Unsafe environments. We define here a datatype for environments. Since typing is not yet defined, it is not possible to check the informations added in environments, and that is why we speak here of ``unsafe'' environments.
Environments have the following components:
type key = int CEphemeron.key option Stdlib.ref
type constant_key = Declarations.constant_body * (link_info Stdlib.ref * key)
type mind_key = Declarations.mutual_inductive_body * link_info Stdlib.ref
module Globals : sig ... end
type named_context_val = private {
env_named_ctx : Constr.named_context; | |
env_named_map : Constr.named_declaration Names.Id.Map.t; | (* Identifier-indexed version of |
env_named_idx : Constr.named_declaration Range.t; | (* Same as env_named_ctx but with a fast-access list. *) |
type rel_context_val = private {
env_rel_ctx : Constr.rel_context; |
env_rel_map : Constr.rel_declaration Range.t; |
type env = private {
env_globals : Globals.t; |
env_named_context : named_context_val; |
env_rel_context : rel_context_val; |
env_nb_rel : int; |
env_universes : UGraph.t; |
env_universes_lbound : UGraph.Bound.t; |
irr_constants : Names.Cset_env.t; |
irr_inds : Names.Indset_env.t; |
env_typing_flags : Declarations.typing_flags; |
retroknowledge : Retroknowledge.retroknowledge; |
val oracle : env -> Conv_oracle.oracle
val set_oracle : env -> Conv_oracle.oracle -> env
val eq_named_context_val : named_context_val -> named_context_val -> bool
val empty_env : env
val universes_lbound : env -> UGraph.Bound.t
val set_universes_lbound : env -> UGraph.Bound.t -> env
val rel_context : env -> Constr.rel_context
val named_context : env -> Constr.named_context
val named_context_val : env -> named_context_val
val typing_flags : env -> Declarations.typing_flags
val is_impredicative_set : env -> bool
val type_in_type : env -> bool
val deactivated_guard : env -> bool
val indices_matter : env -> bool
val is_impredicative_family : env -> Sorts.family -> bool
val empty_context : env -> bool
is the local context empty
)val nb_rel : env -> int
val push_rel : Constr.rel_declaration -> env -> env
val push_rel_context : Constr.rel_context -> env -> env
val push_rec_types : Constr.rec_declaration -> env -> env
val push_rel_context_val :
Constr.rel_declaration ->
rel_context_val ->
val set_rel_context_val : rel_context_val -> env -> env
val empty_rel_context_val : rel_context_val
val lookup_rel : int -> env -> Constr.rel_declaration
Looks up in the context of local vars referred by indice (rel_context
) raises Not_found
if the index points out of the context
val evaluable_rel : int -> env -> bool
val fold_rel_context :
( env -> Constr.rel_declaration -> 'a -> 'a ) ->
env ->
init:'a ->
val named_context_of_val : named_context_val -> Constr.named_context
val val_of_named_context : Constr.named_context -> named_context_val
val empty_named_context_val : named_context_val
val ids_of_named_context_val : named_context_val -> Names.Id.Set.t
val map_named_val :
( Constr.named_declaration -> Constr.named_declaration ) ->
named_context_val ->
map_named_val f ctxt
apply f
to the body and the type of each declarations. *** /!\ *** f t
should be convertible with t, and preserve the name
val push_named : Constr.named_declaration -> env -> env
val push_named_context : Constr.named_context -> env -> env
val push_named_context_val :
Constr.named_declaration ->
named_context_val ->
Looks up in the context of local vars referred by names (named_context
) raises Not_found
if the Id.t is not found
val lookup_named : Names.variable -> env -> Constr.named_declaration
val lookup_named_ctxt :
Names.variable ->
named_context_val ->
val evaluable_named : Names.variable -> env -> bool
val named_type : Names.variable -> env -> Constr.types
val named_body : Names.variable -> env -> Constr.constr option
: older declarations processed firstval fold_named_context :
( env -> Constr.named_declaration -> 'a -> 'a ) ->
env ->
init:'a ->
val match_named_context_val :
named_context_val ->
(Constr.named_declaration * named_context_val) option
val fold_named_context_reverse :
( 'a -> Constr.named_declaration -> 'a ) ->
init:'a ->
env ->
Recurrence on named_context
starting from younger decl
val reset_with_named_context : named_context_val -> env -> env
This forgets rel context and sets a new named context
val fold_constants :
