type ltac_constant = Names.KerName.t
type ('c, 'd, 'id) inversion_strength =
| NonDepInversion of Inv.inversion_kind
* 'id list
* 'd Tactypes.or_and_intro_pattern_expr CAst.t Locus.or_var option |
| DepInversion of Inv.inversion_kind
* 'c option
* 'd Tactypes.or_and_intro_pattern_expr CAst.t Locus.or_var option |
| InversionUsing of 'c * 'id list |
type ('dconstr, 'id) induction_clause =
'dconstr Tactypes.with_bindings Tactics.destruction_arg
* (Namegen.intro_pattern_naming_expr CAst.t option
* 'dconstr Tactypes.or_and_intro_pattern_expr CAst.t Locus.or_var option)
* 'id Locus.clause_expr option
type ('constr, 'dconstr, 'id) induction_clause_list =
( 'dconstr, 'id ) induction_clause list
* 'constr Tactypes.with_bindings option
type 'a with_bindings_arg = clear_flag * 'a Tactypes.with_bindings
type 'a match_context_hyps =
| Hyp of Names.lname * 'a match_pattern |
| Def of Names.lname * 'a match_pattern * 'a match_pattern |
type ml_tactic_name = {
Extension indentifiers for the TACTIC EXTEND mechanism.
type open_constr_expr = unit * Constrexpr.constr_expr
Composite types
type open_glob_constr = unit * Genintern.glob_constr_and_expr
type intro_pattern =
Tactypes.delayed_open_constr Tactypes.intro_pattern_expr CAst.t
type intro_patterns =
Tactypes.delayed_open_constr Tactypes.intro_pattern_expr CAst.t list
type or_and_intro_pattern =
Tactypes.delayed_open_constr Tactypes.or_and_intro_pattern_expr CAst.t
type intro_pattern_naming = Namegen.intro_pattern_naming_expr CAst.t
Generic expressions for atomic tactics
type 'a gen_atomic_tactic_expr =
| TacIntroPattern of evars_flag * 'dtrm Tactypes.intro_pattern_expr CAst.t list |
| TacApply of advanced_flag
* evars_flag
* 'trm with_bindings_arg list
* ('nam * 'dtrm Tactypes.intro_pattern_expr CAst.t option) list |
| TacElim of evars_flag
* 'trm with_bindings_arg
* 'trm Tactypes.with_bindings option |
| TacCase of evars_flag * 'trm with_bindings_arg |
| TacMutualFix of Names.Id.t * int * (Names.Id.t * int * 'trm) list |
| TacMutualCofix of Names.Id.t * (Names.Id.t * 'trm) list |
| TacAssert of evars_flag
* bool
* 'tacexpr option option
* 'dtrm Tactypes.intro_pattern_expr CAst.t option
* 'trm |
| TacGeneralize of ('trm Locus.with_occurrences * Names.Name.t) list |
| TacLetTac of evars_flag
* Names.Name.t
* 'trm
* 'nam Locus.clause_expr
* letin_flag
* Namegen.intro_pattern_naming_expr CAst.t option |
| TacInductionDestruct of rec_flag
* evars_flag
* ( 'trm, 'dtrm, 'nam ) induction_clause_list |
| TacReduce of ( 'trm, 'cst, 'pat ) Genredexpr.red_expr_gen
* 'nam Locus.clause_expr |
| TacChange of check_flag * 'pat option * 'dtrm * 'nam Locus.clause_expr |
| TacRewrite of evars_flag
* (bool * Equality.multi * 'dtrm with_bindings_arg) list
* 'nam Locus.clause_expr
* 'tacexpr option |
| TacInversion of ( 'trm, 'dtrm, 'nam ) inversion_strength
* Tactypes.quantified_hypothesis |
'a =
< term : 'trm
; dterm : 'dtrm
; pattern : 'pat
; constant : 'cst
; reference : 'ref
; name : 'nam
; tacexpr : 'tacexpr
; level : 'lev >
Possible arguments of a tactic definition
type 'a gen_tactic_arg =
