Module Nativevalues

This modules defines the representation of values internally used by the native compiler. Be careful when removing apparently dead code from this interface, as it may be used by programs generated at runtime.

type t
val apply : t -> t -> t
val of_fun : (t -> t) -> t
val eta_expand : t -> t
type ('a, 'b) eq = ('a'b) Util.eq =
| Refl : ('a'a) eq
val t_eq : (tt -> t) eq

When -rectypes, matching on this makes t = ('a -> 'a) as 'a. When not -rectypes, it does nothing AFAICT so you have to generalize your problem to use this.

type accumulator
type tag = int
type arity = int
type reloc_table = (tag * arity) array
type annot_sw = {
asw_ind : Names.inductive;
asw_reloc : reloc_table;
asw_finite : bool;
asw_prefix : string;
val eq_annot_sw : annot_sw -> annot_sw -> bool
val hash_annot_sw : annot_sw -> int
type sort_annot = string * int
type rec_pos = int array
val eq_rec_pos : rec_pos -> rec_pos -> bool
type vcofix
type atom =
| Arel of int
| Aconstant of Constr.pconstant
| Aind of Constr.pinductive
| Asort of Sorts.t
| Avar of Names.Id.t
| Acase of annot_sw * accumulator * t * t
| Afix of t array * t array * rec_pos * int
| Acofix of t array * t array * int * vcofix
| Aevar of Evar.t * t array
| Aproj of Names.inductive * int * accumulator
type symbol =
| SymbValue of t
| SymbSort of Sorts.t
| SymbName of Names.Name.t
| SymbConst of Names.Constant.t
| SymbMatch of annot_sw
| SymbInd of Names.inductive
| SymbEvar of Evar.t
| SymbInstance of UVars.Instance.t
| SymbProj of Names.inductive * int
type symbols = symbol array
val empty_symbols : symbols
val mk_accu : atom -> t
val mk_rel_accu : int -> t
val mk_rels_accu : int -> int -> t array
val mk_constant_accu : Names.Constant.t -> UVars.Instance.t -> t
val mk_ind_accu : Names.inductive -> UVars.Instance.t -> t
val mk_sort_accu : Sorts.t -> UVars.Instance.t -> t
val mk_var_accu : Names.Id.t -> t
val mk_sw_accu : annot_sw -> accumulator -> t -> t -> t
val mk_fix_accu : rec_pos -> int -> t array -> t array -> t
val mk_cofix_accu : int -> t array -> t array -> t
val mk_evar_accu : Evar.t -> t array -> t
val mk_proj_accu : (Names.inductive * int) -> accumulator -> t
val upd_cofix : t -> t -> unit
val force_cofix : t -> t
val mk_const : tag -> t
val mk_block : tag -> t array -> t
val mk_prod : Names.Name.t -> t -> t -> t
val mk_bool : bool -> t
val mk_int : int -> t
val mk_uint : Uint63.t -> t
val mk_float : Float64.t -> t
val mk_string : Pstring.t -> t
val napply : t -> t array -> t
val dummy_value : unit -> t
val atom_of_accu : accumulator -> atom
val args_of_accu : accumulator -> t list
val accu_nargs : accumulator -> int
val cast_accu : t -> accumulator
type block
val block_size : block -> int
val block_field : block -> int -> t
val block_tag : block -> int
val kind_of_value : t -> kind
val str_encode : 'a -> string
val str_decode : string -> 'a

