the notation parses a sequence of binders, x and y must be marked as binder in the list of syntax_modifiers of the notation. The binders of the parsed sequence are used to fill the occurrences of the first placeholder of the iterating pattern which is repeatedly nested as many times as the number of binders generated. If ever the generalization operator ' (see Implicit generalization) is used in the binding list, the added binders are taken into account too.

There are two flavors of binder parsing. If x and y are marked as binder, then a sequence such as a b c : T will be accepted and interpreted as the sequence of binders (a:T) (b:T) (c:T). For instance, in the notation above, the syntax exists a b : nat, a = b is valid.

The variables x and y can also be marked as closed binder in which case only well-bracketed binders of the form (a b c:T) or {a b c:T} etc. are accepted.

With closed binders, the recursive sequence in the left-hand side can be of the more general form x s .. s y where s is an arbitrary sequence of tokens. With open binders though, s has to be empty. Here is an example of recursive notation with closed binders:

Notation "'mylet' f x .. y := t 'in' u":=   (let f := fun x => .. (fun y => t) .. in u)   (at level 200, x closed binder, y closed binder, right associativity).
Identifier 'mylet' now a keyword

A recursive pattern for binders can be used in position of a recursive pattern for terms. Here is an example:

Notation "'FUNAPP' x .. y , f" :=   (fun x => .. (fun y => (.. (f x) ..) y ) ..)   (at level 200, x binder, y binder, right associativity).
Identifier 'FUNAPP' now a keyword

If an occurrence of the \([~]_E\) is not in position of a binding variable but of a term, it is the name used in the binding which is used. Here is an example:

Notation "'exists_non_null' x .. y , P" :=   (ex (fun x => x <> 0 /\ .. (ex (fun y => y <> 0 /\ P)) ..))   (at level 200, x binder).
Identifier 'exists_non_null' now a keyword

Predefined entries

By default, sub-expressions are parsed as terms and the corresponding grammar entry is called constr. However, one may sometimes want to restrict the syntax of terms in a notation. For instance, the following notation will accept to parse only global reference in position of x:

Notation "'apply' f a1 .. an" := (.. (f a1) .. an)   (at level 10, f global, a1, an at level 9).
Identifier 'apply' now a keyword Identifier 'apply' now a keyword

In addition to global, one can restrict the syntax of a sub-expression by using the entry names ident or pattern already seen in Binders not bound in the notation, even when the corresponding expression is not used as a binder in the right-hand side. E.g.:

Notation "'apply_id' f a1 .. an" := (.. (f a1) .. an)   (at level 10, f ident, a1, an at level 9).
Identifier 'apply_id' now a keyword Identifier 'apply_id' now a keyword

Custom entries

Command Declare Custom Entry ident

Defines new grammar entries, called custom entries, that can later be referred to using the entry name custom ident.

This command supports the local attribute, which limits the entry to the current module.


For instance, we may want to define an ad hoc parser for arithmetical operations and proceed as follows:

Inductive Expr := | One : Expr | Mul : Expr -> Expr -> Expr | Add : Expr -> Expr -> Expr.
Expr is defined Expr_rect is defined Expr_ind is defined Expr_rec is defined Expr_sind is defined
Declare Custom Entry expr.
Notation "[ e ]" := e (e custom expr at level 2).
Setting notation at level 0.
Notation "1" := One (in custom expr at level 0).
Notation "x y" := (Mul x y) (in custom expr at level 1, left associativity).
Notation "x + y" := (Add x y) (in custom expr at level 2, left associativity).
Notation "( x )" := x (in custom expr, x at level 2).
Setting notation at level 0.
Notation "{ x }" := x (in custom expr, x constr).
Setting notation at level 0.
Notation "x" := x (in custom expr at level 0, x ident).
Axiom f : nat -> Expr.
f is declared
Check fun x y z => [1 + y z + {f x}].
fun (x : nat) (y z : Expr) => [1 + y z + {f x}] : nat -> Expr -> Expr -> Expr
Unset Printing Notations.
Check fun x y z => [1 + y z + {f x}].
fun (x : nat) (y z : Expr) => Add (Add One (Mul y z)) (f x) : forall (_ : nat) (_ : Expr) (_ : Expr), Expr
Set Printing Notations.
Check fun e => match e with | [1 + 1] => [1] | [x y + z] => [x + y z] | y => [y + e] end.
fun e : Expr => match e with | [1 + 1] => [1] | [x y + z] => [x + y z] | _ => [e + e] end : Expr -> Expr

Custom entries have levels, like the main grammar of terms and grammar of patterns have. The lower level is 0 and this is the level used by default to put rules delimited with tokens on both ends. The level is left to be inferred by Coq when using in custom ident. The level is otherwise given explicitly by using the syntax in custom ident at level num, where num refers to the level.

