Template vs. “full” universe polymorphism
Main contributors
- 1. Quick reminder about universes
- 2. Some issues with monomorphic universes
- 3. What template universe polymorphism does and doesn't do
- 3.1. Principle
- 3.2. Breaking cycles with template polymorphism
- 3.3. Template polymorphism doesn't go through intermediate definitions
- 4. A taste of “full” universe polymorphism
- 4.1. Principle
- 4.2. Universe polymorphic definitions
- The reader should have a basic understanding of universes. There is a reminder below but not at all a complete explanation.
- Experience with universe polymorphism.
1. Quick reminder about universes
Open Scope type_scope.
Set Printing Universes.
Set Printing Universes.
Let us create a variable uprod representing a universe level, and then
the product of two types living in universe uprod.
For simplicity we're using the same universe level for both A and B; this
is irrelevant to the issues below.
uprod is a fixed universe, and so the basic rule applies: we can use it with
any type that lives in a lower universe, but we can't use it with a type
that lives in a higher universe.
You might think that uprod has to be a specific concrete integer so that
universe consistency checks can be performed during typing. However, we can
satisfy CoC rules without assigning specific integers and keep universes
like uprod symbolic as long as there exists a concrete assignment that
keeps things well-typed.
Coq uses these so-called “algebraic” universes: a universe number is either
a symbol (e.g. uprod), the successor of a symbol (e.g. uprod+1), or the
max of two levels (e.g. max(uprod, uprod+1)). Counter-intuitively, we
actually cannot specify universes directly by numbers.
Check Type@{uprod}.
Check Type@{uprod+1}.
Check Type@{max(uprod, uprod+1)}.
(* Check Type@{10}. *)
(* Error: Syntax error: '_' '}' or universe expected after '@{' (in sort). *)
The operators +1 and max arise from typing rules; the important part is
that these are the only ones needed to implement all the rules. The calculus
of integers with +1, max, ≤ and < is decidable and thus it's
possible for Coq to carry out universe consistency checks using these
algebraic universes without assigning concrete numbers.
Instead, when you use a term of type Type@{i} where a term of type
Type@{j} is required, Coq checks that the constraint i ≤ j is
realizable: if it is, the constraint is recorded and the term is well-typed;
otherwise a universe inconsistency error is raised.
For instance if we instantiate mprod with a Set, we get Set ≤ uprod,
because a type at level uprod was expected and we provided one at level
Set. The constraint is realizable so the definition is accepted.
If we instantiate with a Type at level 1, we get the stronger constraint
Set < uprod. It's still realizable, so the definition typechecks again;
however, all future definitions must be compatible with the constraint,
otherwise there will be a universe inconsistency.
What we have to accept now is that we're never getting a concrete value out
of that universe uprod: it's always going to remain a variable, and it
will only evolve in its relations with other universe variables, i.e.
through constraints.
The core limitations of template universe polymorphism are related to when
it doesn't activate and leaves you with monomorphic universes, so we can
demonstrate most of the issues directly on monomorphic universes.
Let's introduce a new universe u. Initially u and uprod are
unrelated, which we can see by printing the section of the constraint graph
that mentions these two universes. (Note that we don't care about the
Set < x constraints; all global universes have it.)
2. Some issues with monomorphic universes
Universe u.
Print Universes Subgraph (u uprod).
Print Universes Subgraph (u uprod).
Now if we instantiate mprod with a Type@{u}, we get a new constraint
that u ≤ uprod. Note that this constraint is global, so it now affects
typing for all remaining code!
(This is one of the reasons why universes can be difficult to debug in Coq:
any use of a definition might impact universe constraints, so importing
certain combinations of modules, adding debug lemmas, or any other change in
global scope can affect whether code ten files over typechecks.)
This constraint changes if we now try to use mprod with a Type@{u+1}.
This is a pretty artificial example, but as mentioned in the introduction
universe bumps occur naturally due to quantification. For example, let's say
we want a “lazy” value wrapper that stores values through unevaluated
lazy contains a universe bump: due to quantification, the types that we
provide for A will have to live in strictly smaller universes than the
associated lazyT. This is not required by the type itself...
But it is required by the lazy function, which takes a lazyT.u1, thus
smaller than lazyT which lives at level lazyT.u1+1.
