Module Constr
This file defines the most important datatype of Coq, namely kernel terms, as well as a handful of generic manipulation functions.
type pconstant
= Names.Constant.t Univ.puniverses
Simply type aliases
type pinductive
= Names.inductive Univ.puniverses
type pconstructor
= Names.constructor Univ.puniverses
type metavariable
= int
Existential variables
type case_style
infer printing form from number of constructor
Case annotation
type case_printing
ind_tags : bool list;
tell whether letin or lambda in the arity of the inductive type
cstr_tags : bool list array;
tell whether letin or lambda in the signature of each constructor
style : case_style;
type case_info
ci_ind : Names.inductive;
ci_npar : int;
ci_cstr_ndecls : int array;
ci_cstr_nargs : int array;
ci_relevance : Sorts.relevance;
ci_pp_info : case_printing;
The type of constructions
type t
type constr
= t
is the same asconstr
but is intended to be used for documentation to indicate that such or such function specifically works with types (i.e. terms of type a sort). (Rem:plurial form sincetype
is a reserved ML keyword)
type types
= constr
Functions for dealing with constr terms.
The following functions are intended to simplify and to uniform the manipulation of terms. Some of these functions may be overlapped with previous ones.
Term constructors.
val mkRel : int -> constr
Constructs a de Bruijn index (DB indices begin at 1)
val mkVar : Names.Id.t -> constr
Constructs a Variable
val mkMeta : metavariable -> constr
Constructs an patvar named "?n"
val mkEvar : existential -> constr
val mkSort : Sorts.t -> types
Construct a sort
val mkSProp : types
val mkProp : types
val mkSet : types
val mkType : Univ.Universe.t -> types
type cast_kind
This defines the strategy to use for verifiying a Cast
val mkCast : (constr * cast_kind * constr) -> constr
Constructs the term
, i.e. the term t1 casted with the type t2 (that means t2 is declared as the type of t1).
val mkProd : (Names.Name.t Context.binder_annot * types * types) -> types
Constructs the product
val mkLambda : (Names.Name.t Context.binder_annot * types * constr) -> constr
Constructs the abstraction [x:t1]t2
val mkLetIn : (Names.Name.t Context.binder_annot * constr * types * constr) -> constr
Constructs the product
let x = t1 : t2 in t3
val mkApp : (constr * constr array) -> constr
mkApp (f, [|t1; ...; tN|]
constructs the application (f t1 ... tn)$(f~t_1\dots f_n)$
val map_puniverses : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a Univ.puniverses -> 'b Univ.puniverses
val mkConst : Names.Constant.t -> constr
Constructs a Constant.t
val mkConstU : pconstant -> constr
val mkProj : (Names.Projection.t * constr) -> constr
Constructs a projection application
val mkInd : Names.inductive -> constr
Constructs the ith (co)inductive type of the block named kn
val mkIndU : pinductive -> constr
val mkConstruct : Names.constructor -> constr
Constructs the jth constructor of the ith (co)inductive type of the block named kn.
val mkConstructU : pconstructor -> constr
val mkConstructUi : (pinductive * int) -> constr
val mkRef : Names.GlobRef.t Univ.puniverses -> constr
Make a constant, inductive, constructor or variable.
val mkCase : (case_info * constr * constr * constr array) -> constr
Constructs a destructor of inductive type.
mkCase ci p c ac
stand for matchc
inI args
presented as describe inci
structure isfun args x -> "return clause"
ith element is ith constructor case presented as lambda construct_args (without params). case_term
type ('constr, 'types) prec_declaration
= Names.Name.t Context.binder_annot array * 'types array * 'constr array
recindxs = [|i1,|]
funnames = [|f1,.....fn|]
typarray = [|t1,|]
bodies = [|b1,|]
thenmkFix ((recindxs,i), funnames, typarray, bodies)
constructs the$
th function of the block (counting from 0)Fixpoint f1 [ctx1] = b1 with f2 [ctx2] = b2 ... with fn [ctxn] = bn.
where the length of the
th context is$
type ('constr, 'types) pfixpoint
= (int array * int) * ('constr, 'types) prec_declaration
type ('constr, 'types) pcofixpoint
= int * ('constr, 'types) prec_declaration
type rec_declaration
= (constr, types) prec_declaration
type fixpoint
= (constr, types) pfixpoint
type cofixpoint
= (constr, types) pcofixpoint
funnames = [|f1,.....fn|]
typarray = [|t1,|]
bodies = [b1,]
thenmkCoFix (i, (funnames, typarray, bodies))
constructs the ith function of the blockCoFixpoint f1 = b1 with f2 = b2 ... with fn = bn.
val mkCoFix : cofixpoint -> constr
Concrete type for making pattern-matching.
type 'constr pexistential
= Evar.t * 'constr list
constr list
is an instance matching definitionalnamed_context
in the same order (i.e. last argument first)
type ('constr, 'types, 'sort, 'univs) kind_of_term
Rel of int
Gallina-variable introduced by
, orcofix
Var of Names.Id.t
Gallina-variable that was introduced by Vernacular-command that extends the local context of the currently open section (i.e.