Levels are cumulative: a notation at level n of which the left end is a term shall use rules at level less than n to parse this subterm. More precisely, it shall use rules at level strictly less than n if the rule is declared with right associativity and rules at level less or equal than n if the rule is declared with left associativity. Similarly, a notation at level n of which the right end is a term shall use by default rules at level strictly less than n to parse this subterm if the rule is declared left associative and rules at level less or equal than n if the rule is declared right associative. This is what happens for instance in the rule

Notation "x + y" := (Add x y) (in custom expr at level 2, left associativity).

where x is any expression parsed in entry expr at level less or equal than 2 (including, recursively, the given rule) and y is any expression parsed in entry expr at level strictly less than 2.

Rules associated to an entry can refer different sub-entries. The grammar entry name constr can be used to refer to the main grammar of term as in the rule

Notation "{ x }" := x (in custom expr at level 0, x constr).

which indicates that the subterm x should be parsed using the main grammar. If not indicated, the level is computed as for notations in constr, e.g. using 200 as default level for inner sub-expressions. The level can otherwise be indicated explicitly by using constr at level n for some n, or constr at next level.

Conversely, custom entries can be used to parse sub-expressions of the main grammar, or from another custom entry as is the case in

Notation "[ e ]" := e (e custom expr at level 2).
Setting notation at level 0.

to indicate that e has to be parsed at level 2 of the grammar associated to the custom entry expr. The level can be omitted, as in

Notation "[ e ]" := e (e custom expr).

in which case Coq infer it. If the sub-expression is at a border of the notation (as e.g. x and y in x + y), the level is determined by the associativity. If the sub-expression is not at the border of the notation (as e.g. e in "[ e ]), the level is inferred to be the highest level used for the entry. In particular, this level depends on the highest level existing in the entry at the time of use of the notation.

In the absence of an explicit entry for parsing or printing a sub-expression of a notation in a custom entry, the default is to consider that this sub-expression is parsed or printed in the same custom entry where the notation is defined. In particular, if x at level n is used for a sub-expression of a notation defined in custom entry foo, it shall be understood the same as x custom foo at level n.

In general, rules are required to be productive on the right-hand side, i.e. that they are bound to an expression which is not reduced to a single variable. If the rule is not productive on the right-hand side, as it is the case above for

Notation "( x )" := x (in custom expr at level 0, x at level 2).


Notation "{ x }" := x (in custom expr at level 0, x constr).

it is used as a grammar coercion which means that it is used to parse or print an expression which is not available in the current grammar at the current level of parsing or printing for this grammar but which is available in another grammar or in another level of the current grammar. For instance,

Notation "( x )" := x (in custom expr at level 0, x at level 2).

tells that parentheses can be inserted to parse or print an expression declared at level 2 of expr whenever this expression is expected to be used as a subterm at level 0 or 1. This allows for instance to parse and print Add x y as a subterm of Mul (Add x y) z using the syntax (x + y) z. Similarly,

Notation "{ x }" := x (in custom expr at level 0, x constr).

gives a way to let any arbitrary expression which is not handled by the custom entry expr be parsed or printed by the main grammar of term up to the insertion of a pair of curly brackets.

Command Print Custom Grammar ident

This displays the state of the grammar for terms associated to the custom entry ident.


Here are the syntax elements used by the various notation commands.

syntax_modifier::=at level num|in custom ident at level num?|ident+, at level|ident at level binder_interp?|ident explicit_subentry|ident binder_interp|left associativity|right associativity|no associativity|only parsing|only printing|format string string?explicit_subentry::=ident|global|bigint|strict pattern at level num?|binder|closed binder|constr at level? binder_interp?|custom ident at level? binder_interp?|pattern at level num?binder_interp::=as ident|as pattern|as strict patternlevel::=level num|next level


No typing of the denoted expression is performed at definition time. Type checking is done only at the time of use of the notation.


