Tutorial Equations : Basic Definitions and Reasoning with Equations


Equations is a plugin for Coq that offers a powerful support for writing functions by dependent pattern matching, possibly using well-founded recursion and obligations. To help reason on programs, Equations also comes with its own set of tactics, and can automatically derive properties like no-confusion properties or subterm relations.
In this tutorial, we introduce the basic features of Equations, step by step through practical examples.
In section 1, we explain how to define basic functions by dependent pattern matching using Equations, and how Equations helps to reason about such functions. We then discuss with clauses and where clauses in section 2 and 3, two features that provide flexibility when writing functions by dependent pattern matching.

Table of content

  • 1. Basic definitions and reasoning
    • 1.1 Defining functions by dependent pattern matching
    • 1.2 Reasoning with Equations
      • 1.2.1 Simplifying goals with autorewrite
      • 1.2.2 Proving properties by functional elimination with funelim
      • 1.2.3 Discharging trivial goals with simp
      • 1.2.4 Extending autorewrite and simp
  • 2. With clauses
  • 3. Where clauses


  • We assume known basic knowledge of Coq, of and defining functions by recursion
  • Equations is available by default in the Coq Platform
  • Otherwise, it is available via opam under the name coq-equations

1. Basic definitions and reasoning

Let us start by importing the package:

From Equations Require Import Equations.

Axiom to_fill : A, A.
Arguments to_fill {_}.

1.1 Defining functions by dependent pattern matching

In its simplest form, Equations provides a practical interface to define functions on inductive types by pattern matching and recursion rather than using Fixpoint and match. As first examples, let us define basic functions on lists.

Inductive list A : Type :=
  | nil : list A
  | cons : A list A list A.

Arguments nil {_}.
Arguments cons {_} _ _.

To write a function f : list A B on lists or another a basic inductive type, it suffices to write:
  • Equations at the beginning of you function rather than Fixpoint
  • For each constructor cst x1 ... xn like cons a l, specify how f computes on it by writing f (cst x1 ... xn) := t where t may contain f recursively.
  • Separate the different cases by semi-colon ";"
  • As usual finish you definition by a dot "."
For instance, we can define the function tail, length and app by:

Equations tail {A} (l : list A) : list A :=
tail nil := nil;
tail (cons a l) := l.

Equations length {A} (l : list A) : nat :=
length nil := 0;
length (cons a l) := S (length l).

Equations app {A} (l l' : list A) : list A :=
app nil l' := l';
app (cons a l) l' := cons a (app l l').

Infix "++" := app (right associativity, at level 60).

Equations is compatible with usual facilities provided by Coq to write terms:
  • It is compatible with implicit arguments that as usual do not need to be written provided it can be inferred. For instance, above, we wrote app nil l' rather than app (nil A) l' as A was declared as an implicit argument of nil.
  • We can use underscores "_" for terms that we do not use, terms that Coq can infer on its own, but also to describe what to do in all remaining cases of our pattern matching. As list only has two constructors, it is not very useful here, but we can still see it works by defining a constant function:

Equations cst_b {A B} (b : B) (l : list A) : B :=
cst_b b _ := b.

  • We can use notations both in the pattern matching (on the left-hand side of :=) or in the bodies of the function (on the right-hand side of :=). This provides an easy and very visual way to define functions. For instance, with the usual notations for lists, we can redefine length and app as:

Notation "[]" := nil.
Notation "[ x ]" := (cons x nil).
Notation "x :: l" := (cons x l).

Equations length' {A} (l : list A) : nat :=
length' [] := 0;
length' (a::l) := S (length' l).

Equations app' {A} (l l' : list A) : list A :=
app' [] l' := l';
app' (a::l) l' := a :: (app' l l').

For the users that would prefer it, there is also an alternative syntax closer to the the one provided by the Fixpoint command and Coq's native pattern-matching. With this syntax, we have to start each clause with "|" and separate the different patterns in a clause by ",", but we no longer have to repeat the name of the functions nor to put parenthesis or finish a line by ";".
With this syntax, we can rewrite length and app as:

Equations length'' {A} (l : list A) : nat :=
  | [] := 0
  | (a::l) := S (length'' l).

