Library Stdlib.ZArith.Zcompare

Binary Integers : results about Initial author: Pierre Crégut (CNET, Lannion, France
THIS FILE IS DEPRECATED. It is now almost entirely made of compatibility formulations for results already present in BinInt.Z.

Require Export BinPos BinInt.

Local Open Scope Z_scope.

Comparison on integers

Lemma Zcompare_Gt_Lt_antisym : forall n m:Z, (n ?= m) = Gt <-> (m ?= n) = Lt.

Lemma Zcompare_antisym n m : CompOpp (n ?= m) = (m ?= n).

Transitivity of comparison

Lemma Zcompare_Lt_trans :
  forall n m p:Z, (n ?= m) = Lt -> (m ?= p) = Lt -> (n ?= p) = Lt.

Lemma Zcompare_Gt_trans :
  forall n m p:Z, (n ?= m) = Gt -> (m ?= p) = Gt -> (n ?= p) = Gt.

Comparison and opposite

Lemma Zcompare_opp n m : (n ?= m) = (- m ?= - n).

Comparison first-order specification

Comparison and addition

Successor and comparison

Multiplication and comparison

Lemma Zcompare_mult_compat :
  forall (p:positive) (n m:Z), (Zpos p * n ?= Zpos p * m) = (n ?= m).

Lemma Zmult_compare_compat_l n m p:
  p > 0 -> (n ?= m) = (p * n ?= p * m).

Lemma Zmult_compare_compat_r n m p :
  p > 0 -> (n ?= m) = (n * p ?= m * p).

Relating x ?= y to =, <=, <, >= or >

Lemma Zcompare_elim :
  forall (c1 c2 c3:Prop) (n m:Z),
    (n = m -> c1) ->
    (n < m -> c2) ->
    (n > m -> c3) -> match n ?= m with
                       | Eq => c1
                       | Lt => c2
                       | Gt => c3

Lemma Zcompare_eq_case :
  forall (c1 c2 c3:Prop) (n m:Z),
    c1 -> n = m -> match n ?= m with
                     | Eq => c1
                     | Lt => c2
                     | Gt => c3

Lemma Zle_compare :
  forall n m:Z,
    n <= m -> match n ?= m with
                | Eq => True
                | Lt => True
                | Gt => False

Lemma Zlt_compare :
  forall n m:Z,
   n < m -> match n ?= m with
              | Eq => False
              | Lt => True
              | Gt => False

Lemma Zge_compare :
  forall n m:Z,
    n >= m -> match n ?= m with
                | Eq => True
                | Lt => False
                | Gt => True

Lemma Zgt_compare :
  forall n m:Z,
    n > m -> match n ?= m with
               | Eq => False
               | Lt => False
               | Gt => True

Compatibility notations

Notation Zcompare_Eq_eq := Z.compare_eq (only parsing).
Notation Zcompare_Eq_iff_eq := Z.compare_eq_iff (only parsing).
Notation Zabs_non_eq := Z.abs_neq (only parsing).
Notation Zsgn_0 := Z.sgn_null (only parsing).
Notation Zsgn_1 := Z.sgn_pos (only parsing).
Notation Zsgn_m1 := Z.sgn_neg (only parsing).

Not kept: Zcompare_egal_dec