Library Stdlib.PArith.Pnat

From Stdlib Require Import BinPos PeanoNat.

Properties of the injection from binary positive numbers to Peano natural numbers
Original development by Pierre Crégut, CNET, Lannion, France

Local Open Scope positive_scope.
Local Open Scope nat_scope.

Module Pos2Nat.
 Import Pos.

Pos.to_nat is a morphism for successor, addition, multiplication

Lemma inj_succ p : to_nat (succ p) = S (to_nat p).

Theorem inj_add p q : to_nat (p + q) = to_nat p + to_nat q.

Theorem inj_mul p q : to_nat (p * q) = to_nat p * to_nat q.

Mapping of xH, xO and xI through Pos.to_nat

Lemma inj_1 : to_nat 1 = 1.

Lemma inj_xO p : to_nat (xO p) = 2 * to_nat p.

Lemma inj_xI p : to_nat (xI p) = S (2 * to_nat p).

Pos.to_nat maps to the strictly positive subset of nat

Lemma is_succ p : exists n, to_nat p = S n.

Pos.to_nat is strictly positive

Lemma is_pos p : 0 < to_nat p.

Pos.to_nat is a bijection between positive and non-zero nat, with Pos.of_nat as reciprocal. See below for the dual equation.

Theorem id p : of_nat (to_nat p) = p.

Pos.to_nat is hence injective

Lemma inj p q : to_nat p = to_nat q -> p = q.

Lemma inj_iff p q : to_nat p = to_nat q <-> p = q.

Pos.to_nat is a morphism for comparison

Lemma inj_compare p q : (p ?= q)%positive = (to_nat p ?= to_nat q).

Pos.to_nat is a morphism for lt, le, etc

Lemma inj_lt p q : (p < q)%positive <-> to_nat p < to_nat q.

Lemma inj_le p q : (p <= q)%positive <-> to_nat p <= to_nat q.

Lemma inj_gt p q : (p > q)%positive <-> to_nat p > to_nat q.

Lemma inj_ge p q : (p >= q)%positive <-> to_nat p >= to_nat q.

Pos.to_nat is a morphism for subtraction

Theorem inj_sub p q : (q < p)%positive ->
 to_nat (p - q) = to_nat p - to_nat q.

Theorem inj_sub_max p q :
 to_nat (p - q) = Nat.max 1 (to_nat p - to_nat q).

Theorem inj_pred p : (1 < p)%positive ->
 to_nat (pred p) = Nat.pred (to_nat p).

Theorem inj_pred_max p :
 to_nat (pred p) = Nat.max 1 (Peano.pred (to_nat p)).

Pos.to_nat and other operations

Lemma inj_min p q :
 to_nat (min p q) = Nat.min (to_nat p) (to_nat q).

Lemma inj_max p q :
 to_nat (max p q) = Nat.max (to_nat p) (to_nat q).

Theorem inj_iter p {A} (f:A->A) (x:A) :
    Pos.iter f x p = nat_rect _ x (fun _ => f) (to_nat p).

Theorem inj_pow p q : to_nat (p ^ q) = to_nat p ^ to_nat q.

End Pos2Nat.

Module Nat2Pos.

Pos.of_nat is a bijection between non-zero nat and positive, with Pos.to_nat as reciprocal. See above for the dual equation.

Theorem id (n:nat) : n<>0 -> Pos.to_nat (Pos.of_nat n) = n.

Theorem id_max (n:nat) : Pos.to_nat (Pos.of_nat n) = max 1 n.

Pos.of_nat is hence injective for non-zero numbers

Lemma inj (n m : nat) : n<>0 -> m<>0 -> Pos.of_nat n = Pos.of_nat m -> n = m.

Lemma inj_iff (n m : nat) : n<>0 -> m<>0 ->
 (Pos.of_nat n = Pos.of_nat m <-> n = m).

Usual operations are morphisms with respect to Pos.of_nat for non-zero numbers.

Lemma inj_0 : Pos.of_nat 0 = 1%positive.

Lemma inj_succ (n:nat) : n<>0 -> Pos.of_nat (S n) = Pos.succ (Pos.of_nat n).

Lemma inj_pred (n:nat) : Pos.of_nat (pred n) = Pos.pred (Pos.of_nat n).

Lemma inj_add (n m : nat) : n<>0 -> m<>0 ->
 Pos.of_nat (n+m) = (Pos.of_nat n + Pos.of_nat m)%positive.

Lemma inj_mul (n m : nat) : n<>0 -> m<>0 ->
 Pos.of_nat (n*m) = (Pos.of_nat n * Pos.of_nat m)%positive.

Lemma inj_compare (n m : nat) : n<>0 -> m<>0 ->
 (n ?= m) = (Pos.of_nat n ?= Pos.of_nat m)%positive.