Equations app'' {A} (l l' : list A) : list A :=
  | [] , l' := l'
  | (a::l), l' := a :: (app'' l l').

In this tutorial, we will keep to the first syntax but both are can be used interchangeably.
Equations enables us to pattern match on several different variables at the same time, for instance, to define a function nth_option getting the nth-element of a list and returning None otherwise.

Equations nth_option {A} (n : nat) (l : list A) : option A :=
nth_option 0 [] := None ;
nth_option 0 (a::l) := Some a ;
nth_option (S n) [] := None ;
nth_option (S n) (a::l) := nth_option n l.

However, be careful that as for definitions using Fixpoint, the order of matching matters: it produces terms that are pointwise propositionally equal but with different computation rules. For instance, if we pattern match on l first, we get a function nth_option' that is equal to nth_option but computes differently as it can been seen below:

Equations nth_option' {A} (l : list A) (n : nat) : option A :=
nth_option' [] _ := None;
nth_option' (a::l) 0 := Some a;
nth_option' (a::l) (S n) := nth_option' l n.

Goal {A} (a:A) n, nth_option n (nil (A := A)) = nth_option' (nil (A := A)) n.
  (* Here autorewrite with f is a simplification tactic of Equations (c.f. 1.1.2).
     As we can see, nth_option' reduces on  []  to None but not nth_option. *)

  autorewrite with nth_option.
  autorewrite with nth_option'.
  (* We need to further destruct n to simplify *)
  destruct n; reflexivity.

Equations also supports nested pattern matching. For instance, we can define a function swapping lists of pairs by matching pairs at the same as we match the list.

Equations swap_list_pair {A B} (l : list (A × B)) : list (B × A) :=
swap_list_pair [] := [];
swap_list_pair ((a , b)::l) := (b,a)::(swap_list_pair l).

As exercises, you can try to define:
  • A function map f l that applies f pointwise, on [a1, ... ,an] it returns [f a1, ... , f an]
  • A function head_option that returns the head of a list and None otherwise
  • A function fold_right f b l that on a list [a1, ..., an] returns the element f a1 (... (f an b))

Equations map {A B} (f : A B) (l : list A) : list B :=
map f _ := to_fill.

Equations head_option {A} (l : list A) : option A :=
head_option _ := to_fill.

Equations fold_right {A B} (f : A B B) (b : B) (l : list A) : B :=
fold_right f b _ := to_fill.

(* You can uncomment the following tests to try your functions *)
Succeed Example testing : map (Nat.add 1) (1::2::3::4::) = (2::3::4::5::)
  := eq_refl.
Succeed Example testing : @head_option nat  = None := eq_refl.
Succeed Example testing : head_option (1::2::3::) = Some 1 := eq_refl.
Succeed Example testing : fold_right Nat.mul 1 (1::2::3::4::) = 24 := eq_refl.

1.2 Reasoning with Equations

Now that we have seen how to define basic functions, we need to understand how to reason about them.

1.2.1 Simplifying goals

By default, functions defined using Equations are opaque and cannot be unfolded with unfold nor simplified with simpl or cbn as one would do with a Fixpoint definition. This is on purpose to prevent uncontrolled unfolding which can easily happen, particularly when doing well-founded recursion or reasoning about proof carrying functions. Yet, note that it does not prevent us to use reflexivity when both sides of an equation are definitionally equal.
For instance, consider nil_app the usual computation rule for app. It cannot be unfolded, nor simplified by cbn but can be proven by reflexivity.