( Names.Constant.t -> Declarations.constant_body -> 'a -> 'a ) ->
env ->
'a ->
Useful for printing
val fold_inductives :
( Names.MutInd.t -> Declarations.mutual_inductive_body -> 'a -> 'a ) ->
env ->
'a ->
val add_constant : Names.Constant.t -> Declarations.constant_body -> env -> env
val add_constant_key :
Names.Constant.t ->
Declarations.constant_body ->
link_info ->
env ->
val lookup_constant_key : Names.Constant.t -> env -> constant_key
val lookup_constant : Names.Constant.t -> env -> Declarations.constant_body
Looks up in the context of global constant names raises an anomaly if the required path is not found
val evaluable_constant : Names.Constant.t -> env -> bool
val mem_constant : Names.Constant.t -> env -> bool
val polymorphic_constant : Names.Constant.t -> env -> bool
New-style polymorphism
val polymorphic_pconstant : Constr.pconstant -> env -> bool
val type_in_type_constant : Names.Constant.t -> env -> bool
constant_value env c
raises NotEvaluableConst Opaque
if c
is opaque, NotEvaluableConst NoBody
if it has no body, NotEvaluableConst IsProj
if c
is a projection, NotEvaluableConst (IsPrimitive p)
if c
is primitive p
and an anomaly if it does not exist in env
exception NotEvaluableConst of const_evaluation_result
val constant_type :
env ->
Names.Constant.t Univ.puniverses ->
Constr.types Univ.constrained
val constant_value_and_type :
env ->
Names.Constant.t Univ.puniverses ->
Constr.constr option * Constr.types * Univ.Constraints.t
The universe context associated to the constant, empty if not polymorphic
val constant_context : env -> Names.Constant.t -> Univ.AbstractContext.t
The universe context associated to the constant, empty if not polymorphic
val constant_value_in :
env ->
Names.Constant.t Univ.puniverses ->
val constant_type_in : env -> Names.Constant.t Univ.puniverses -> Constr.types
val constant_opt_value_in :
env ->
Names.Constant.t Univ.puniverses ->
Constr.constr option
val is_primitive : env -> Names.Constant.t -> bool
val get_primitive : env -> Names.Constant.t -> CPrimitives.t option
val is_array_type : env -> Names.Constant.t -> bool
val is_int63_type : env -> Names.Constant.t -> bool
val is_float64_type : env -> Names.Constant.t -> bool
val is_primitive_type : env -> Names.Constant.t -> bool
val lookup_projection : Names.Projection.t -> env -> Constr.types
Checks that the number of parameters is correct.
val get_projection :
env ->
Names.inductive ->
proj_arg:int ->
Anomaly when not a primitive record or invalid proj_arg.
val get_projections :
env ->
Names.inductive ->
Names.Projection.Repr.t array option
val lookup_mind_key : Names.MutInd.t -> env -> mind_key
Inductive types
val add_mind_key : Names.MutInd.t -> mind_key -> env -> env
val add_mind :
Names.MutInd.t ->
Declarations.mutual_inductive_body ->
env ->
val lookup_mind : Names.MutInd.t -> env -> Declarations.mutual_inductive_body
Looks up in the context of global inductive names raises an anomaly if the required path is not found
val mem_mind : Names.MutInd.t -> env -> bool
val mind_context : env -> Names.MutInd.t -> Univ.AbstractContext.t
The universe context associated to the inductive, empty if not polymorphic
val polymorphic_ind : Names.inductive -> env -> bool
New-style polymorphism
val polymorphic_pind : Constr.pinductive -> env -> bool
val type_in_type_ind : Names.inductive -> env -> bool
val template_polymorphic_ind : Names.inductive -> env -> bool
Old-style polymorphism
val template_polymorphic_variables :
Names.inductive ->
env ->
Univ.Level.t list
val template_polymorphic_pind : Constr.pinductive -> env -> bool
module type QNameS = sig ... end
module QConstant : QNameS with type t = Names.Constant.t
module QMutInd : QNameS with type t = Names.MutInd.t
module QInd : QNameS with type t = Names.Ind.t
module QConstruct : QNameS with type t = Names.Construct.t
module QProjection : sig ... end
module QGlobRef : QNameS with type t = Names.GlobRef.t
val add_modtype : Declarations.module_type_body -> env -> env
val shallow_add_module : Declarations.module_body -> env -> env
does not add module components
val lookup_module : Names.ModPath.t -> env -> Declarations.module_body
val lookup_modtype : Names.ModPath.t -> env -> Declarations.module_type_body
val add_constraints : Univ.Constraints.t -> env -> env
Add universe constraints to the environment.
