Library Stdlib.ZArith.Zeven

Binary Integers : Parity and Division by Two Initial author : Pierre Crégut (CNET, Lannion, France)
THIS FILE IS DEPRECATED. It is now almost entirely made of compatibility formulations for results already present in BinInt.Z.

From Stdlib Require Import BinInt.

Local Ltac Tauto.intuition_solver ::= auto with bool.

Local Open Scope Z_scope.

Historical formulation of even and odd predicates, based on case analysis. We now rather recommend using Z.Even and Z.Odd, which are based on the exist predicate.

Definition Zeven (z:Z) :=
  match z with
    | Z0 => True
    | Zpos (xO _) => True
    | Zneg (xO _) => True
    | _ => False

Definition Zodd (z:Z) :=
  match z with
    | Zpos xH => True
    | Zneg xH => True
    | Zpos (xI _) => True
    | Zneg (xI _) => True
    | _ => False

Lemma Zeven_equiv z : Zeven z <-> Z.Even z.

Lemma Zodd_equiv z : Zodd z <-> Z.Odd z.

Theorem Zeven_ex_iff n : Zeven n <-> exists m, n = 2*m.

Theorem Zodd_ex_iff n : Zodd n <-> exists m, n = 2*m + 1.

Boolean tests of parity (now in BinInt.Z)

Notation Zeven_bool := Z.even (only parsing).
Notation Zodd_bool := Z.odd (only parsing).

Lemma Zeven_bool_iff n : Z.even n = true <-> Zeven n.

Lemma Zodd_bool_iff n : Z.odd n = true <-> Zodd n.

Ltac boolify_even_odd := rewrite <- ?Zeven_bool_iff, <- ?Zodd_bool_iff.

Lemma Zodd_even_bool n : Z.odd n = negb (Z.even n).

Lemma Zeven_odd_bool n : Z.even n = negb (Z.odd n).

Definition Zeven_odd_dec n : {Zeven n} + {Zodd n}.

Definition Zeven_dec n : {Zeven n} + {~ Zeven n}.

Definition Zodd_dec n : {Zodd n} + {~ Zodd n}.

Lemma Zeven_not_Zodd n : Zeven n -> ~ Zodd n.

Lemma Zodd_not_Zeven n : Zodd n -> ~ Zeven n.

Lemma Zeven_Sn n : Zodd n -> Zeven (Z.succ n).

Lemma Zodd_Sn n : Zeven n -> Zodd (Z.succ n).

Lemma Zeven_pred n : Zodd n -> Zeven (Z.pred n).

Lemma Zodd_pred n : Zeven n -> Zodd (Z.pred n).

Hint Unfold Zeven Zodd: zarith.

Notation Zeven_bool_succ := Z.even_succ (only parsing).
Notation Zeven_bool_pred := Z.even_pred (only parsing).
Notation Zodd_bool_succ := Z.odd_succ (only parsing).
Notation Zodd_bool_pred := Z.odd_pred (only parsing).

Definition of Z.quot2, Z.div2 and properties wrt Zeven

and Zodd
Properties of Z.div2

Lemma Zdiv2_odd_eqn n : n = 2*(Z.div2 n) + if Z.odd n then 1 else 0.

Lemma Zeven_div2 n : Zeven n -> n = 2 * Z.div2 n.

Lemma Zodd_div2 n : Zodd n -> n = 2 * Z.div2 n + 1.

Properties of Z.quot2
TODO: move to Numbers someday

Lemma Zquot2_odd_eqn n : n = 2*(Z.quot2 n) + if Z.odd n then Z.sgn n else 0.

Lemma Zeven_quot2 n : Zeven n -> n = 2 * Z.quot2 n.

Lemma Zodd_quot2 n : n >= 0 -> Zodd n -> n = 2 * Z.quot2 n + 1.

Lemma Zodd_quot2_neg n : n <= 0 -> Zodd n -> n = 2 * Z.quot2 n - 1.

Lemma Zquot2_opp n : Z.quot2 (-n) = - Z.quot2 n.

Lemma Zquot2_quot n : Z.quot2 n = n ÷ 2.

More properties of parity

Lemma Z_modulo_2 n : {y | n = 2 * y} + {y | n = 2 * y + 1}.

Lemma Zsplit2 n :
 {p : Z * Z | let (x1, x2) := p in n = x1 + x2 /\ (x1 = x2 \/ x2 = x1 + 1)}.

Theorem Zeven_ex n : Zeven n -> exists m, n = 2 * m.

Theorem Zodd_ex n : Zodd n -> exists m, n = 2 * m + 1.

Theorem Zeven_2p p : Zeven (2 * p).

Theorem Zodd_2p_plus_1 p : Zodd (2 * p + 1).

Theorem Zeven_plus_Zodd a b : Zeven a -> Zodd b -> Zodd (a + b).

Theorem Zeven_plus_Zeven a b : Zeven a -> Zeven b -> Zeven (a + b).

Theorem Zodd_plus_Zeven a b : Zodd a -> Zeven b -> Zodd (a + b).

Theorem Zodd_plus_Zodd a b : Zodd a -> Zodd b -> Zeven (a + b).

Theorem Zeven_mult_Zeven_l a b : Zeven a -> Zeven (a * b).

Theorem Zeven_mult_Zeven_r a b : Zeven b -> Zeven (a * b).

Theorem Zodd_mult_Zodd a b : Zodd a -> Zodd b -> Zodd (a * b).