Lemma nil_app {A} (l : list A) : [] ++ l = l.
  (* unfold fails, and cbn has no effect *)
  Fail unfold "++". Fail progress cbn.
  (* But reflexivity works *)

If one really wishes to recover unfolding, it is possible though on a case by case basis using the option Global Transparent f as shown below. It is also possible to set this option globally with Set Equations Transparent, but it is not recommended to casual users. To recover simplification by simpl and cbn, one can additionally use the command Arguments function_name !_ /. . It will simplify the function as soon as it is applied to at least one argument that is a constructor.

Equations f4 (n : nat) : nat :=
f4 _ := 4.

Global Transparent f4.

Goal f4 3 = 4.
  (* f4 can now be unfolded *)
  unfold f4.

Goal f4 3 = 4.
  (* Yet, it still cannot be simplify by cbn *)
  Fail progress cbn.
  (* Arguments enables to recover simplification *)
  Arguments f4 !_ /. cbn.

Rather than using cbn or simpl, for each function f, Equations internally proves an equality for each case of the pattern matching defining f, and declares it in a hint database named f. For instance, for app, it proves and declares app [] l' = l' and app (a::l) l' = a :: (app l l'). The equalities are named using the scheme "function_name_equation_n", and you can check them out using the command Print Rewrite HintDb function_name:

Print Rewrite HintDb app.

It is then possible to simplify by the equations associated to functions f1 ... fn using the tactic autorewrite with f1 ... fn. Note, it is also possible to simplify in hypotheses using autorewrite with f1 ... fn in H.
As an example, let us prove app_nil l : l ++ [] = l. As app is defined by pattern match on l, we prove the result by induction on l, and use autorewrite with app to simplify the goals.

Lemma app_nil {A} (l : list A) : l ++ [] = l.
  intros; induction l. all: autorewrite with app.
  - reflexivity.
  - rewrite IHl. reflexivity.

Lemma app_assoc {A} (l1 l2 l3 : list A) : (l1 ++ l2) ++ l3 = l1 ++ (l2 ++ l3).
  induction l1. all: autorewrite with app.
  - reflexivity.
  - rewrite IHl1. reflexivity.

This provide a fine control of unfolding as it simplifies only by the defining equations, and will not unfold anything else, while leaving the possibility to rewrite directly by a specific equation. In particular, compared to cbn it will never unfold unwanted terms, like proofs terms that would be part of the definition, for instance, when defining proof carrying function or functions by well-fouded recursion.

1.2.2 Proving properties by functional elimination

In the examples above app_nil and app_assoc, we mimicked the pattern used in the definition of app by induction l. While it works on simple examples, it quickly gets more complicated. For instance, consider the barely more elaborate example proving that both definition of nth_option are equal. We have to be careful to first revert n in order to generalise the induction hypotheses and get something strong enough when inducting on l, and we then need to destruct n.

Lemma nth_eq {A} (l : list A) (n : nat) : nth_option n l = nth_option' l n.
  revert n; induction l; intro n; destruct n.
  all : autorewrite with nth_option nth_option'.
  - reflexivity.
  - reflexivity.
  - reflexivity.
  - apply IHl.

On real life examples, reproducing the patterns by hand with the good induction hypotheses can quickly get tedious, if not challenging. Inductive types and patterns can quickly get complicated. Moreover, functions may actually not even be defined following the structure of an inductive type making it hard to reproduce at all.
For a simple example, consider the function half and mod2 that are defined recursively on S (S n) rather than on S n:

Equations half (n : nat) : nat :=
half 0 := 0 ;
half 1 := 0 ;
half (S (S n)) := S (half n).

Equations mod2 (n : nat) : nat :=
mod2 0 := 0;
mod2 1 := 1;
mod2 (S (S n)) := mod2 n.

If we try to naively prove a property P about half or mod2 by repeated induction on n, we actually quickly get stuck. Indeed, as we can see below, in the recursive case we have to prove P (S (S n)) knowing P (S n) and that P n P (S n). Yet, in general to be able to reason about half or mod2, we actually need to know that P n hold to prove P (S (S n)).