val check_constraints : Univ.Constraints.t -> env -> bool
Check constraints are satifiable in the environment.
val push_context : ?strict:bool -> Univ.UContext.t -> env -> env
push_context ?(strict=false) ctx env
pushes the universe context to the environment.
val push_context_set : ?strict:bool -> Univ.ContextSet.t -> env -> env
push_context_set ?(strict=false) ctx env
pushes the universe context set to the environment. It does not fail even if one of the universes is already declared.
val push_subgraph : Univ.ContextSet.t -> env -> env
push_subgraph univs env
adds the universes and constraints in univs
to env
as push_context_set ~strict:false univs env
, and also checks that they do not imply new transitive constraints between pre-existing universes in env
val set_typing_flags : Declarations.typing_flags -> env -> env
val sprop_allowed : env -> bool
val same_flags : Declarations.typing_flags -> Declarations.typing_flags -> bool
val update_typing_flags : ?typing_flags:Declarations.typing_flags -> env -> env
update_typing_flags ?typing_flags
may update env with optional typing flags
val universes_of_global : env -> Names.GlobRef.t -> Univ.AbstractContext.t
global_vars_set env c
returns the list of id
's occurring either directly as Var id
in c
or indirectly as a section variable dependent in a global reference occurring in c
val global_vars_set : env -> Constr.constr -> Names.Id.Set.t
val vars_of_global : env -> Names.GlobRef.t -> Names.Id.Set.t
val really_needed : env -> Names.Id.Set.t -> Names.Id.Set.t
closure of the input id set w.r.t. dependency
val keep_hyps : env -> Names.Id.Set.t -> Constr.named_context
like really_needed
but computes a well ordered named context
We introduce here the pre-type of judgments, which is actually only a datatype to store a term with its type and the type of its type.
val on_judgment :
( 'a -> 'b ) ->
( 'a, 'a ) punsafe_judgment ->
( 'b, 'b ) punsafe_judgment
val on_judgment_value :
( 'c -> 'c ) ->
( 'c, 't ) punsafe_judgment ->
( 'c, 't ) punsafe_judgment
val on_judgment_type :
( 't -> 't ) ->
( 'c, 't ) punsafe_judgment ->
( 'c, 't ) punsafe_judgment
type unsafe_judgment = ( Constr.constr, Constr.types ) punsafe_judgment
val make_judge : 'constr -> 'types -> ( 'constr, 'types ) punsafe_judgment
val j_val : ( 'constr, 'types ) punsafe_judgment -> 'constr
val j_type : ( 'constr, 'types ) punsafe_judgment -> 'types
type unsafe_type_judgment = ( Constr.types, Sorts.t ) punsafe_type_judgment
val apply_to_hyp :
named_context_val ->
Names.variable ->
( Constr.named_context ->
Constr.named_declaration ->
Constr.named_context ->
Constr.named_declaration ) ->
apply_to_hyp sign id f
split sign
into tail::(id,_,_)::head
and return tail::(f head (id,_,_) (rev tail))::head
. the value associated to id should not change
val remove_hyps :
Names.Id.Set.t ->
( Constr.named_declaration -> Constr.named_declaration ) ->
named_context_val ->
val is_polymorphic : env -> Names.GlobRef.t -> bool
val is_template_polymorphic : env -> Names.GlobRef.t -> bool
val get_template_polymorphic_variables :
env ->
Names.GlobRef.t ->
Univ.Level.t list
val is_type_in_type : env -> Names.GlobRef.t -> bool
val no_link_info : link_info
Native compiler
val set_retroknowledge : env -> Retroknowledge.retroknowledge -> env