Meta of metavariable
Evar of 'constr pexistential
Sort of 'sort
Cast of 'constr * cast_kind * 'types
Prod of Names.Name.t Context.binder_annot * 'types * 'types
Concrete syntax
"forall A:B,C"
is represented asProd (A,B,C)
Lambda of Names.Name.t Context.binder_annot * 'types * 'constr
Concrete syntax
"fun A:B => C"
is represented asLambda (A,B,C)
LetIn of Names.Name.t Context.binder_annot * 'constr * 'types * 'constr
Concrete syntax
"let A:C := B in D"
is represented asLetIn (A,B,C,D)
App of 'constr * 'constr array
Concrete syntax
"(F P1 P2 ... Pn)"
is represented asApp (F, [|P1; P2; ...; Pn|])
constructor also enforces the following invariant:F
itself is notApp
- and
is not empty.
Const of Names.Constant.t * 'univs
Gallina-variable that was introduced by Vernacular-command that extends the global environment (i.e.
, orAxiom
, orDefinition
, orTheorem
Ind of Names.inductive * 'univs
A name of an inductive type defined by
Construct of Names.constructor * 'univs
A constructor of an inductive type defined by
Case of case_info * 'constr * 'constr * 'constr array
Fix of ('constr, 'types) pfixpoint
CoFix of ('constr, 'types) pcofixpoint
Proj of Names.Projection.t * 'constr
Int of Uint63.t
Float of Float64.t
val kind : constr -> (constr, types, Sorts.t, Univ.Instance.t) kind_of_term
val of_kind : (constr, types, Sorts.t, Univ.Instance.t) kind_of_term -> constr
val kind_nocast_gen : ('v -> ('v, 'v, 'sort, 'univs) kind_of_term) -> 'v -> ('v, 'v, 'sort, 'univs) kind_of_term
val kind_nocast : constr -> (constr, types, Sorts.t, Univ.Instance.t) kind_of_term
val isRel : constr -> bool
Simple case analysis
val isRelN : int -> constr -> bool
val isVar : constr -> bool
val isVarId : Names.Id.t -> constr -> bool
val isRef : constr -> bool
val isRefX : Names.GlobRef.t -> constr -> bool
val isInd : constr -> bool
val isEvar : constr -> bool
val isMeta : constr -> bool
val isEvar_or_Meta : constr -> bool
val isSort : constr -> bool
val isCast : constr -> bool
val isApp : constr -> bool
val isLambda : constr -> bool
val isLetIn : constr -> bool
val isProd : constr -> bool
val isConst : constr -> bool
val isConstruct : constr -> bool
val isFix : constr -> bool
val isCoFix : constr -> bool
val isCase : constr -> bool
val isProj : constr -> bool
val is_Prop : constr -> bool
val is_Set : constr -> bool
val isprop : constr -> bool
val is_Type : constr -> bool
val iskind : constr -> bool
val is_small : Sorts.t -> bool
Term destructors
val destRel : constr -> int
Destructs a de Bruijn index
val destMeta : constr -> metavariable
Destructs an existential variable
val destVar : constr -> Names.Id.t
Destructs a variable
val destSort : constr -> Sorts.t
Destructs a sort.