Some examples of Notation may be found in the files composing the initial state of Coq (see directory $COQLIB/theories/Init).


The notation "{ x }" has a special status in the main grammars of terms and patterns so that complex notations of the form "x + { y }" or "x * { y }" can be nested with correct precedences. Especially, every notation involving a pattern of the form "{ x }" is parsed as a notation where the pattern "{ x }" has been simply replaced by "x" and the curly brackets are parsed separately. E.g. "y + { z }" is not parsed as a term of the given form but as a term of the form "y + z" where z has been parsed using the rule parsing "{ x }". Especially, level and precedences for a rule including patterns of the form "{ x }" are relative not to the textual notation but to the notation where the curly brackets have been removed (e.g. the level and the associativity given to some notation, say "{ y } & { z }" in fact applies to the underlying "{ x }"-free rule which is "y & z").


Notations such as "( p | q )" (or starting with "( x | ", more generally) are deprecated as they conflict with the syntax for nested disjunctive patterns (see Extended pattern matching), and are not honored in pattern expressions.

Warning Use of string Notation is deprecated as it is inconsistent with pattern syntax.

This warning is disabled by default to avoid spurious diagnostics due to legacy notation in the Coq standard library. It can be turned on with the -w disj-pattern-notation flag.

Notation scopes

A notation scope is a set of notations for terms with their interpretations. Notation scopes provide a weak, purely syntactic form of notation overloading: a symbol may refer to different definitions depending on which notation scopes are currently open. For instance, the infix symbol + can be used to refer to distinct definitions of the addition operator, such as for natural numbers, integers or reals. Notation scopes can include an interpretation for numerals and strings with the Numeral Notation and String Notation commands.

Each notation scope has a single scope_name, which by convention ends with the suffix "_scope", as in "nat_scope". One or more scope_keys (delimiting keys) may be associated with a notation scope with the Delimit Scope command. Most commands use scope_name; scope_keys are used within terms.

Command Declare Scope scope_name

Declares a new notation scope. Note that the initial state of Coq declares the following notation scopes: core_scope, type_scope, function_scope, nat_scope, bool_scope, list_scope, int_scope, uint_scope.

Use commands such as Notation to add notations to the scope.

Global interpretation rules for notations

At any time, the interpretation of a notation for a term is done within a stack of notation scopes and lonely notations. If a notation is defined in multiple scopes, Coq uses the interpretation from the most recently opened notation scope or declared lonely notation.

Note that "stack" is a misleading name. Each scope or lonely notation can only appear in the stack once. New items are pushed onto the top of the stack, except that adding a item that's already in the stack moves it to the top of the stack instead. Scopes are removed by name (e.g. by Close Scope) wherever they are in the stack, rather than through "pop" operations.

Use the Print Visibility command to display the current notation scope stack.

Command Open Scope scope

Adds a scope to the notation scope stack. If the scope is already present, the command moves it to the top of the stack.

If the command appears in a section: By default, the scope is only added within the section. Specifying global marks the scope for export as part of the current module. Specifying local behaves like the default.

If the command does not appear in a section: By default, the scope marks the scope for export as part of the current module. Specifying local prevents exporting the scope. Specifying global behaves like the default.

Command Close Scope scope

Removes a scope from the notation scope stack.

If the command appears in a section: By default, the scope is only removed within the section. Specifying global marks the scope removal for export as part of the current module. Specifying local behaves like the default.

If the command does not appear in a section: By default, the scope marks the scope removal for export as part of the current module. Specifying local prevents exporting the removal. Specifying global behaves like the default.

Local interpretation rules for notations

In addition to the global rules of interpretation of notations, some ways to change the interpretation of subterms are available.

Opening a notation scope locally

term_scope::=term0 % scope_key

The notation scope stack can be locally extended within a term with the syntax (term)%scope_key (or simply term0%scope_key for atomic terms).

In this case, term is interpreted in the scope stack extended with the scope bound to scope_key.

Command Delimit Scope scope_name with scope_key

Binds the delimiting key scope_key to a scope.

Command Undelimit Scope scope_name

Removes the delimiting keys associated with a scope.

