Library Stdlib.Numbers.Integer.Abstract.ZDivEucl

From Stdlib.Numbers.Integer.Abstract Require Import ZAxioms ZMulOrder ZSgnAbs.
From Stdlib.Numbers.NatInt Require Import NZDiv.

Euclidean Division for integers, Euclid convention

We use here the "usual" formulation of the Euclid Theorem forall a b, b<>0 -> exists r q, a = b*q+r /\ 0 <= r < |b|
The outcome of the modulo function is hence always positive. This corresponds to convention "E" in the following paper:
R. Boute, "The Euclidean definition of the functions div and mod", ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, Vol. 14, No.2, pp. 127-144, April 1992.
See files ZDivTrunc and ZDivFloor for others conventions.
We simply extend NZDiv with a bound for modulo that holds regardless of the sign of a and b. This new specification subsume mod_bound_pos, which nonetheless stays there for subtyping. Note also that ZAxiomSig now already contain a div and a modulo (that follow the Floor convention). We just ignore them here.

Module Type EuclidSpec (Import A : ZAxiomsSig')(Import B : DivMod A).
 Axiom mod_always_pos : forall a b, b ~= 0 -> 0 <= B.modulo a b < abs b.
End EuclidSpec.

Module Type ZEuclid (Z:ZAxiomsSig) := NZDiv.NZDiv Z <+ EuclidSpec Z.

Module ZEuclidProp
 (Import A : ZAxiomsSig')
 (Import B : ZMulOrderProp A)
 (Import C : ZSgnAbsProp A B)
 (Import D : ZEuclid A).

We put notations in a scope, to avoid warnings about redefinitions of notations
 Declare Scope euclid.
 Infix "/" := D.div : euclid.
 Infix "mod" := D.modulo : euclid.
 Local Open Scope euclid.

 Module Import Private_NZDiv := Nop <+ NZDivProp A D B.

Another formulation of the main equation

Lemma mod_eq :
 forall a b, b~=0 -> a mod b == a - b*(a/b).

Ltac pos_or_neg a :=
 let LT := fresh "LT" in
 let LE := fresh "LE" in
 destruct (le_gt_cases 0 a) as [LE|LT]; [|rewrite <- opp_pos_neg in LT].

Uniqueness theorems

Theorem div_mod_unique : forall b q1 q2 r1 r2 : t,
  0<=r1<abs b -> 0<=r2<abs b ->
  b*q1+r1 == b*q2+r2 -> q1 == q2 /\ r1 == r2.

Theorem div_unique:
 forall a b q r, 0<=r<abs b -> a == b*q + r -> q == a/b.

Theorem mod_unique:
 forall a b q r, 0<=r<abs b -> a == b*q + r -> r == a mod b.

Sign rules

Lemma div_opp_r : forall a b, b~=0 -> a/(-b) == -(a/b).

Lemma mod_opp_r : forall a b, b~=0 -> a mod (-b) == a mod b.

Lemma div_opp_l_z : forall a b, b~=0 -> a mod b == 0 ->
 (-a)/b == -(a/b).

Lemma div_opp_l_nz : forall a b, b~=0 -> a mod b ~= 0 ->
 (-a)/b == -(a/b)-sgn b.

Lemma mod_opp_l_z : forall a b, b~=0 -> a mod b == 0 ->
 (-a) mod b == 0.

Lemma mod_opp_l_nz : forall a b, b~=0 -> a mod b ~= 0 ->
 (-a) mod b == abs b - (a mod b).

Lemma div_opp_opp_z : forall a b, b~=0 -> a mod b == 0 ->
 (-a)/(-b) == a/b.

Lemma div_opp_opp_nz : forall a b, b~=0 -> a mod b ~= 0 ->
 (-a)/(-b) == a/b + sgn(b).

Lemma mod_opp_opp_z : forall a b, b~=0 -> a mod b == 0 ->
 (-a) mod (-b) == 0.

Lemma mod_opp_opp_nz : forall a b, b~=0 -> a mod b ~= 0 ->
 (-a) mod (-b) == abs b - a mod b.

A division by itself returns 1

Lemma div_same : forall a, a~=0 -> a/a == 1.

Lemma mod_same : forall a, a~=0 -> a mod a == 0.

A division of a small number by a bigger one yields zero.

Theorem div_small: forall a b, 0<=a<b -> a/b == 0.

Same situation, in term of modulo:

Theorem mod_small: forall a b, 0<=a<b -> a mod b == a.

Basic values of divisions and modulo.

Lemma div_0_l: forall a, a~=0 -> 0/a == 0.

Lemma mod_0_l: forall a, a~=0 -> 0 mod a == 0.

Lemma div_1_r: forall a, a/1 == a.

Lemma mod_1_r: forall a, a mod 1 == 0.

Lemma div_1_l: forall a, 1<a -> 1/a == 0.

Lemma mod_1_l: forall a, 1<a -> 1 mod a == 1.

Lemma div_mul : forall a b, b~=0 -> (a*b)/b == a.

Lemma mod_mul : forall a b, b~=0 -> (a*b) mod b == 0.

Theorem div_unique_exact a b q: b~=0 -> a == b*q -> q == a/b.