recognizes the sortProp
, whetherisprop
recognizes bothProp
val destProd : types -> Names.Name.t Context.binder_annot * types * types
Destructs the product
val destLambda : constr -> Names.Name.t Context.binder_annot * types * constr
Destructs the abstraction
val destLetIn : constr -> Names.Name.t Context.binder_annot * constr * types * constr
Destructs the let
val decompose_app : constr -> constr * constr list
Decompose any term as an applicative term; the list of args can be empty
val destConst : constr -> Names.Constant.t Univ.puniverses
Destructs a constant
val destEvar : constr -> existential
Destructs an existential variable
val destInd : constr -> Names.inductive Univ.puniverses
Destructs a (co)inductive type
val destConstruct : constr -> Names.constructor Univ.puniverses
Destructs a constructor
val destCase : constr -> case_info * constr * constr * constr array
Destructs a
match c as x in I args return P with ... | Ci(...yij...) => ti | ... end
(orlet (..y1i..) := c as x in I args return P in t1
, orif c then t1 else t2
)- returns
(info,c,fun args x => P,[|...|fun yij => ti| ...|])
is pretty-printing information
val destProj : constr -> Names.Projection.t * constr
Destructs a projection
val destFix : constr -> fixpoint
Destructs the
th function of the blockFixpoint f{_ 1} ctx{_ 1} = b{_ 1} with f{_ 2} ctx{_ 2} = b{_ 2} ... with f{_ n} ctx{_ n} = b{_ n}
, where the length of the$
th context is$
val destCoFix : constr -> cofixpoint
val destRef : constr -> Names.GlobRef.t Univ.puniverses
val equal : constr -> constr -> bool
equal a b
is true ifa
modulo alpha, casts, and application grouping
val eq_constr_univs : constr UGraph.check_function
eq_constr_univs u a b
modulo alpha, casts, application grouping and the universe equalities inu
val leq_constr_univs : constr UGraph.check_function
leq_constr_univs u a b
is convertible tob
modulo alpha, casts, application grouping and the universe inequalities inu
val eq_constr_univs_infer : UGraph.t -> constr -> constr -> bool Univ.constrained
eq_constr_univs u a b
modulo alpha, casts, application grouping and the universe equalities inu
val leq_constr_univs_infer : UGraph.t -> constr -> constr -> bool Univ.constrained
leq_constr_univs u a b
is convertible tob
modulo alpha, casts, application grouping and the universe inequalities inu
Extension of Context with declarations on constr
type rel_declaration
= (constr, types)
type named_declaration
= (constr, types)
type compacted_declaration
= (constr, types)
type rel_context
= rel_declaration list
type named_context
= named_declaration list
type compacted_context
= compacted_declaration list
Relocation and substitution
val exliftn : Esubst.lift -> constr -> constr
exliftn el c
with liftingel
Functionals working on expressions canonically abstracted over a local context (possibly with let-ins)
val map_under_context_with_binders : ('a -> 'a) -> ('a -> constr -> constr) -> 'a -> int -> constr -> constr
val map_branches_with_binders : ('a -> 'a) -> ('a -> constr -> constr) -> 'a -> case_info -> constr array -> constr array
val map_return_predicate_with_binders : ('a -> 'a) -> ('a -> constr -> constr) -> 'a -> case_info -> constr -> constr
val map_under_context_with_full_binders : ((constr, constr) -> 'a -> 'a) -> ('a -> constr -> constr) -> 'a -> int -> constr -> constr
Functionals working on the immediate subterm of a construction
val fold : ('a -> constr -> 'a) -> 'a -> constr -> 'a
val fold_with_full_binders : (rel_declaration -> 'a -> 'a) -> ('a -> 'b -> constr -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b -> constr -> 'b
val compare_head : constr constr_compare_fn -> constr constr_compare_fn
type 'univs instance_compare_fn
= Names.GlobRef.t -> int -> 'univs -> 'univs -> bool
Convert a global reference applied to 2 instances. The int says how many arguments are given (as we can only use cumulativity for fully applied inductives/constructors) .
val compare_head_gen : Univ.Instance.t instance_compare_fn -> (Sorts.t -> Sorts.t -> bool) -> constr constr_compare_fn -> constr constr_compare_fn
val compare_head_gen_leq_with : ('v -> ('v, 'v, 'sort, 'univs) kind_of_term) -> ('v -> ('v, 'v, 'sort, 'univs) kind_of_term) -> 'univs instance_compare_fn -> ('sort -> 'sort -> bool) -> 'v constr_compare_fn -> 'v constr_compare_fn -> 'v constr_compare_fn
val compare_head_gen_with : ('v -> ('v, 'v, 'sort, 'univs) kind_of_term) -> ('v -> ('v, 'v, 'sort, 'univs) kind_of_term) -> 'univs instance_compare_fn -> ('sort -> 'sort -> bool) -> 'v constr_compare_fn -> 'v constr_compare_fn
compare_head_gen_with k1 k2 u s f c1 c2
likecompare_head_gen u s f c1 c2
, except thatk1
) is used,rather thankind
, to expose the immediate subterms ofc1
val compare_head_gen_leq : Univ.Instance.t instance_compare_fn -> (Sorts.t -> Sorts.t -> bool) -> constr constr_compare_fn -> constr constr_compare_fn -> constr constr_compare_fn