Module CoqProject_file
type arg_source
type 'a sourced
thing : 'a;
source : arg_source;
type meta_file
Present of string
Generate of string
type project
project_file : string option;
makefile : string option;
native_compiler : native_compiler option;
docroot : string option;
v_files : string sourced list;
mli_files : string sourced list;
mlg_files : string sourced list;
ml_files : string sourced list;
mllib_files : string sourced list;
mlpack_files : string sourced list;
meta_file : meta_file;
ml_includes : path sourced list;
r_includes : (path * logic_path) sourced list;
q_includes : (path * logic_path) sourced list;
extra_args : string sourced list;
defs : (string * string) sourced list;
and logic_path
= string
and path
path : string;
canonical_path : string;
and native_compiler
val cmdline_args_to_project : warning_fn:(string -> unit) -> curdir:string -> string list -> project
val read_project_file : warning_fn:(string -> unit) -> string -> project
read_project_file warning_fn file
as a Coq project; usewarning_fn
for deprecate options; raiseParsing_error
on illegal options or arguments; raiseUnableToOpenProjectFile msg
if the file could not be opened; fails on some illegal non-project-file options
val coqtop_args_from_project : project -> string list
val find_project_file : from:string -> projfile_name:string -> string option
val all_files : project -> string sourced list
val map_sourced_list : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a sourced list -> 'b list
val map_cmdline : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a sourced list -> 'b list
Only uses the elements with source=CmdLine
val filter_cmdline : 'a sourced list -> 'a list
Only uses the elements with source=CmdLine
val forget_source : 'a sourced -> 'a