Order results about mod and div

A modulo cannot grow beyond its starting point.

Theorem mod_le: forall a b, 0<=a -> b~=0 -> a mod b <= a.

Theorem div_pos : forall a b, 0<=a -> 0<b -> 0<= a/b.

Lemma div_str_pos : forall a b, 0<b<=a -> 0 < a/b.

Lemma div_small_iff : forall a b, b~=0 -> (a/b==0 <-> 0<=a<abs b).

Lemma mod_small_iff : forall a b, b~=0 -> (a mod b == a <-> 0<=a<abs b).

As soon as the divisor is strictly greater than 1, the division is strictly decreasing.

Lemma div_lt : forall a b, 0<a -> 1<b -> a/b < a.

le is compatible with a positive division.

Lemma div_le_mono : forall a b c, 0<c -> a<=b -> a/c <= b/c.

In this convention, div performs Rounding-Toward-Bottom when divisor is positive, and Rounding-Toward-Top otherwise.
Since we cannot speak of rational values here, we express this fact by multiplying back by b, and this leads to a nice unique statement.

Lemma mul_div_le : forall a b, b~=0 -> b*(a/b) <= a.

Giving a reversed bound is slightly more complex

Lemma mul_succ_div_gt: forall a b, 0<b -> a < b*(S (a/b)).

Lemma mul_pred_div_gt: forall a b, b<0 -> a < b*(P (a/b)).

NB: The three previous properties could be used as specifications for div.
Inequality mul_div_le is exact iff the modulo is zero.

Lemma div_exact : forall a b, b~=0 -> (a == b*(a/b) <-> a mod b == 0).

Some additional inequalities about div.

Theorem div_lt_upper_bound:
  forall a b q, 0<b -> a < b*q -> a/b < q.

Theorem div_le_upper_bound:
  forall a b q, 0<b -> a <= b*q -> a/b <= q.

Theorem div_le_lower_bound:
  forall a b q, 0<b -> b*q <= a -> q <= a/b.

A division respects opposite monotonicity for the divisor

Lemma div_le_compat_l: forall p q r, 0<=p -> 0<q<=r -> p/r <= p/q.

Relations between usual operations and mod and div

Lemma mod_add : forall a b c, c~=0 ->
 (a + b * c) mod c == a mod c.

Lemma div_add : forall a b c, c~=0 ->
 (a + b * c) / c == a / c + b.

Lemma div_add_l: forall a b c, b~=0 ->
 (a * b + c) / b == a + c / b.

With the current convention, the following isn't always true when c<0: -3*-1 / -2*-1 = 3/2 = 1 while -3/-2 = 2

Lemma div_mul_cancel_r : forall a b c, b~=0 -> 0<c ->
 (a*c)/(b*c) == a/b.

Lemma div_mul_cancel_l : forall a b c, b~=0 -> 0<c ->
 (c*a)/(c*b) == a/b.

Lemma mul_mod_distr_l: forall a b c, b~=0 -> 0<c ->
  (c*a) mod (c*b) == c * (a mod b).

Lemma mul_mod_distr_r: forall a b c, b~=0 -> 0<c ->
  (a*c) mod (b*c) == (a mod b) * c.

Operations modulo.

Theorem mod_mod: forall a n, n~=0 ->
 (a mod n) mod n == a mod n.

Lemma mul_mod_idemp_l : forall a b n, n~=0 ->
 ((a mod n)*b) mod n == (a*b) mod n.

Lemma mul_mod_idemp_r : forall a b n, n~=0 ->
 (a*(b mod n)) mod n == (a*b) mod n.

Theorem mul_mod: forall a b n, n~=0 ->
 (a * b) mod n == ((a mod n) * (b mod n)) mod n.

Lemma add_mod_idemp_l : forall a b n, n~=0 ->
 ((a mod n)+b) mod n == (a+b) mod n.

Lemma add_mod_idemp_r : forall a b n, n~=0 ->
 (a+(b mod n)) mod n == (a+b) mod n.

Theorem add_mod: forall a b n, n~=0 ->
 (a+b) mod n == (a mod n + b mod n) mod n.

With the current convention, the following result isn't always true with a negative intermediate divisor. For instance 3/(-2)/(-2) = 1 <> 0 = 3 / (-2*-2) and 3/(-2)/2 = -1 <> 0 = 3 / (-2*2) .

Lemma div_div : forall a b c, 0<b -> c~=0 ->
 (a/b)/c == a/(b*c).

Similarly, the following result doesn't always hold when b<0. For instance 3 mod (-2*-2)) = 3 while 3 mod (-2) + (-2)*((3/-2) mod -2) = -1.

Lemma mod_mul_r : forall a b c, 0<b -> c~=0 ->
 a mod (b*c) == a mod b + b*((a/b) mod c).

Lemma mod_div: forall a b, b~=0 ->
 a mod b / b == 0.

A last inequality:

Theorem div_mul_le:
 forall a b c, 0<=a -> 0<b -> 0<=c -> c*(a/b) <= (c*a)/b.

mod is related to divisibility

Lemma mod_divides : forall a b, b~=0 ->
 (a mod b == 0 <-> (b|a)).

End ZEuclidProp.