Library Coq.extraction.ExtrOcamlZBigInt
Extraction of positive, N, and Z, into Zarith's Z.t
Require Coq.extraction.Extraction.
Require Import ZArith NArith.
Require Import ExtrOcamlBasic.
Extraction Blacklist Z Big_int_Z.
NB: The extracted code depends on zarith package.
Disclaimer: trying to obtain efficient certified programs
by extracting Z into big_int isn't necessarily a good idea.
See the Disclaimer in ExtrOcamlNatInt.
Mapping of positive, Z, N into Z. The last strings
emulate the matching, see documentation of Extract Inductive.
Extract Inductive positive => "Big_int_Z.big_int"
[ "(fun x -> Big_int_Z.succ_big_int (Big_int_Z.mult_int_big_int 2 x))"
"Big_int_Z.mult_int_big_int 2" "Big_int_Z.unit_big_int" ]
"(fun f2p1 f2p f1 p -> if Big_int_Z.le_big_int p Big_int_Z.unit_big_int then f1 () else let (q,r) = Big_int_Z.quomod_big_int p (Big_int_Z.big_int_of_int 2) in if Big_int_Z.eq_big_int r Big_int_Z.zero_big_int then f2p q else f2p1 q)".
Extract Inductive Z => "Big_int_Z.big_int"
[ "Big_int_Z.zero_big_int" "" "Big_int_Z.minus_big_int" ]
"(fun fO fp fn z -> let s = Big_int_Z.sign_big_int z in if s = 0 then fO () else if s > 0 then fp z else fn (Big_int_Z.minus_big_int z))".
Extract Inductive N => "Big_int_Z.big_int"
[ "Big_int_Z.zero_big_int" "" ]
"(fun fO fp n -> if Big_int_Z.sign_big_int n <= 0 then fO () else fp n)".
Nota: the "" above is used as an identity function "(fun p->p)"
Efficient (but uncertified) versions for usual functions
Extract Constant Pos.add => "Big_int_Z.add_big_int".
Extract Constant Pos.succ => "Big_int_Z.succ_big_int".
Extract Constant Pos.pred =>
"(fun n -> Big_int_Z.max_big_int Big_int_Z.unit_big_int (Big_int_Z.pred_big_int n))".
Extract Constant Pos.sub =>
"(fun n m -> Big_int_Z.max_big_int Big_int_Z.unit_big_int (Big_int_Z.sub_big_int n m))".
Extract Constant Pos.mul => "Big_int_Z.mult_big_int".
Extract Constant Pos.min => "Big_int_Z.min_big_int".
Extract Constant Pos.max => "Big_int_Z.max_big_int".
Extract Constant =>
"(fun x y -> let s = Big_int_Z.compare_big_int x y in if s = 0 then Eq else if s < 0 then Lt else Gt)".
Extract Constant Pos.compare_cont =>
"(fun c x y -> let s = Big_int_Z.compare_big_int x y in if s = 0 then c else if s < 0 then Lt else Gt)".
Extract Constant N.add => "Big_int_Z.add_big_int".
Extract Constant N.succ => "Big_int_Z.succ_big_int".
Extract Constant N.pred =>
"(fun n -> Big_int_Z.max_big_int Big_int_Z.zero_big_int (Big_int_Z.pred_big_int n))".
Extract Constant N.sub =>
"(fun n m -> Big_int_Z.max_big_int Big_int_Z.zero_big_int (Big_int_Z.sub_big_int n m))".
Extract Constant N.mul => "Big_int_Z.mult_big_int".
Extract Constant N.min => "Big_int_Z.min_big_int".
Extract Constant N.max => "Big_int_Z.max_big_int".
Extract Constant N.div =>
"(fun a b -> if Big_int_Z.eq_big_int b Big_int_Z.zero_big_int then Big_int_Z.zero_big_int else Big_int_Z.div_big_int a b)".
Extract Constant N.modulo =>
"(fun a b -> if Big_int_Z.eq_big_int b Big_int_Z.zero_big_int then a else Big_int_Z.mod_big_int a b)".
Extract Constant =>
"(fun x y -> let s = Big_int_Z.compare_big_int x y in if s = 0 then Eq else if s < 0 then Lt else Gt)".
Extract Constant Z.add => "Big_int_Z.add_big_int".
Extract Constant Z.succ => "Big_int_Z.succ_big_int".
Extract Constant Z.pred => "Big_int_Z.pred_big_int".
Extract Constant Z.sub => "Big_int_Z.sub_big_int".
Extract Constant Z.mul => "Big_int_Z.mult_big_int".
Extract Constant Z.opp => "Big_int_Z.minus_big_int".
Extract Constant Z.abs => "Big_int_Z.abs_big_int".
Extract Constant Z.min => "Big_int_Z.min_big_int".
Extract Constant Z.max => "Big_int_Z.max_big_int".
Extract Constant =>
"(fun x y -> let s = Big_int_Z.compare_big_int x y in if s = 0 then Eq else if s < 0 then Lt else Gt)".
Extract Constant Z.of_N => "(fun p -> p)".
Extract Constant Z.abs_N => "Big_int_Z.abs_big_int".
Z.div and Z.modulo are quite complex to define in terms of (/) and (mod).
For the moment we don't even try
Require Import ZArith NArith.
Extraction "/tmp/"
Pos.add Pos.pred Pos.sub Pos.mul N.pred N.sub N.div N.modulo
Z.add Z.mul Z.of_N Z.abs_N Z.div Z.modulo.