Goal (P : nat Prop) (H0 : P 0) (H1 : P 1) (n : nat), P n.
  induction n. 1: exact H0.
  induction n. 1: exact H1.
  (* We are stuck *)

This issue arises more generally as soon as we start defining functions using more advanced notions of matching like with and where clauses (c.f. 2. and 3.), or when defining functions using well-founded recursion.
Consequently, to help us reason about complex functions, for each definition, Equations derives a functional induction principle. This is an induction principle that follows the structure of the function, including nested pattern-matching, with and where clauses, correct induction hypotheses and generalisation as in the above example. This principle is named using the scheme "function_name_elim".
For instance, to prove a goal P depending on n and half n, half_elim asserts that it suffices to prove
  • P 0 (half 0)
  • P 1 (half 1)
  • and that P n (half n) P (S (S n)) (half (S (S n)))
that is, exactly the pattern we wanted.

Check half_elim.

Moreover, Equations comes with a powerful tactic funelim that applies the functional induction principle and simplifies the associated definition. To use it, it suffices to write funelim (function_name a1 ... an) where a1 ... an are the arguments you want to do your induction on.
As an example, let us prove nth_eq and half_mod2 for which we can already see the advantages over trying to reproduce the pattern matching by hand:

Lemma nth_eq {A} (l : list A) (n : nat) : nth_option n l = nth_option' l n.
  funelim (nth_option n l).
  all: autorewrite with nth_option'.
  - reflexivity.
  - reflexivity.
  - reflexivity.
  - apply H.

(* Doing induction naively to reproduce a pattern can get you stuck *)
Definition half_mod2 (n : nat) : n = half n + half n + mod2 n.
  induction n. 1: reflexivity.
  induction n. 1: reflexivity.
  (* We simplify the goal *)
  autorewrite with half mod2.
  rewrite PeanoNat.Nat.add_succ_r. cbn.
  f_equal. f_equal.
  (* We then get stuck as we have the wrong hypotheses *)

(* Wheras funelim does it automatically for you *)
Definition half_mod2 (n : nat) : n = half n + half n + mod2 n.
  funelim (half n). 1-2: reflexivity.
  autorewrite with half mod2.
  rewrite PeanoNat.Nat.add_succ_r. cbn.
  f_equal. f_equal.
  (* We now have the good recursion hypotheses *)

1.2.3 Discharging trivial goals with simp

In practice, it often happens in proofs by functional induction that after simplification we get a lot of uninteresting cases, that we would like to deal with in an automatic but controlled way. To help us, Equations provides a tactic simp f1 ... fn that first simplify the goal by autorewrite with f1 ... fn then tries to solve the goal by a proof search by a particular instance of try typeclasses eauto. It does so using the equations associated to f1 ... fn, and the databases Below and Subterm.
Linking simp with funelim like funelim sth ; simp f1 ... fn then enables us to simplify all the goals and at the same to automatically prove uninteresting ones. For instance:

Definition nth_eq {A} (l : list A) (n : nat) : nth_option n l = nth_option' l n.
  funelim (nth_option n l); simp nth_option nth_option'.
  all : reflexivity.

As you can see, by default simp does not try to prove goals that hold by definition, like None = None. If you wish for simp to do so, or for simp to try any other tactic, you need to add it as a hint to one of the hint databse simp used by simp. In particular, you can extend simp to to prove definitional equality using the following command.

#[local] Hint Resolve eq_refl : simp.

Definition nth_eq {A} (l : list A) (n : nat) : nth_option n l = nth_option' l n.
  funelim (nth_option n l); simp nth_option nth_option'.

