Library Stdlib.Sorting.PermutEq
From Stdlib Require Import Relations Setoid SetoidList List Multiset PermutSetoid Permutation.
Set Implicit Arguments.
This file is similar to PermutSetoid, except that the equality used here
is Coq usual one instead of a setoid equality. In particular, we can then
prove the equivalence between Permutation.Permutation and
Section Perm.
Variable A : Type.
Hypothesis eq_dec : forall x y:A, {x=y} + {~ x=y}.
Notation permutation := (permutation _ eq_dec).
Notation list_contents := (list_contents _ eq_dec).
we can use multiplicity to define In and NoDup.
Lemma multiplicity_In :
forall l a, In a l <-> 0 < multiplicity (list_contents l) a.
Lemma multiplicity_In_O :
forall l a, ~ In a l -> multiplicity (list_contents l) a = 0.
Lemma multiplicity_In_S :
forall l a, In a l -> multiplicity (list_contents l) a >= 1.
Lemma multiplicity_NoDup :
forall l, NoDup l <-> (forall a, multiplicity (list_contents l) a <= 1).
Lemma NoDup_permut :
forall l l', NoDup l -> NoDup l' ->
(forall x, In x l <-> In x l') -> permutation l l'.
Permutation is compatible with In.
Lemma permut_In_In :
forall l1 l2 e, permutation l1 l2 -> In e l1 -> In e l2.
Lemma permut_cons_In :
forall l1 l2 e, permutation (e :: l1) l2 -> In e l2.
forall l1 l2 e, permutation l1 l2 -> In e l1 -> In e l2.
Lemma permut_cons_In :
forall l1 l2 e, permutation (e :: l1) l2 -> In e l2.
Permutation of an empty list.
When used with eq, this permutation notion is equivalent to
the one defined in List.v.
Permutation for short lists.
Lemma permut_length_1:
forall a b, permutation (a :: nil) (b :: nil) -> a=b.
Lemma permut_length_2 :
forall a1 b1 a2 b2, permutation (a1 :: b1 :: nil) (a2 :: b2 :: nil) ->
(a1=a2) /\ (b1=b2) \/ (a1=b2) /\ (a2=b1).
Permutation is compatible with length.
Lemma permut_length :
forall l1 l2, permutation l1 l2 -> length l1 = length l2.
Variable B : Type.
Variable eqB_dec : forall x y:B, { x=y }+{ ~x=y }.
forall l1 l2, permutation l1 l2 -> length l1 = length l2.
Variable B : Type.
Variable eqB_dec : forall x y:B, { x=y }+{ ~x=y }.
Permutation is compatible with map.