Library Stdlib.micromega.Ztac

Tactics for doing arithmetic proofs. Useful to bootstrap lia.

From Stdlib Require Import BinInt.
From Stdlib Require Import (ltac.notations) Ring_tac.
Local Open Scope Z_scope.

#[deprecated(use=Z.eq_le_incl, since="9.0")]
Lemma eq_incl :
  forall (x y:Z), x = y -> x <= y /\ y <= x.

#[deprecated(use=Z.lt_trichotomy, since="9.0")]
Lemma elim_concl_eq :
  forall x y, (x < y \/ y < x -> False) -> x = y.

#[deprecated(use=Z.nlt_ge, since="9.0")]
Lemma elim_concl_le :
  forall x y, (y < x -> False) -> x <= y.

#[deprecated(use=Z.nle_gt, since="9.0")]
Lemma elim_concl_lt :
  forall x y, (y <= x -> False) -> x < y.

#[deprecated(use=Z.le_succ_l, since="9.0")]
Lemma Zlt_le_add_1 : forall n m : Z, n < m -> n + 1 <= m.

Local Lemma Private_Zle_minus_le_0 n m : m <= n -> 0 <= n - m.

Ltac normZ :=
  match goal with
  | H : _ < _ |- _ => apply Zlt_le_add_1 in H
  | H : ?Y <= _ |- _ =>
    lazymatch Y with
    | 0 => fail
    | _ => apply Private_Zle_minus_le_0 in H
  | H : _ >= _ |- _ => apply Z.ge_le in H
  | H : _ > _ |- _ => apply Z.gt_lt in H
  | H : _ = _ |- _ => apply eq_incl in H ; destruct H
  | |- @eq Z _ _ => apply elim_concl_eq ; let H := fresh "HZ" in intros [H|H]
  | |- _ <= _ => apply elim_concl_le ; intros
  | |- _ < _ => apply elim_concl_lt ; intros
  | |- _ >= _ => apply Z.le_ge

Inductive proof_deprecated :=
| Hyp_deprecated (e : Z) (prf : 0 <= e)
| Add_deprecated (p1 p2: proof_deprecated)
| Mul_deprecated (p1 p2: proof_deprecated)
| Cst_deprecated (c : Z)

Notation proof := proof_deprecated (only parsing).
Notation Hyp := Hyp_deprecated (only parsing).
Notation Add := Add_deprecated (only parsing).
Notation Mul := Mul_deprecated (only parsing).
Notation Cst := Cst_deprecated (only parsing).

#[deprecated(use=Z.add_nonneg_nonneg, since="9.0")]
Lemma add_le : forall e1 e2, 0 <= e1 -> 0 <= e2 -> 0 <= e1+e2.

#[deprecated(use=Z.mul_nonneg_nonneg, since="9.0")]
Lemma mul_le : forall e1 e2, 0 <= e1 -> 0 <= e2 -> 0 <= e1*e2.

Local Definition Private_Z_le_dec x y : {x <= y} + {~ x <= y}.

Fixpoint eval_proof (p : proof) : { e : Z | 0 <= e} :=
  match p with
  | Hyp e prf => exist _ e prf
  | Add p1 p2 => let (e1,p1) := eval_proof p1 in
                 let (e2,p2) := eval_proof p2 in
                 exist _ _ (add_le _ _ p1 p2)
  | Mul p1 p2 => let (e1,p1) := eval_proof p1 in
                 let (e2,p2) := eval_proof p2 in
                 exist _ _ (mul_le _ _ p1 p2)
  | Cst c => match Private_Z_le_dec 0 c with
                   | left prf => exist _ _ prf
                   | _ => exist _ _ Z.le_0_1

Ltac lia_step p :=
  let H := fresh in
  let prf := (eval cbn - [Z.le Z.mul Z.opp Z.sub Z.add] in (eval_proof p)) in
  match prf with
  | @exist _ _ _ ?P => pose proof P as H
  end ; ring_simplify in H.

Ltac lia_contr :=
  match goal with
  | H : 0 <= - (Zpos _) |- _ =>
    rewrite <- Z.leb_le in H;
    compute in H ; discriminate
  | H : 0 <= (Zneg _) |- _ =>
    rewrite <- Z.leb_le in H;
    compute in H ; discriminate

Ltac lia p :=
  lia_step p ; lia_contr.

Ltac slia H1 H2 :=
  normZ ; lia (Add (Hyp _ H1) (Hyp _ H2)).

Arguments Hyp {_} prf.