Binding types or coercion classes to a notation scope

Command Bind Scope scope_name with class+

Binds the notation scope scope_name to the type or coercion class class. When bound, arguments of that type for any function will be interpreted in that scope by default. This default can be overridden for individual functions with the Arguments command. The association may be convenient when a notation scope is naturally associated with a type (e.g. nat and the natural numbers).

Whether the argument of a function has some type type is determined statically. For instance, if f is a polymorphic function of type forall X:Type, X -> X and type t is bound to a scope scope, then a of type t in f t a is not recognized as an argument to be interpreted in scope scope.

Parameter U : Set.
U is declared
Declare Scope U_scope.
Bind Scope U_scope with U.
Parameter Uplus : U -> U -> U.
Uplus is declared
Parameter P : forall T:Set, T -> U -> Prop.
P is declared
Parameter f : forall T:Set, T -> U.
f is declared
Infix "+" := Uplus : U_scope.
Unset Printing Notations.
Open Scope nat_scope.
Check (fun x y1 y2 z t => P _ (x + t) ((f _ (y1 + y2) + z))).
fun (x y1 y2 : nat) (z : U) (t : nat) => P nat (Nat.add x t) (Uplus (f nat (Nat.add y1 y2)) z) : forall (_ : nat) (_ : nat) (_ : nat) (_ : U) (_ : nat), Prop


When active, a bound scope has effect on all defined functions (even if they are defined after the Bind Scope directive), except if argument scopes were assigned explicitly using the Arguments command.


The scopes type_scope and function_scope also have a local effect on interpretation. See the next section.

The type_scope notation scope

The scope type_scope has a special status. It is a primitive interpretation scope which is temporarily activated each time a subterm of an expression is expected to be a type. It is delimited by the key type, and bound to the coercion class Sortclass. It is also used in certain situations where an expression is statically known to be a type, including the conclusion and the type of hypotheses within an Ltac goal match (see Pattern matching on goals and hypotheses: match goal), the statement of a theorem, the type of a definition, the type of a binder, the domain and codomain of implication, the codomain of products, and more generally any type argument of a declared or defined constant.

The function_scope notation scope

The scope function_scope also has a special status. It is temporarily activated each time the argument of a global reference is recognized to be a Funclass instance, i.e., of type forall x:A, B or A -> B.

Notation scopes used in the standard library of Coq

We give an overview of the scopes used in the standard library of Coq. For a complete list of notations in each scope, use the commands Print Scopes or Print Scope.


This scope includes infix * for product types and infix + for sum types. It is delimited by the key type, and bound to the coercion class Sortclass, as described above.


This scope is delimited by the key function, and bound to the coercion class Funclass, as described above.


This scope includes the standard arithmetical operators and relations on type nat. Positive integer numerals in this scope are mapped to their canonical representent built from O and S. The scope is delimited by the key nat, and bound to the type nat (see above).


This scope includes the standard arithmetical operators and relations on type N (binary natural numbers). It is delimited by the key N and comes with an interpretation for numerals as closed terms of type N.


This scope includes the standard arithmetical operators and relations on type Z (binary integer numbers). It is delimited by the key Z and comes with an interpretation for numerals as closed terms of type Z.


This scope includes the standard arithmetical operators and relations on type positive (binary strictly positive numbers). It is delimited by key positive and comes with an interpretation for numerals as closed terms of type positive.


This scope includes the standard arithmetical operators and relations on type Q (rational numbers defined as fractions of an integer and a strictly positive integer modulo the equality of the numerator- denominator cross-product) and comes with an interpretation for numerals as closed terms of type Q.


This scope includes the standard arithmetical operators and relations on the type Qc of rational numbers defined as the type of irreducible fractions of an integer and a strictly positive integer.


This scope includes the standard arithmetical operators and relations on type R (axiomatic real numbers). It is delimited by the key R and comes with an interpretation for numerals using the IZR morphism from binary integer numbers to R and Z.pow_pos for potential exponent parts.


This scope includes notations for the boolean operators. It is delimited by the key bool, and bound to the type bool (see above).


This scope includes notations for the list operators. It is delimited by the key list, and bound to the type list (see above).


This scope includes the notation for pairs. It is delimited by the key core.