Support for machine integers

val val_to_int : t -> int
val is_int : t -> bool
val head0 : t -> t -> t
val tail0 : t -> t -> t
val add : t -> t -> t -> t
val sub : t -> t -> t -> t
val mul : t -> t -> t -> t
val div : t -> t -> t -> t
val rem : t -> t -> t -> t
val divs : t -> t -> t -> t
val rems : t -> t -> t -> t
val l_sr : t -> t -> t -> t
val l_sl : t -> t -> t -> t
val a_sr : t -> t -> t -> t
val l_and : t -> t -> t -> t
val l_xor : t -> t -> t -> t
val l_or : t -> t -> t -> t
val addc : t -> t -> t -> t
val subc : t -> t -> t -> t
val addCarryC : t -> t -> t -> t
val subCarryC : t -> t -> t -> t
val mulc : t -> t -> t -> t
val diveucl : t -> t -> t -> t
val div21 : t -> t -> t -> t -> t
val addMulDiv : t -> t -> t -> t -> t
val eq : t -> t -> t -> t
val lt : t -> t -> t -> t
val le : t -> t -> t -> t
val lts : t -> t -> t -> t
val les : t -> t -> t -> t
val compare : t -> t -> t -> t
val compares : t -> t -> t -> t
val print : t -> t
val no_check_head0 : t -> t
val no_check_tail0 : t -> t
val no_check_add : t -> t -> t
val no_check_sub : t -> t -> t
val no_check_mul : t -> t -> t
val no_check_div : t -> t -> t
val no_check_rem : t -> t -> t
val no_check_divs : t -> t -> t
val no_check_rems : t -> t -> t
val no_check_l_sr : t -> t -> t
val no_check_l_sl : t -> t -> t
val no_check_a_sr : t -> t -> t
val no_check_l_and : t -> t -> t
val no_check_l_xor : t -> t -> t
val no_check_l_or : t -> t -> t
val no_check_addc : t -> t -> t
val no_check_subc : t -> t -> t
val no_check_addCarryC : t -> t -> t
val no_check_subCarryC : t -> t -> t
val no_check_mulc : t -> t -> t
val no_check_diveucl : t -> t -> t
val no_check_div21 : t -> t -> t -> t
val no_check_addMulDiv : t -> t -> t -> t
val no_check_eq : t -> t -> t
val no_check_lt : t -> t -> t
val no_check_le : t -> t -> t
val no_check_lts : t -> t -> t
val no_check_les : t -> t -> t
val no_check_compare : t -> t -> t
val no_check_compares : t -> t -> t

Support for machine floating point values

val is_float : t -> bool
val fopp : t -> t -> t
val fabs : t -> t -> t
val feq : t -> t -> t -> t
val flt : t -> t -> t -> t
val fle : t -> t -> t -> t
val fcompare : t -> t -> t -> t
val fequal : t -> t -> t -> t
val fclassify : t -> t -> t
val fadd : t -> t -> t -> t
val fsub : t -> t -> t -> t
val fmul : t -> t -> t -> t
val fdiv : t -> t -> t -> t
val fsqrt : t -> t -> t
val float_of_int : t -> t -> t
val normfr_mantissa : t -> t -> t
val frshiftexp : t -> t -> t
val ldshiftexp : t -> t -> t -> t
val next_up : t -> t -> t
val next_down : t -> t -> t
val no_check_fopp : t -> t
val no_check_fabs : t -> t
val no_check_feq : t -> t -> t
val no_check_flt : t -> t -> t
val no_check_fle : t -> t -> t
val no_check_fcompare : t -> t -> t
val no_check_fequal : t -> t -> t
val no_check_fclassify : t -> t
val no_check_fadd : t -> t -> t
val no_check_fsub : t -> t -> t
val no_check_fmul : t -> t -> t
val no_check_fdiv : t -> t -> t
val no_check_fsqrt : t -> t
val no_check_float_of_int : t -> t
val no_check_normfr_mantissa : t -> t
val no_check_frshiftexp : t -> t
val no_check_ldshiftexp : t -> t -> t
val no_check_next_up : t -> t
val no_check_next_down : t -> t

Support for strings

val is_string : t -> bool
val no_check_string_make : t -> t -> t
val no_check_string_length : t -> t
val no_check_string_get : t -> t -> t
val no_check_string_sub : t -> t -> t -> t
val no_check_string_cat : t -> t -> t
val no_check_string_compare : t -> t -> t
val string_make : t -> t -> t -> t
val string_length : t -> t -> t
val string_get : t -> t -> t -> t
val string_sub : t -> t -> t -> t -> t
val string_cat : t -> t -> t -> t
val string_compare : t -> t -> t -> t

Support for arrays

val parray_of_array : t -> t -> t
val is_parray : t -> bool
val arraymake : t -> t -> t -> t -> t
val arrayget : t -> t -> t -> t -> t
val arraydefault : t -> t -> t -> t
val arrayset : t -> t -> t -> t -> t -> t
val arraycopy : t -> t -> t -> t
val arraylength : t -> t -> t -> t
val no_check_arraymake : t -> t -> t
val no_check_arrayget : t -> t -> t
val no_check_arraydefault : t -> t
val no_check_arrayset : t -> t -> t -> t
val no_check_arraycopy : t -> t
val no_check_arraylength : t -> t