Library Stdlib.setoid_ring.Ncring_tac

From Stdlib Require Import List.
From Stdlib Require Import Setoid.
From Stdlib Require Import BinPos.
From Stdlib Require Import BinList.
From Stdlib Require Import Znumtheory.
From Stdlib Require Export Morphisms Setoid Bool.
From Stdlib Require Import Algebra_syntax.
From Stdlib Require Export Ncring.
From Stdlib Require Import Ncring_polynom.
From Stdlib Require Import Ncring_initial.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Ltac reify_as_var_aux n lvar term :=
  lazymatch lvar with
  | @cons _ ?t0 ?tl =>
      let conv :=
        match goal with
        | _ => let _ := match goal with _ => convert term t0 end in open_constr:(true)
        | _ => open_constr:(false)
      lazymatch conv with
      | true => n
      | false => reify_as_var_aux open_constr:(S n) tl term
  | _ =>
      let _ := open_constr:(eq_refl : lvar = @cons _ term _) in

Ltac reify_as_var lvar term := reify_as_var_aux Datatypes.O lvar term.

Ltac close_varlist lvar :=
  lazymatch lvar with
  | @nil _ => idtac
  | @cons _ _ ?tl => close_varlist tl
  | _ => let _ := constr:(eq_refl : lvar = @nil _) in idtac

Ltac extra_reify term := open_constr:(tt).

Ltac reify_term R ring0 ring1 add mul sub opp lvar term :=
  let reify_term x := reify_term R ring0 ring1 add mul sub opp lvar x in
  match term with
  | Z0 => open_constr:(PEc 0%Z)
  | Zpos ?p => open_constr:(PEc (Zpos p))
  | Zneg ?p => open_constr:(PEc (Zneg p))

  | _ =>
    let _ := lazymatch goal with _ => convert ring0 term end in
    open_constr:(PEc 0%Z)
  | _ =>
    let _ := lazymatch goal with _ => convert ring1 term end in
    open_constr:(PEc 1%Z)

  | ?op ?t1 ?t2 =>
    let _ := open_constr:(t1 : R) in
    let _ := open_constr:(t2 : R) in
    match tt with
    | _ =>
      let _ := lazymatch goal with _ => convert add op end in
      let et1 := reify_term t1 in
      let et2 := reify_term t2 in
      open_constr:(PEadd et1 et2)
    | _ =>
      let _ := lazymatch goal with _ => convert mul op end in
      let et1 := reify_term t1 in
      let et2 := reify_term t2 in
      open_constr:(PEmul et1 et2)
    | _ =>
      let _ := lazymatch goal with _ => convert sub op end in
      let et1 := reify_term t1 in
      let et2 := reify_term t2 in
      open_constr:(PEsub et1 et2)

  | ?op ?t =>
    let _ := lazymatch goal with _ => convert opp op end in
    let et := reify_term t in
    open_constr:(PEopp et)

  | @multiplication Z _ _ ?z ?t =>
    let et := reify_term t in
    open_constr:(PEmul (PEc z) et)
  | pow_N ?t ?n =>
    let et := reify_term t in
    open_constr:(PEpow et n)
  | @power _ _ power_ring ?t ?n =>
    let et := reify_term t in
    open_constr:(PEpow et (ZN n))

  | _ =>
    let extra := extra_reify term in
    lazymatch extra with
    | tt =>
      let n := reify_as_var lvar term in
      open_constr:(PEX Z (Pos.of_succ_nat n))
    | ?v => v

Ltac list_reifyl_core Tring lvar lterm :=
  lazymatch lterm with
  | @nil _ => open_constr:(@nil (PExpr Z))
  | @cons _ ?t ?tl =>
      lazymatch Tring with
      | Ring (T:=?R) (ring0:=?ring0) (ring1:=?ring1)
          (add:=?add) (mul:=?mul) (sub:=?sub) (opp:=?opp) =>
        let et := reify_term R ring0 ring1 add mul sub opp lvar t in
        let etl := list_reifyl_core Tring lvar tl in
        open_constr:(@cons (PExpr Z) et etl)

Ltac list_reifyl lvar lterm :=
  lazymatch lterm with
  | @cons ?R _ _ =>
      let R_ring := constr:(_ :> Ring (T:=R)) in
      let Tring := type of R_ring in
      let lexpr := list_reifyl_core Tring lvar lterm in
      let _ := lazymatch goal with _ => close_varlist lvar end in

Ltac list_reifyl0 lterm :=
  lazymatch lterm with
  | @cons ?R _ _ =>
      let lvar := open_constr:(_ :> list R) in
      list_reifyl lvar lterm

Class ReifyL {R:Type} (lvar lterm : list R) := list_reifyl : (list R * list (PExpr Z)).
Arguments list_reifyl {R lvar lterm _}.

Global Hint Extern 0 (ReifyL ?lvar ?lterm) => let reif := list_reifyl lvar lterm in exact reif : typeclass_instances.

Unset Implicit Arguments.

Ltac lterm_goal g :=
  match g with
  | ?t1 == ?t2 => constr:(t1::t2::nil)
  | ?t1 = ?t2 => constr:(t1::t2::nil)
  | (_ ?t1 ?t2) => constr:(t1::t2::nil)

Lemma Private_Zeqb_ok: forall x y : Z, Z.eqb x y = true -> x == y.