Note that the bump only exists because lazy quantifies on A. In this
simple example, we could make A a parameter of the inductive instead of an
index and avoid the bump, but it's not the case in general (e.g., the freer
monad or functor laws).
We can see this in a universe constraint if we bring them both in a single
definition, such as the very natural lazy_pure function below. A universe
variable lazy_pure.u0 is introduced for A, and since we supply A as
(implicit) argument to lazy's A argument which lives in universe level
lazyT.u1, we get lazy_pure.u0 ≤ lazyT.u1.
Since lazyT itself lives at level lazyT.u1+1, the new constraint
lazy_pure.u0 ≤ lazyT.u1 implies a strict inequality between the
universes of A and lazyT A.
Definition lazy_pure {A: Type} (a: A): lazyT A := lazy (fun _ ⇒ a).
Print Universes Subgraph (lazy_pure.u0 lazyT.u0 lazyT.u1).
Print Universes Subgraph (lazy_pure.u0 lazyT.u0 lazyT.u1).
We run into the typical limitation of monomorphic universes if we now
happen to want products in these two places at once:
Currently we don't have any constraint between lazyT.u1 and uprod.
- Products as arguments to lazyT (enforcing uprod ≤ lazyT.u1)
- lazyT within products (enforcing lazyT.u1+1 ≤ uprod).
Print Universes Subgraph (lazyT.u1 uprod).
If we were now to use mprod in a lazyT, we'd get uprod ≤ lazyT.u1.
Definition lazy_pure_mprod {A B: Type} (a: A) (b: B): lazyT (mprod A B) :=
lazy_pure (mpair _ _ a b).
Print Universes Subgraph (lazyT.u1 uprod).
lazy_pure (mpair _ _ a b).
Print Universes Subgraph (lazyT.u1 uprod).
Conversely, if we used lazyT in mprod, we'd get lazyT.u1 < uprod.
Because we've defined lazy_pure_mprod, this is inconsistent with existing
constraints, so the definition doesn't typecheck!
Fail Definition mprod_lazy {A B: Type} (a: A) (b: B):
mprod (lazyT A) (lazyT B) :=
mpair _ _ (lazy_pure a) (lazy_pure b).
mprod (lazyT A) (lazyT B) :=
mpair _ _ (lazy_pure a) (lazy_pure b).
This definition would have been accepted had we not defined
lazy_pure_mprod just prior. In fact, we can have either one of these
definitions, but we can't have both. Which is typically how you get to
errors appearing or disappearing based on what modules have been imported
and in what order, a.k.a., everyone's favorite.
Template universe polymorphism is a middle-ground between monomorphic
universes and proper polymorphic universes that allows for some degree of
flexibility. We can see it mentioned in the description of prod from the
standard library; About says "prod is template universe polymorphic on
prod.u0 prod.u1". This has no effect on the printed type, because it
only affects instances.
3. What template universe polymorphism does and doesn't do
Now, remember how mprod lives at level uprod all the time? This shows if
we instantiate it with any random type: we get mprod T T: Type@{uprod}.
Now the same with the standard prod gives us a slightly different
Ignoring the fact that prod has two separate universes for its arguments,
the real difference is that T × T lives in the same universe as T (which
is called Type@{Top.N} or Type@{JsCoq.N} for some N, depending on the
environment in which you're running this file), not in a fixed universe like
uprod. We could also instantiate prod with propositions or sets and the
resulting product would correspondingly live in Prop or Set.
In other words, prod can live in different universes depending on what
arguments it is applied to, making it “universe polymorphic” in a certain
sense. You can think about it as being parameterized over universe levels,
with the constraint that the input levels must be below prod.u0 and
prod.u1 respectively.
It looks like we've solved our universe problem now because we can have both
definitions of prod within lazyT and lazyT within prod.
Breaking cycles with template polymorphism
Definition lazy_pure_prod {A B: Type} (a: A) (b: B): lazyT (A × B) :=
lazy_pure (pair a b).
Definition prod_lazy {A B: Type} (a: A) (b: B): lazyT A × lazyT B :=
pair (lazy_pure a) (lazy_pure b).
lazy_pure (pair a b).
Definition prod_lazy {A B: Type} (a: A) (b: B): lazyT A × lazyT B :=
pair (lazy_pure a) (lazy_pure b).