Lemma inj_sub (n m : nat) : m<>0 ->
 Pos.of_nat (n-m) = (Pos.of_nat n - Pos.of_nat m)%positive.

Lemma inj_min (n m : nat) :
 Pos.of_nat (min n m) = Pos.min (Pos.of_nat n) (Pos.of_nat m).

Lemma inj_max (n m : nat) :
 Pos.of_nat (max n m) = Pos.max (Pos.of_nat n) (Pos.of_nat m).

Theorem inj_pow (n m : nat) : m <> 0 ->
 Pos.of_nat (n^m) = (Pos.of_nat n ^ Pos.of_nat m)%positive.

End Nat2Pos.

Properties of the shifted injection from Peano natural numbers to binary positive numbers

Module Pos2SuccNat.

Composition of Pos.to_nat and Pos.of_succ_nat is successor on positive
Composition of Pos.to_nat, Pos.of_succ_nat and Pos.pred is identity on positive
Composition of Pos.of_succ_nat and Pos.to_nat is successor on nat
Pos.of_succ_nat is hence injective
Another formulation
Successor and comparison are morphisms with respect to Pos.of_succ_nat
Other operations, for instance Pos.add and plus aren't directly related this way (we would need to compensate for the successor hidden in Pos.of_succ_nat
For compatibility, old names and old-style lemmas

Notation Psucc_S := Pos2Nat.inj_succ (only parsing).
Notation Pplus_plus := Pos2Nat.inj_add (only parsing).
Notation Pmult_mult := Pos2Nat.inj_mul (only parsing).
Notation Pcompare_nat_compare := Pos2Nat.inj_compare (only parsing).
Notation nat_of_P_xH := Pos2Nat.inj_1 (only parsing).
Notation nat_of_P_xO := Pos2Nat.inj_xO (only parsing).
Notation nat_of_P_xI := Pos2Nat.inj_xI (only parsing).
Notation nat_of_P_is_S := Pos2Nat.is_succ (only parsing).
Notation nat_of_P_pos := Pos2Nat.is_pos (only parsing).
Notation nat_of_P_inj_iff := Pos2Nat.inj_iff (only parsing).
Notation nat_of_P_inj := Pos2Nat.inj (only parsing).
Notation Plt_lt := Pos2Nat.inj_lt (only parsing).
Notation Pgt_gt := Pos2Nat.inj_gt (only parsing).
Notation Ple_le := Pos2Nat.inj_le (only parsing).
Notation Pge_ge := Pos2Nat.inj_ge (only parsing).
Notation Pminus_minus := Pos2Nat.inj_sub (only parsing).
Notation iter_nat_of_P := @Pos2Nat.inj_iter (only parsing).

Notation nat_of_P_of_succ_nat := SuccNat2Pos.id_succ (only parsing).
Notation P_of_succ_nat_of_P := Pos2SuccNat.id_succ (only parsing).

Notation nat_of_P_succ_morphism := Pos2Nat.inj_succ (only parsing).
Notation nat_of_P_plus_morphism := Pos2Nat.inj_add (only parsing).
Notation nat_of_P_mult_morphism := Pos2Nat.inj_mul (only parsing).
Notation nat_of_P_compare_morphism := Pos2Nat.inj_compare (only parsing).
Notation lt_O_nat_of_P := Pos2Nat.is_pos (only parsing).
Notation ZL4 := Pos2Nat.is_succ (only parsing).
Notation nat_of_P_o_P_of_succ_nat_eq_succ := SuccNat2Pos.id_succ (only parsing).
Notation P_of_succ_nat_o_nat_of_P_eq_succ := Pos2SuccNat.id_succ (only parsing).
Notation pred_o_P_of_succ_nat_o_nat_of_P_eq_id := Pos2SuccNat.pred_id (only parsing).

Lemma nat_of_P_minus_morphism p q :
 Pos.compare_cont Eq p q = Gt ->
  Pos.to_nat (p - q) = Pos.to_nat p - Pos.to_nat q.

Lemma nat_of_P_lt_Lt_compare_morphism p q :
 Pos.compare_cont Eq p q = Lt -> Pos.to_nat p < Pos.to_nat q.

Lemma nat_of_P_gt_Gt_compare_morphism p q :
 Pos.compare_cont Eq p q = Gt -> Pos.to_nat p > Pos.to_nat q.

Lemma nat_of_P_lt_Lt_compare_complement_morphism p q :
 Pos.to_nat p < Pos.to_nat q -> Pos.compare_cont Eq p q = Lt.

Lemma nat_of_P_gt_Gt_compare_complement_morphism p q :
 Pos.to_nat p > Pos.to_nat q -> Pos.compare_cont Eq p q = Gt.

Old intermediate results about Pmult_nat