Library Stdlib.Numbers.Integer.Abstract.ZLt
From Stdlib Require Export ZMul.
Module ZOrderProp (Import Z : ZAxiomsMiniSig').
Include ZMulProp Z.
Instances of earlier theorems for m == 0
Theorem neg_pos_cases : forall n, n ~= 0 <-> n < 0 \/ n > 0.
Theorem nonpos_pos_cases : forall n, n <= 0 \/ n > 0.
Theorem neg_nonneg_cases : forall n, n < 0 \/ n >= 0.
Theorem nonpos_nonneg_cases : forall n, n <= 0 \/ n >= 0.
Ltac zinduct n := induction_maker n ltac:(apply order_induction_0).
Theorems that are either not valid on N or have different proofs
on N and Z
Theorem lt_pred_l : forall n, P n < n.
Theorem le_pred_l : forall n, P n <= n.
Theorem lt_le_pred : forall n m, n < m <-> n <= P m.
Theorem nle_pred_r : forall n, ~ n <= P n.
Theorem lt_pred_le : forall n m, P n < m <-> n <= m.
Theorem lt_lt_pred : forall n m, n < m -> P n < m.
Theorem le_le_pred : forall n m, n <= m -> P n <= m.
Theorem lt_pred_lt : forall n m, n < P m -> n < m.
Theorem le_pred_lt : forall n m, n <= P m -> n <= m.
Theorem pred_lt_mono : forall n m, n < m <-> P n < P m.
Theorem pred_le_mono : forall n m, n <= m <-> P n <= P m.
Theorem lt_succ_lt_pred : forall n m, S n < m <-> n < P m.
Theorem le_succ_le_pred : forall n m, S n <= m <-> n <= P m.
Theorem lt_pred_lt_succ : forall n m, P n < m <-> n < S m.
Theorem le_pred_lt_succ : forall n m, P n <= m <-> n <= S m.
Theorem neq_pred_l : forall n, P n ~= n.
Theorem lt_m1_r : forall n m, n < m -> m < 0 -> n < -1.
End ZOrderProp.