| TacGeneric of string option * 'lev Genarg.generic_argument |
| ConstrMayEval of ( 'trm, 'cst, 'pat ) Genredexpr.may_eval |
| Reference of 'ref |
| TacCall of ('ref * 'a gen_tactic_arg list) CAst.t |
| TacFreshId of string Locus.or_var list |
| Tacexp of 'tacexpr |
| TacPretype of 'trm |
| TacNumgoals |
'a =
< term : 'trm
; dterm : 'dtrm
; pattern : 'pat
; constant : 'cst
; reference : 'ref
; name : 'nam
; tacexpr : 'tacexpr
; level : 'lev >
Generic ltac expressions. 't : terms, 'p : patterns, 'c : constants, 'i : inductive, 'r : ltac refs, 'n : idents, 'l : levels
and 'a gen_tactic_expr_r =
'a =
< term : 't
; dterm : 'dtrm
; pattern : 'p
; constant : 'c
; reference : 'r
; name : 'n
; tacexpr : 'tacexpr
; level : 'l >
and 'a gen_tactic_expr = 'a gen_tactic_expr_r CAst.t
'a =
< term : 't
; dterm : 'dtrm
; pattern : 'p
; constant : 'c
; reference : 'r
; name : 'n
; tacexpr : 'tacexpr
; level : 'l >
and 'a gen_tactic_fun_ast = Names.Name.t list * 'a gen_tactic_expr
'a =
< term : 't
; dterm : 'dtrm
; pattern : 'p
; constant : 'c
; reference : 'r
; name : 'n
; tacexpr : 'te
; level : 'l >
Globalized tactics
type g_trm = Genintern.glob_constr_and_expr
type g_pat = Genintern.glob_constr_pattern_and_expr
type g_ref = ltac_constant Loc.located Locus.or_var
type g_nam = Names.lident
type g_dispatch =
< term : g_trm
; dterm : g_trm
; pattern : g_pat
; constant : g_cst
; reference : g_ref
; name : g_nam
; tacexpr : glob_tactic_expr
; level : Genarg.glevel >
and glob_tactic_expr = g_dispatch gen_tactic_expr
type glob_atomic_tactic_expr = g_dispatch gen_atomic_tactic_expr
type glob_tactic_arg = g_dispatch gen_tactic_arg
Raw tactics
type r_ref = Libnames.qualid
type r_nam = Names.lident
type r_lev = Genarg.rlevel
type r_dispatch =
< term : Genredexpr.r_trm
; dterm : Genredexpr.r_trm
; pattern : Genredexpr.r_pat
; constant : Genredexpr.r_cst
; reference : r_ref
; name : r_nam
; tacexpr : raw_tactic_expr
; level : Genarg.rlevel >
and raw_tactic_expr = r_dispatch gen_tactic_expr
type raw_atomic_tactic_expr = r_dispatch gen_atomic_tactic_expr
type raw_tactic_arg = r_dispatch gen_tactic_arg
Interpreted tactics
type t_trm = EConstr.constr
type t_pat = Pattern.constr_pattern
type t_cst = Tacred.evaluable_global_reference
type t_ref = ltac_constant Loc.located
type t_nam = Names.Id.t
type atomic_tactic_expr = t_dispatch gen_atomic_tactic_expr
type raw_red_expr =
( Genredexpr.r_trm, Genredexpr.r_cst, Genredexpr.r_pat )
type glob_red_expr = ( g_trm, g_cst, g_pat ) Genredexpr.red_expr_gen
type ltac_call_kind =
| LtacMLCall of glob_tactic_expr |
| LtacNotationCall of Names.KerName.t |
| LtacNameCall of ltac_constant |
| LtacAtomCall of glob_atomic_tactic_expr |
| LtacVarCall of Names.KerName.t option * Names.Id.t * glob_tactic_expr |
| LtacConstrInterp of Environ.env
* Evd.evar_map
* Glob_term.glob_constr
* Ltac_pretype.ltac_var_map |
type ltac_stack = ltac_call_kind Loc.located list
type ltac_trace = ltac_stack * Geninterp.Val.t Names.Id.Map.t list
type tacdef_body =
| TacticDefinition of Names.lident * raw_tactic_expr |
| TacticRedefinition of Libnames.qualid * raw_tactic_expr |