#[deprecated(use=Z.eqb_eq, since="9.0")]
Notation Zeqb_ok := Private_Zeqb_ok (only parsing).

Ltac reify_goal lvar lexpr lterm:=
  match lexpr with
     nil => idtac
   | ?e1::?e2::_ =>
        match goal with
          |- (?op ?u1 ?u2) =>
           change (op
             (@PEeval Z _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (@gen_phiZ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) N
                      (fun n:N => n) (@pow_N _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
                      lvar e1)
             (@PEeval Z _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (@gen_phiZ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) N
                      (fun n:N => n) (@pow_N _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
                      lvar e2))

Lemma comm: forall (R:Type)`{Ring R}(c : Z) (x : R),
  x * (gen_phiZ c) == (gen_phiZ c) * x.

Ltac ring_gen :=
   match goal with
     |- ?g =>
       let lterm := lterm_goal g in
       let reif := list_reifyl0 lterm in
       match reif with
         | (?fv, ?lexpr) =>
           reify_goal fv lexpr lterm;
           match goal with
             |- ?g =>
               apply (@ring_correct Z _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
                       (@gen_phiZ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) _
                 (@comm _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) Z.eqb Private_Zeqb_ok N (fun n:N => n)
                 (@pow_N _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _));
               [apply mkpow_th; reflexivity
                 |vm_compute; reflexivity]

Ltac non_commutative_ring:=

Ltac ring_simplify_aux lterm fv lexpr hyp :=
    match lterm with
      | ?t0::?lterm =>
    match lexpr with
      | ?e::?le =>
        let t := constr:(@Ncring_polynom.norm_subst
          Z 0%Z 1%Z Z.add Z.mul Z.sub Z.opp (@eq Z) Zops Z.eqb e) in
        let te :=
          constr:(@Ncring_polynom.Pphi Z
            _ 0 1 _+_ _*_ _-_ -_ _==_ _ Ncring_initial.gen_phiZ fv t) in
        let eq1 := fresh "ring" in
        let nft := eval vm_compute in t in
        let t':= fresh "t" in
        pose (t' := nft);
        assert (eq1 : t = t');
        [vm_cast_no_check (eq_refl t')|
        let eq2 := fresh "ring" in
        assert (eq2:(@Ncring_polynom.PEeval Z
          _ 0 1 _+_ _*_ _-_ -_ _==_ _ Ncring_initial.gen_phiZ N (fun n:N => n)
          (@Ring_theory.pow_N _ 1 multiplication) fv e) == te);
        [apply (@Ncring_polynom.norm_subst_ok
          Z _ 0%Z 1%Z Z.add Z.mul Z.sub Z.opp (@eq Z)
          _ _ 0 1 _+_ _*_ _-_ -_ _==_ _ _ Ncring_initial.gen_phiZ _
          (@comm _ 0 1 _+_ _*_ _-_ -_ _==_ _ _) _ Private_Zeqb_ok);
           apply mkpow_th; reflexivity
          | match hyp with
                | 1%nat => rewrite eq2
                | ?H => try rewrite eq2 in H
        let P:= fresh "P" in
        match hyp with
          | 1%nat => idtac "ok";
            rewrite eq1;
            pattern (@Ncring_polynom.Pphi Z _ 0 1 _+_ _*_ _-_ -_ _==_
              _ Ncring_initial.gen_phiZ fv t');
            match goal with
              |- (?p ?t) => set (P:=p)
              unfold t' in *; clear t' eq1 eq2; simpl
          | ?H =>
               rewrite eq1 in H;
               pattern (@Ncring_polynom.Pphi Z _ 0 1 _+_ _*_ _-_ -_ _==_
                  _ Ncring_initial.gen_phiZ fv t') in H;
               match type of H with
                  | (?p ?t) => set (P:=p) in H
               unfold t' in *; clear t' eq1 eq2; simpl in H
        end; unfold P in *; clear P
        ]; ring_simplify_aux lterm fv le hyp
      | nil => idtac
    | nil => idtac

Ltac set_variables fv :=
  match fv with
    | nil => idtac
    | ?t::?fv =>
        let v := fresh "X" in
        set (v:=t) in *; set_variables fv

Ltac deset n:=
   match n with
    | 0%nat => idtac
    | S ?n1 =>
      match goal with
        | h:= ?v : ?t |- ?g => unfold h in *; clear h; deset n1

Ltac ring_simplify_gen a hyp :=
  let lterm :=
    match a with
      | _::_ => a
      | _ => constr:(a::nil)
    end in
   let reif := list_reifyl0 lterm in
    match reif with
      | (?fv, ?lexpr) => idtac lterm; idtac fv; idtac lexpr;
      let n := eval compute in (length fv) in
      idtac n;
      let lt:=fresh "lt" in
      set (lt:= lterm);
      let lv:=fresh "fv" in
      set (lv:= fv);
      set_variables fv;
      let lterm1 := eval unfold lt in lt in
      let lv1 := eval unfold lv in lv in
        idtac lterm1; idtac lv1;
      ring_simplify_aux lterm1 lv1 lexpr hyp;
      clear lt lv;
      deset n

Tactic Notation "non_commutative_ring_simplify" constr(lterm):=
 ring_simplify_gen lterm 1%nat.

Tactic Notation "non_commutative_ring_simplify" constr(lterm) "in" ident(H):=
 ring_simplify_gen lterm H.