Module Glob_term
Untyped intermediate terms
type existential_name
= Names.Id.t
type glob_sort_name
representation of
representation of
representation of
GUniv of Univ.Level.t
GLocalUniv of Names.lident
Locally bound universes (may also be nonstrict declaration)
GRawUniv of Univ.Level.t
Hack for funind, DO NOT USE
Note that producing the similar Constrexpr.CRawType for printing is OK, just don't try to reinterp it.
type 'a glob_sort_gen
UAnonymous of
rigid : bool;
not rigid = unifiable by minimization
UNamed of 'a
type glob_level
= glob_sort_name glob_sort_gen
levels, occurring in universe instances
type glob_sort
= (glob_sort_name * int) list glob_sort_gen
sort expressions
type glob_constraint
= glob_sort_name * Univ.constraint_type * glob_sort_name
type glob_recarg
= int option
and glob_fix_kind
GFix of glob_recarg array * int
GCoFix of int
type 'a cast_type
CastConv of 'a
CastVM of 'a
Cast to a base type (eg, an underlying inductive type)
CastNative of 'a
type 'a cases_pattern_r
PatVar of Names.Name.t
PatCstr of Names.constructor * 'a cases_pattern_g list * Names.Name.t
= "|'C' 'l' as 'x'"The kind of patterns that occurs in "match ... with ... end"
locs here refers to the ident's location, not whole pat
and 'a cases_pattern_g
= ('a cases_pattern_r, 'a) DAst.t
type cases_pattern
= [ `any ] cases_pattern_g
type binding_kind
type 'a glob_constr_r
GRef of Names.GlobRef.t * glob_level list option
An identifier that represents a reference to an object defined either in the (global) environment or in the (local) context.
GVar of Names.Id.t
An identifier that cannot be regarded as "GRef". Bound variables are typically represented this way.
GEvar of existential_name CAst.t * (Names.lident * 'a glob_constr_g) list
GPatVar of Evar_kinds.matching_var_kind
Used for patterns only
GApp of 'a glob_constr_g * 'a glob_constr_g list
GLambda of Names.Name.t * binding_kind * 'a glob_constr_g * 'a glob_constr_g
GProd of Names.Name.t * binding_kind * 'a glob_constr_g * 'a glob_constr_g
GLetIn of Names.Name.t * 'a glob_constr_g * 'a glob_constr_g option * 'a glob_constr_g
GCases of Constr.case_style * 'a glob_constr_g option * 'a tomatch_tuples_g * 'a cases_clauses_g
= "match 'tur' return 'r' with 'cc'" (inMatchStyle
GLetTuple of Names.Name.t list * Names.Name.t * 'a glob_constr_g option * 'a glob_constr_g * 'a glob_constr_g
GIf of 'a glob_constr_g * Names.Name.t * 'a glob_constr_g option * 'a glob_constr_g * 'a glob_constr_g
GRec of glob_fix_kind * Names.Id.t array * 'a glob_decl_g list array * 'a glob_constr_g array * 'a glob_constr_g array
GSort of glob_sort
GHole of Evar_kinds.t * Namegen.intro_pattern_naming_expr * Genarg.glob_generic_argument option
GCast of 'a glob_constr_g * 'a glob_constr_g cast_type
GInt of Uint63.t
GFloat of Float64.t
GArray of glob_level list option * 'a glob_constr_g array * 'a glob_constr_g * 'a glob_constr_g
Representation of an internalized (or in other words globalized) term.
and 'a glob_constr_g
= ('a glob_constr_r, 'a) DAst.t
and 'a glob_decl_g
= Names.Name.t * binding_kind * 'a glob_constr_g option * 'a glob_constr_g
and 'a predicate_pattern_g
= Names.Name.t * (Names.inductive * Names.Name.t list) CAst.t option
= "as 'na' in 'id'" where ifid
and 'a tomatch_tuple_g
= 'a glob_constr_g * 'a predicate_pattern_g
and 'a tomatch_tuples_g
= 'a tomatch_tuple_g list
and 'a cases_clause_g
= (Names.Id.t list * 'a cases_pattern_g list * 'a glob_constr_g) CAst.t
= "|'cl' => 't'". Precondition: the free variables oft
are members ofil
and 'a cases_clauses_g
= 'a cases_clause_g list
type glob_constr
= [ `any ] glob_constr_g
type tomatch_tuple
= [ `any ] tomatch_tuple_g
type tomatch_tuples
= [ `any ] tomatch_tuples_g
type cases_clause
= [ `any ] cases_clause_g
type cases_clauses
= [ `any ] cases_clauses_g
type glob_decl
= [ `any ] glob_decl_g
type predicate_pattern
= [ `any ] predicate_pattern_g
type any_glob_constr
AnyGlobConstr : 'r glob_constr_g -> any_glob_constr
type 'a disjunctive_cases_clause_g
= (Names.Id.t list * 'a cases_pattern_g list list * 'a glob_constr_g) CAst.t
type 'a disjunctive_cases_clauses_g
= 'a disjunctive_cases_clause_g list
type 'a cases_pattern_disjunction_g
= 'a cases_pattern_g list
type disjunctive_cases_clause
= [ `any ] disjunctive_cases_clause_g
type disjunctive_cases_clauses
= [ `any ] disjunctive_cases_clauses_g
type cases_pattern_disjunction
= [ `any ] cases_pattern_disjunction_g
type 'a extended_glob_local_binder_r
GLocalAssum of Names.Name.t * binding_kind * 'a glob_constr_g
GLocalDef of Names.Name.t * binding_kind * 'a glob_constr_g * 'a glob_constr_g option
GLocalPattern of 'a cases_pattern_disjunction_g * Names.Id.t list * Names.Id.t * binding_kind * 'a glob_constr_g
and 'a extended_glob_local_binder_g
= ('a extended_glob_local_binder_r, 'a) DAst.t
type extended_glob_local_binder
= [ `any ] extended_glob_local_binder_g