Module Context.Rel
Representation of contexts that can capture anonymous as well as non-anonymous variables. Individual declarations are then designated by de Bruijn indexes.
module Declaration : sig ... end
type ('constr, 'types) pt
= ('constr, 'types) list
Rel-context is represented as a list of declarations. Inner-most declarations are at the beginning of the list. Outer-most declarations are at the end of the list.
val empty : ('c, 't) pt
empty rel-context
val add : ('c, 't) -> ('c, 't) pt -> ('c, 't) pt
Return a new rel-context enriched by with a given inner-most declaration.
val length : ('c, 't) pt -> int
Return the number of local declarations in a given rel-context.
val equal : ('c -> 'c -> bool) -> ('c, 'c) pt -> ('c, 'c) pt -> bool
Check whether given two rel-contexts are equal.
val nhyps : ('c, 't) pt -> int
Return the number of local assumptions in a given rel-context.
val lookup : int -> ('c, 't) pt -> ('c, 't)
Return a declaration designated by a given de Bruijn index.
- raises Not_found
if the designated de Bruijn index outside the range.
val iter : ('c -> unit) -> ('c, 'c) pt -> unit
Perform a given action on every declaration in a given rel-context.
val fold_inside : ('a -> ('c, 't) -> 'a) -> init:'a -> ('c, 't) pt -> 'a
Reduce all terms in a given rel-context to a single value. Innermost declarations are processed first.
val fold_outside : (('c, 't) -> 'a -> 'a) -> ('c, 't) pt -> init:'a -> 'a
Reduce all terms in a given rel-context to a single value. Outermost declarations are processed first.
val to_tags : ('c, 't) pt -> bool list
Map a given rel-context to a list where each local assumption is mapped to
and each local definition is mapped tofalse
val drop_bodies : ('c, 't) pt -> ('c, 't) pt
Turn all
, leaveLocalAssum
val to_extended_list : (int -> 'r) -> int -> ('c, 't) pt -> 'r list
extended_list mk n Γ
builds an instanceargs
such thatΓ,Δ ⊢ args:Γ
with n = |Δ| and with the local definitions ofΓ
skipped inargs
is used to build the corresponding variables. Example: forx:T, y:=c, z:U
=2, it givesmk 5, mk 3
val to_extended_vect : (int -> 'r) -> int -> ('c, 't) pt -> 'r array
extended_vect n Γ
does the same, returning instead an array.