This scope includes notation for strings as elements of the type string. Special characters and escaping follow Coq conventions on strings (see Lexical conventions). Especially, there is no convention to visualize non printable characters of a string. The file String.v shows an example that contains quotes, a newline and a beep (i.e. the ASCII character of code 7).


This scope includes interpretation for all strings of the form "c" where c is an ASCII character, or of the form "nnn" where nnn is a three-digits number (possibly with leading 0's), or of the form """". Their respective denotations are the ASCII code of c, the decimal ASCII code nnn, or the ascii code of the character " (i.e. the ASCII code 34), all of them being represented in the type ascii.

Displaying information about scopes

Command Print Visibility scope_name?

Displays the current notation scope stack. The top of the stack is displayed last. Notations in scopes whose interpretation is hidden by the same notation in a more recently opened scope are not displayed. Hence each notation is displayed only once.

If scope_name is specified, displays the current notation scope stack as if the scope scope_name is pushed on top of the stack. This is useful to see how a subterm occurring locally in the scope is interpreted.

Command Print Scopes

Displays, for each existing notation scope, all accessible notations (whether or not currently in the notation scope stack), the most-recently defined delimiting key and the class the notation scope is bound to. The display also includes lonely notations.

Use the Print Visibility command to display the current notation scope stack.

Command Print Scope scope_name

Displays all notations defined in the notation scope scope_name. It also displays the delimiting key and the class to which the scope is bound, if any.


Command Notation ident identparm* := one_term ( only parsing )?

Defines an abbreviation ident with the parameters identparm.

This command supports the local attribute, which limits the notation to the current module.

An abbreviation is a name, possibly applied to arguments, that denotes a (presumably) more complex expression. Here are examples:

Require Import List.
Require Import Relations.
Set Printing Notations.
Notation Nlist := (list nat).
Check 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: nil.
1 :: 2 :: 3 :: nil : Nlist
Notation reflexive R := (forall x, R x x).
Check forall A:Prop, A <-> A.
reflexive iff : Prop
Check reflexive iff.
reflexive iff : Prop
Notation Plus1 B := (Nat.add B 1).
Compute (Plus1 3).
= 4 : nat

An abbreviation expects no precedence nor associativity, since it is parsed as an usual application. Abbreviations are used as much as possible by the Coq printers unless the modifier (only parsing) is given.

An abbreviation is bound to an absolute name as an ordinary definition is and it also can be referred to by a qualified name.

Abbreviations are syntactic in the sense that they are bound to expressions which are not typed at the time of the definition of the abbreviation but at the time they are used. Especially, abbreviations can be bound to terms with holes (i.e. with “_”). For example:

Set Strict Implicit.
Set Printing Depth 50.
Definition explicit_id (A:Set) (a:A) := a.
explicit_id is defined
Notation id := (explicit_id _).
Check (id 0).
id 0 : nat

Abbreviations disappear when a section is closed. No typing of the denoted expression is performed at definition time. Type checking is done only at the time of use of the abbreviation.

Like for notations, if the right-hand side of an abbreviation is a partially applied constant, the abbreviation inherits the implicit arguments and notation scopes of the constant. As an exception, if the right-hand side is just of the form @qualid, this conventionally stops the inheritance of implicit arguments.

Like for notations, it is possible to bind binders in abbreviations. Here is an example:

Definition force2 q (P:nat*nat -> Prop) :=   (forall n', n' >= fst q -> forall p', p' >= snd q -> P q).
force2 is defined
Notation F p P := (force2 p (fun p => P)).
Check exists x y, F (x,y) (x >= 1 /\ y >= 2).
exists x y : nat, F (x, y) (x >= 1 /\ y >= 2) : Prop

Numerals and strings


Numerals and strings have no predefined semantics in the calculus. They are merely notations that can be bound to objects through the notation mechanism. Initially, numerals are bound to Peano’s representation of natural numbers (see Datatypes).


Negative integers are not at the same level as num, for this would make precedence unnatural.

