Module Terminal

type color = [
| `RED
| `INDEX of int
| `RGB of int * int * int
type style = {
fg_color : color option;
bg_color : color option;
bold : bool option;
italic : bool option;
underline : bool option;
negative : bool option;
prefix : string option;
suffix : string option;
val make : ?⁠fg_color:color -> ?⁠bg_color:color -> ?⁠bold:bool -> ?⁠italic:bool -> ?⁠underline:bool -> ?⁠negative:bool -> ?⁠style:style -> ?⁠prefix:string -> ?⁠suffix:string -> unit -> style

Create a style from the given flags. It is derived from the optional style argument if given.

val merge : style -> style -> style

merge s1 s2 returns s1 with all defined values of s2 overwritten.

val diff : style -> style -> style

diff s1 s2 returns the differences between s1 and s2.

val repr : style -> int list

Generate the ANSI code representing the given style.

val eval : style -> string

Generate an escape sequence from a style.

val reset : string

This escape sequence resets all attributes.

val reset_style : style

The default style

val has_style : Unix.file_descr -> bool

Whether an output file descriptor handles styles. Very heuristic, only checks it is a terminal.

val parse : string -> (string * style) list

Parse strings describing terminal styles in the LS_COLORS syntax. For robustness, ignore meaningless entries and drops undefined styles.