type 'a or_anti
type reference_r
type reference
= reference_r CAst.t
type quantified_hypothesis
type bindings_r
type bindings
= bindings_r CAst.t
type intro_pattern_r
and intro_pattern_naming_r
and intro_pattern_action_r
and or_and_intro_pattern_r
and intro_pattern
= intro_pattern_r CAst.t
and intro_pattern_naming
= intro_pattern_naming_r CAst.t
and intro_pattern_action
= intro_pattern_action_r CAst.t
and or_and_intro_pattern
= or_and_intro_pattern_r CAst.t
type occurrences_r
type occurrences
= occurrences_r CAst.t
type hyp_location
= (occurrences * Names.Id.t CAst.t or_anti) * Locus.hyp_location_flag
type clause_r
type clause
= clause_r CAst.t
type constr_with_bindings
= (Constrexpr.constr_expr * bindings) CAst.t
type destruction_arg_r
type destruction_arg
= destruction_arg_r CAst.t
type induction_clause_r
type induction_clause
= induction_clause_r CAst.t
type conversion_r
type conversion
= conversion_r CAst.t
type multi_r
| QPrecisely of int CAst.t |
| QUpTo of int CAst.t |
| QRepeatStar |
| QRepeatPlus |
type multi
= multi_r CAst.t
type rewriting_r
type rewriting
= rewriting_r CAst.t
type dispatch_r
= Tac2expr.raw_tacexpr option list * (Tac2expr.raw_tacexpr option * Tac2expr.raw_tacexpr option list) option
type dispatch
= dispatch_r CAst.t
type red_flag_r
type red_flag
= red_flag_r CAst.t
type strategy_flag
= red_flag list CAst.t
type constr_match_pattern_r
type constr_match_pattern
= constr_match_pattern_r CAst.t
type constr_match_branch
= (constr_match_pattern * Tac2expr.raw_tacexpr) CAst.t
type constr_matching
= constr_match_branch list CAst.t
type goal_match_pattern_r
type goal_match_pattern
= goal_match_pattern_r CAst.t
type goal_match_branch
= (goal_match_pattern * Tac2expr.raw_tacexpr) CAst.t
type goal_matching
= goal_match_branch list CAst.t
type hintdb_r
type hintdb
= hintdb_r CAst.t
type move_location_r
type move_location
= move_location_r CAst.t
type pose
= (Names.Id.t CAst.t or_anti option * Constrexpr.constr_expr) CAst.t
type assertion_r
type assertion
= assertion_r CAst.t