Module Ssreflect_plugin.Ssrfwd

val ssrsettac : Names.Id.t -> ((Ssrast.ssrfwdfmt * (Ssrmatching_plugin.Ssrmatching.cpattern * Ssrast.ast_closure_term option)) * Ssrast.ssrdocc) -> unit Proofview.tactic
val ssrposetac : (Names.Id.t * (Ssrast.ssrfwdfmt * Ssrast.ast_closure_term)) -> unit Proofview.tactic
val havetac : -> (bool * ((((Ssrast.ssrclear option * Ssrast.ssripat list) * Ssrast.ssripats) * Ssrast.ssripats) * (((Ssrast.ssrfwdkind * 'a) * Ssrast.ast_closure_term) * (bool * Ltac_plugin.Tacinterp.Value.t option list)))) -> bool -> bool -> unit Proofview.tactic
type cut_kind =
| Have
| HaveTransp
| Suff
val basecuttac : cut_kind -> EConstr.t -> unit Proofview.tactic
val basesufftac : EConstr.t -> unit Proofview.tactic
val wlogtac : Ltac_plugin.Tacinterp.interp_sign -> (((Ssrast.ssrclear option * Ssrast.ssripats) * 'a) * 'b) -> ((Ssrast.ssrhyps * ((Ssrast.ssrhyp_or_id * string) * Ssrmatching_plugin.Ssrmatching.cpattern option) option) list * ('c * Ssrast.ast_closure_term)) -> Ltac_plugin.Tacinterp.Value.t Ssrast.ssrhint -> bool -> [< `Gen of Names.Id.t option option | `NoGen NoGen ] -> unit Proofview.tactic
val sufftac : -> ((((Ssrast.ssrclear option * Ssrast.ssripats) * Ssrast.ssripat list) * Ssrast.ssripat list) * (('a * Ssrast.ast_closure_term) * (bool * Ltac_plugin.Tacinterp.Value.t option list))) -> unit Proofview.tactic
val undertac : ?⁠pad_intro:bool -> Ltac_plugin.Tacinterp.interp_sign -> Ssrast.ssripats option -> Ssrequality.ssrrwarg -> Ltac_plugin.Tacinterp.Value.t Ssrast.ssrhint -> unit Proofview.tactic
val overtac : unit Proofview.tactic