Module Pattern
type patvar
= Names.Id.t
Cases pattern variables
type case_info_pattern
cip_style : Constr.case_style;
cip_ind : Names.inductive option;
cip_ind_tags : bool list option;
indicates LetIn/Lambda in arity
cip_extensible : bool;
does this match end with _ => _ ?
type constr_pattern
PRef of Names.GlobRef.t
PVar of Names.Id.t
PEvar of constr_pattern Constr.pexistential
PRel of int
PApp of constr_pattern * constr_pattern array
PSoApp of patvar * constr_pattern list
PProj of Names.Projection.t * constr_pattern
PLambda of Names.Name.t * constr_pattern * constr_pattern
PProd of Names.Name.t * constr_pattern * constr_pattern
PLetIn of Names.Name.t * constr_pattern * constr_pattern option * constr_pattern
PSort of
PMeta of patvar option
PIf of constr_pattern * constr_pattern * constr_pattern
PCase of case_info_pattern * constr_pattern * constr_pattern * (int * bool list * constr_pattern) list
index of constructor, nb of args
PFix of int array * int * Names.Name.t array * constr_pattern array * constr_pattern array
PCoFix of int * Names.Name.t array * constr_pattern array * constr_pattern array
PInt of Uint63.t
PFloat of Float64.t
PArray of constr_pattern array * constr_pattern * constr_pattern