The constraints are not gone: it's just that now the two instances of prod
live in different universes:
- In lazy_pure_prod, A and B live in lazy_pure_prod.u0 and lazy_pure_prod.u1 respectively; prod lives in the max of both which must be lower than lazyT.u1, meaning lazy_pure_prod.{u0,u1} ≤ lazyT.u1.
- In prod_lazy, lazyT A × lazyT B is built out of two types in lazyT.u1+1, meaning that lazyT.u1 < prod.{u0,u1}.
Print Universes Subgraph (
lazyT.u1 prod.u0 prod.u1
lazy_pure_prod.u0 lazy_pure_prod.u1
prod_lazy.u0 prod_lazy.u1).
lazyT.u1 prod.u0 prod.u1
lazy_pure_prod.u0 lazy_pure_prod.u1
prod_lazy.u0 prod_lazy.u1).
There are other constraints here but they're unrelated to the inconsistency
that we had with the monomorphic version.
And thus, the problem is solved... but only when the universe at fault
comes from an inductive type directly (here, prod). Template polymorphic
universes don't propagate to any other derived definition. So if we define
the state monad for example, it will not itself be universe polymorphic at
all, and thus it will exhibit the same behavior as mprod.
Template polymorphism doesn't go through intermediate definitions
state.{u0,u1} correspond to the old uprod: the type of T is
monomorphic. Notice how About state doesn't say that state is template
universe polymorphic, while it does for prod. So now the issue from
earlier comes up again.
Definition state_pure {S T: Type} (t: T): state S T := fun s ⇒ (s, t).
Definition lazy_pure_state {S T: Type} (t: T): lazyT (state S T) :=
lazy_pure (state_pure (S := S) t).
Fail Definition state_lazy {S T: Type} (t: T): state S (lazyT T) :=
state_pure (S := S) (lazy_pure t).
Definition lazy_pure_state {S T: Type} (t: T): lazyT (state S T) :=
lazy_pure (state_pure (S := S) t).
Fail Definition state_lazy {S T: Type} (t: T): state S (lazyT T) :=
state_pure (S := S) (lazy_pure t).
Tricks to bypass the limitations of template universe polymorphism generally
consist in exposing the template-polymorphic inductive, prod in this case,
in order to get a fresh universe from it. Two examples are:
These limitations are rather annoying because constructions based on prod
are everywhere in the standard library and in projects. The state monad is
just one in a million. It's also the same problem with sum and many other
core types like list.
- Inlining: expanding the definition of state in the examples above exposes prod which generates fresh universe levels. This doesn't prevent Coq from later matching/unifiying the expanded term with the original state, so it usually works as long as you can dig deep enough to find the problematic inductive. Of course, this comes at the cost of breaking any nice abstractions you might have.
- Eta-expansion: writing prod without arguments doesn't generate fresh universes for the purpose of template polymorphism, so eta-expanding to fun A B ⇒ prod A B can help relax universe constraints.
4. A taste of “full” universe polymorphism
Notice how pprod has universe parameters u and u0. We can
instantiate pprod with different such parameters and this will yield
many variations of the same definition in as many universes.
So far, this is the same as template universe polymorphism.
The new trick is that definitions derived from pprod can retain the
polymorphism by having their own universe parameters.
Universe polymorphic definitions
Now pstate also has universe parameters and the expressiveness of pprod
is no longer lost.
Definition pstate_pure {S T: Type} (t: T): pstate S T := fun s ⇒ ppair _ _ s t.
Definition lazy_pure_pstate {S T: Type} (t: T): lazyT (pstate S T) :=
lazy_pure (pstate_pure (S := S) t).
Definition pstate_lazy {S T: Type} (t: T): pstate S (lazyT T) :=
pstate_pure (S := S) (lazy_pure t).
Definition lazy_pure_pstate {S T: Type} (t: T): lazyT (pstate S T) :=
lazy_pure (pstate_pure (S := S) t).
Definition pstate_lazy {S T: Type} (t: T): pstate S (lazyT T) :=
pstate_pure (S := S) (lazy_pure t).
This solution completely solves the state issue from our running example...
with the drawback of redefining the product type, which creates friction
with the standard library.