Module Stm
module AsyncOpts : sig ... end
type stm_doc_type
VoDoc of string
VioDoc of string
Interactive of
The STM document type
determines some properties such as what uncompleted proofs are allowed and what gets recorded to aux files.
type stm_init_options
doc_type : stm_doc_type;
The STM does set some internal flags differently depending on the specified
. This distinction should disappear at some some point.injections : Coqargs.injection_command list;
Injects Require and Set/Unset commands before the initial state is ready
stm_options : AsyncOpts.stm_opt;
Low-level STM options
STM initialization options:
val init_process : AsyncOpts.stm_opt -> unit
performs some low-level initialization, call early
val new_doc : stm_init_options -> doc * Stateid.t
new_doc opt
Creates a new document with optionsopt
val parse_sentence : doc:doc -> Stateid.t -> entry:(Pvernac.proof_mode option -> 'a Pcoq.Entry.t) -> Pcoq.Parsable.t -> 'a
parse_sentence sid entry pa
Reads a sentence frompa
with parsing statesid
and non terminalentry
receives in input the current proof mode.sid
should be associated with a valid parsing state (which may not be the case if an error was raised at parsing time).
val add : doc:doc -> ontop:Stateid.t -> ?newtip:Stateid.t -> bool -> Vernacexpr.vernac_control -> doc * Stateid.t * [ `NewTip | `Unfocus of Stateid.t ]
val get_prev_proof : doc:doc -> Stateid.t -> Proof.t option
val get_proof : doc:doc -> Stateid.t -> Proof.t option
val query : doc:doc -> at:Stateid.t -> route:Feedback.route_id -> Pcoq.Parsable.t -> unit
val edit_at : doc:doc -> Stateid.t -> doc * [ `NewTip | `Focus of focus ]
val observe : doc:doc -> Stateid.t -> doc
val finish : doc:doc -> doc
val wait : doc:doc -> doc
val stop_worker : string -> unit
val join : doc:doc -> doc
val snapshot_vio : create_vos:bool -> doc:doc -> output_native_objects:bool -> Names.DirPath.t -> string -> doc
val reset_task_queue : unit -> unit
val check_task : string -> tasks -> int -> bool
val info_tasks : tasks -> (string * float * int) list
val finish_tasks : string -> Library.seg_univ -> Library.seg_proofs -> tasks -> Library.seg_univ * Library.seg_proofs
val get_current_state : doc:doc -> Stateid.t
val get_ldir : doc:doc -> Names.DirPath.t
val get_ast : doc:doc -> Stateid.t -> Vernacexpr.vernac_control option
val set_compilation_hints : string -> unit
val set_perspective : doc:doc -> Stateid.t list -> unit
module ProofTask : AsyncTaskQueue.Task
module QueryTask : AsyncTaskQueue.Task
module DynBlockData : Dyn.S
type static_block_declaration
block_start : Stateid.t;
block_stop : Stateid.t;
dynamic_switch : Stateid.t;
carry_on_data : DynBlockData.t;
type document_node
indentation : int;
ast : Vernacexpr.vernac_control;
id : Stateid.t;
type document_view
entry_point : document_node;
prev_node : document_node -> document_node option;
type static_block_detection
= document_view -> static_block_declaration option
type recovery_action
base_state : Stateid.t;
goals_to_admit : Goal.goal list;
recovery_command : Vernacexpr.vernac_control option;
type dynamic_block_error_recovery
= doc -> static_block_declaration -> [ `ValidBlock of recovery_action | `Leaks ]
val register_proof_block_delimiter : Vernacextend.proof_block_name -> static_block_detection -> dynamic_block_error_recovery -> unit
val state_computed_hook : (doc:doc -> Stateid.t -> in_cache:bool -> unit) Hook.t
val unreachable_state_hook : (doc:doc -> Stateid.t -> Exninfo.iexn -> unit) Hook.t
val state_ready_hook : (doc:doc -> Stateid.t -> unit) Hook.t
val forward_feedback_hook : ( -> unit) Hook.t
val document_add_hook : (Vernacexpr.vernac_control -> Stateid.t -> unit) Hook.t
User adds a sentence to the document (after parsing)
val get_doc : Feedback.doc_id -> doc
val state_of_id : doc:doc -> Stateid.t -> [ `Valid of Vernacstate.t option | `Expired | `Error of exn ]
val current_proof_depth : doc:doc -> int
val get_all_proof_names : doc:doc -> Names.Id.t list
val stm_debug : bool Stdlib.ref
Enable STM debugging