Library Stdlib.QArith.Qfield

From Stdlib Require Export Field.
From Stdlib Require Export QArith_base.
From Stdlib Require Import NArithRing.

field and ring tactics for rational numbers

Definition Qsrt : ring_theory 0 1 Qplus Qmult Qminus Qopp Qeq.

Definition Qsft : field_theory 0 1 Qplus Qmult Qminus Qopp Qdiv Qinv Qeq.

Lemma Qpower_theory : power_theory 1 Qmult Qeq Z.of_N Qpower.

Ltac isQcst t :=
  match t with
  | inject_Z ?z => isZcst z
  | Qmake ?n ?d =>
    match isZcst n with
      true => isPcst d
    | _ => false
  | _ => false

Ltac Qcst t :=
  match isQcst t with
    true => t
    | _ => NotConstant

Ltac Qpow_tac t :=
  match t with
  | Z0 => N0
  | Zpos ?n => Ncst (Npos n)
  | Z.of_N ?n => Ncst n
  | NtoZ ?n => Ncst n
  | _ => NotConstant

Add Field Qfield : Qsft
 (decidable Qeq_bool_eq,
  completeness Qeq_eq_bool,
  constants [Qcst],
  power_tac Qpower_theory [Qpow_tac]).

Exemple of use:

Section Examples.

Section Ex1.
Let ex1 : forall x y z : Q, (x+y)*z == (x*z)+(y*z).
End Ex1.

Section Ex2.
Let ex2 : forall x y : Q, x+y == y+x.
End Ex2.

Section Ex3.
Let ex3 : forall x y z : Q, (x+y)+z == x+(y+z).
End Ex3.

Section Ex4.
Let ex4 : (inject_Z 1)+(inject_Z 1)==(inject_Z 2).
End Ex4.

Section Ex5.
Let ex5 : 1+1 == 2#1.
End Ex5.

Section Ex6.
Let ex6 : (1#1)+(1#1) == 2#1.
End Ex6.

Section Ex7.
Let ex7 : forall x : Q, x-x== 0.
End Ex7.

Section Ex8.
Let ex8 : forall x : Q, x^1 == x.
End Ex8.

Section Ex9.
Let ex9 : forall x : Q, x^0 == 1.
End Ex9.

Section Ex10.
Let ex10 : forall x y : Q, ~(y==0) -> (x/y)*y == x.
End Ex10.

End Examples.

Lemma Qopp_plus : forall a b, -(a+b) == -a + -b.

Lemma Qopp_opp : forall q, - -q==q.