Library Stdlib.Logic.Eqdep
This file axiomatizes the invariance by substitution of reflexive
equality proofs [Streicher93] and exports its consequences, such
as the injectivity of the projection of the dependent pair.
[Streicher93] T. Streicher, Semantical Investigations into
Intensional Type Theory, Habilitationsschrift, LMU München, 1993.
From Stdlib Require Export EqdepFacts.
Module Eq_rect_eq.
Axiom eq_rect_eq :
forall (U:Type) (p:U) (Q:U -> Type) (x:Q p) (h:p = p), x = eq_rect p Q x p h.
End Eq_rect_eq.
Module EqdepTheory := EqdepTheory(Eq_rect_eq).
Export EqdepTheory.
Exported hints
Hint Resolve eq_dep_eq: eqdep.
Hint Resolve inj_pair2 inj_pairT2: eqdep.