Numeral notations

Command Numeral Notation qualid qualidparse qualidprint : scope_name numeral_modifier?
numeral_modifier::=( warning after numeral )|( abstract after numeral )

This command allows the user to customize the way numeral literals are parsed and printed.


the name of an inductive type, while qualidparse and qualidprint should be the names of the parsing and printing functions, respectively. The parsing function qualidparse should have one of the following types:

And the printing function qualidprint should have one of the following types:

Deprecated since version 8.12: Numeral notations on Decimal.uint, Decimal.int and Decimal.decimal are replaced respectively by numeral notations on Numeral.uint, Numeral.int and Numeral.numeral.

When parsing, the application of the parsing function qualidparse to the number will be fully reduced, and universes of the resulting term will be refreshed.

Note that only fully-reduced ground terms (terms containing only function application, constructors, inductive type families, sorts, and primitive integers) will be considered for printing.

( warning after numeral )

displays a warning message about a possible stack overflow when calling qualidparse to parse a literal larger than numeral.

Warning Stack overflow or segmentation fault happens when working with large numbers in type (threshold may vary depending on your system limits and on the command executed).

When a Numeral Notation is registered in the current scope with (warning after numeral), this warning is emitted when parsing a numeral greater than or equal to numeral.

( abstract after numeral )

returns (qualidparse m) when parsing a literal m that's greater than numeral rather than reducing it to a normal form. Here m will be a Numeral.int or Numeral.uint or Z, depending on the type of the parsing function qualidparse. This allows for a more compact representation of literals in types such as nat, and limits parse failures due to stack overflow. Note that a warning will be emitted when an integer larger than numeral is parsed. Note that (abstract after numeral) has no effect when qualidparse lands in an option type.

Warning To avoid stack overflow, large numbers in type are interpreted as applications of qualidparse.

When a Numeral Notation is registered in the current scope with (abstract after numeral), this warning is emitted when parsing a numeral greater than or equal to numeral. Typically, this indicates that the fully computed representation of numerals can be so large that non-tail-recursive OCaml functions run out of stack space when trying to walk them.

Warning The 'abstract after' directive has no effect when the parsing function (qualidparse) targets an option type.

As noted above, the (abstract after num) directive has no effect when qualidparse lands in an option type.

Error Cannot interpret this number as a value of type type

The numeral notation registered for type does not support the given numeral. This error is given when the interpretation function returns None, or if the interpretation is registered only for integers or non-negative integers, and the given numeral has a fractional or exponent part or is negative.

Error qualidparse should go from Numeral.int to type or (option type). Instead of Numeral.int, the types Numeral.uint or Z or Int63.int or Numeral.numeral could be used (you may need to require BinNums or Numeral or Int63 first).

The parsing function given to the Numeral Notation vernacular is not of the right type.

Error qualidprint should go from type to Numeral.int or (option Numeral.int). Instead of Numeral.int, the types Numeral.uint or Z or Int63.int or Numeral.numeral could be used (you may need to require BinNums or Numeral or Int63 first).

The printing function given to the Numeral Notation vernacular is not of the right type.

Error Unexpected term term while parsing a numeral notation.

Parsing functions must always return ground terms, made up of applications of constructors, inductive types, and primitive integers. Parsing functions may not return terms containing axioms, bare (co)fixpoints, lambdas, etc.

Error Unexpected non-option term term while parsing a numeral notation.

Parsing functions expected to return an option must always return a concrete Some or None when applied to a concrete numeral expressed as a (hexa)decimal. They may not return opaque constants.

String notations

Command String Notation qualid qualidparse qualidprint : scope_name

Allows the user to customize how strings are parsed and printed.

The token qualid should be the name of an inductive type, while qualidparse and qualidprint should be the names of the parsing and printing functions, respectively. The parsing function qualidparse should have one of the following types:

The printing function qualidprint should have one of the following types:

When parsing, the application of the parsing function qualidparse to the string will be fully reduced, and universes of the resulting term will be refreshed.

Note that only fully-reduced ground terms (terms containing only function application, constructors, inductive type families, sorts, and primitive integers) will be considered for printing.

Error Cannot interpret this string as a value of type type

The string notation registered for type does not support the given string. This error is given when the interpretation function returns None.

Error qualidparse should go from Byte.byte or (list Byte.byte) to type or (option type).

The parsing function given to the String Notation vernacular is not of the right type.

Error qualidprint should go from type to Byte.byte or (option Byte.byte) or (list Byte.byte) or (option (list Byte.byte)).

The printing function given to the String Notation vernacular is not of the right type.

Error Unexpected term term while parsing a string notation.

Parsing functions must always return ground terms, made up of applications of constructors, inductive types, and primitive integers. Parsing functions may not return terms containing axioms, bare (co)fixpoints, lambdas, etc.

Error Unexpected non-option term term while parsing a string notation.

Parsing functions expected to return an option must always return a concrete Some or None when applied to a concrete string expressed as a decimal. They may not return opaque constants.

The following errors apply to both string and numeral notations:

Error type is not an inductive type.

String and numeral notations can only be declared for inductive types with no arguments.

Error Cannot interpret in scope_name because qualid could not be found in the current environment.

The inductive type used to register the string or numeral notation is no longer available in the environment. Most likely, this is because the notation was declared inside a functor for an inductive type inside the functor. This use case is not currently supported.

Alternatively, you might be trying to use a primitive token notation from a plugin which forgot to specify which module you must Require for access to that notation.

Error Syntax error: [prim:reference] expected after 'Notation' (in [vernac:command]).

The type passed to String Notation or Numeral Notation must be a single qualified identifier.

Error Syntax error: [prim:reference] expected after [prim:reference] (in [vernac:command]).

Both functions passed to String Notation or Numeral Notation must be single qualified identifiers.

Error qualid is bound to a notation that does not denote a reference.

Identifiers passed to String Notation or Numeral Notation must be global references, or notations which evaluate to single qualified identifiers.

Tactic Notations

Tactic notations allow customizing the syntax of tactics.

Command Tactic Notation ( at level num )? ltac_production_item+ := ltac_expr
ltac_production_item::=string|ident ( ident , string? )?

Defines a tactic notation, which extends the parsing and pretty-printing of tactics.

This command supports the local attribute, which limits the notation to the current module.


The parsing precedence to assign to the notation. This information is particularly relevant for notations for tacticals. Levels can be in the range 0 .. 5 (default is 5).


The notation syntax. Notations for simple tactics should begin with a string. Note that Tactic Notation foo := idtac is not valid; it should be Tactic Notation "foo" := idtac.


represents a literal value in the notation


is the name of a grammar nonterminal listed in the table below. In a few cases, to maintain backward compatibility, the name differs from the nonterminal name used elsewhere in the documentation.

( identparm , strings? )

identparm is the parameter name associated with ident. The strings is the separator string to use when ident specifies a list with separators (i.e. ident ends with _list_sep).


The tactic expression to substitute for the notation. identparm tokens appearing in ltac_expr are substituted with the associated nonterminal value.

For example, the following command defines a notation with a single parameter x.

Tactic Notation "destruct_with_eqn" constr(x) := destruct x eqn:?.

For a complex example, examine the 16 Tactic Notation "setoid_replace"s defined in $COQLIB/theories/Classes/SetoidTactics.v, which are designed to accept any subset of 4 optional parameters.

The nonterminals that can specified in the tactic notation are:

Specified ident

Parsed as

Interpreted as

as in tactic



a user-given name




an introduction pattern

assert as



a hypothesis defined in context




a global reference of term




a global reference of term




a term




an untyped term




an integer



an integer




a strategy level



a strategy level




a tactic

tacticn (n in 0..5)


a tactic at level n



a list of how entry is interpreted



a list of how entry is interpreted



a list of how entry is interpreted



a list of how entry is interpreted


In order to be bound in tactic definitions, each syntactic entry for argument type must include the case of a simple Ltac identifier as part of what it parses. This is naturally the case for ident, simple_intropattern, reference, constr, ... but not for integer nor for strategy_level. This is the reason for introducing special entries int_or_var and strategy_level_or_var which evaluate to integers or strategy levels only, respectively, but which syntactically includes identifiers in order to be usable in tactic definitions.


The entry_list* and ne_entry_list* entries can be used in primitive tactics or in other notations at places where a list of the underlying entry can be used: entry is either constr, hyp, integer, reference, strategy_level, strategy_level_or_var, or int_or_var.



which are the levels effectively chosen in the current implementation of Coq


Coq accepts notations declared as nonassociative but the parser on which Coq is built, namely Camlp5, currently does not implement no associativity and replaces it with left associativity; hence it is the same for Coq: no associativity is in fact left associativity for the purposes of parsing