1.2.4 Extending autorewrite and simp

By default, the tactic autorewrite with f only simplifies a term by the equations defining f, like [] ++ l = l for app. In practice, it can happen that there are more equations that we have proven that we would like to use for automatic simplification when proving further properties. For instance, when reasoning on app, we may want to further always simplify by app_nil : l + [] = l or app_assoc : (l1 ++ l2) ++ l3 = l1 ++ (l2 ++ l3). It is possible to extend autorewrite (and hence simp) to make it automatic, by adding lemma to the database associated to f. This can be done with the following syntax:
#[local] Hint Rewrite @lemma_name : function_name.
This is a very powerful personnalisable rewrite mechanism. Actually, this mechanism is expressive enough to be non-terminating if the wrong lemmas are added to the database. Indeed, while it is confluent and terminating using only the defining equations, adding lemma like add_comm : a b, a + b = b + a will surely create a loop.
To see how it can be useful, let us define a tail-recursive version of list reversal and prove it equal the usual one:

Equations rev {A} (l : list A) : list A :=
rev [] := [];
rev (a::l) := rev l ++ [a].

Equations rev_acc {A} (l : list A) (acc : list A) : list A :=
rev_acc nil acc := acc;
rev_acc (cons a v) acc := rev_acc v (a :: acc).

Lemma rev_rev_acc {A} (l l' : list A) : rev_acc l l' = rev l ++ l'.
  funelim (rev l). all: autorewrite with rev rev_acc app.
  - reflexivity.
  (* We have to rewrite by app_assoc by hand *)
  - rewrite app_assoc. apply H.

(* Adding app_nil and app_assoc the database associated to app *)
#[local] Hint Rewrite @app_nil @app_assoc : app.

(* We can check it has indeed been added *)
Print Rewrite HintDb app.

(* autorewrite with app can now use app_assoc *)
Goal {A} (l1 l2 l3 l4 : list A),
     ((l1 ++ l2) ++ l3) ++ l4 = l1 ++ (l2 ++ (l3 ++ l4)).
  intros. autorewrite with app. reflexivity.

Lemma rev_eq {A} (l l' : list A) : rev_acc l l' = rev l ++ l'.
  funelim (rev l); autorewrite with rev rev_acc app.
  - reflexivity.
  (* There is no more need to call app_assoc by hand in proofs *)
  - apply H.

It actually enables to greatly automate proofs using simp
Lemma rev_eq {A} (l l' : list A) : rev_acc l l' = rev l ++ l'.
  funelim (rev l); simp rev rev_acc app.


As exercises, you can try to prove the following properties
Lemma app_length {A} (l l' : list A) : length (l ++ l') = length l + length l'.

(* You will need to use the lemma le_S_n *)
Lemma nth_overflow {A} (n : nat) (l : list A) : length l n nth_option n l = None.

(* You will need to use the lemma PeanoNat.lt_S_n
  HINT : funelim must be applied to the parameters you want to do the induction on.
         Here, it is n and l, and not n and l++l'.

Lemma app_nth1 {A} (n : nat) (l l' : list A) :
      n < length l nth_option n (l++l') = nth_option n l.
  (* intro H; funelim (nth_option n l); simp nth_option app.
  3: { apply H. apply PeanoNat.lt_S_n. } *)


(* You will need the lemma le_S_n.
  HINT : funelim must be applied to the parameters you want to do the induction on.
         Here, it is n and l, and not (n - length l) and l'. *)

Lemma app_nth2 {A} (n : nat) (l l' : list A) :
      length l n nth_option n (l++l') = nth_option (n-length l) l'.

Lemma distr_rev {A} (l l' : list A) : rev (l ++ l') = rev l' ++ rev l.

2. With clauses

The structure of real programs is generally richer than a simple case tree on the original arguments.
In the course of a computation, we might want to compute or scrutinize intermediate results (e.g. coming from function calls) to produce an answer. In terms of dependent pattern matching, this literally means adding a new pattern to the left of our equations made available for further refinement. This concept is know as with clauses in the dependently-typed programming community and was first introduced in the Epigram language.
With clause are available in Equations with the following syntax where b is the term we wish to inspect, and p1 ... pk the patterns we match b to:

      f (cxt x1 ... xn) with b ⇒ {
      (cxt x1 ... xn) p1 := ... ;
      (cxt x1 ... xn) pk := ...
As a first example, we can a define a function filtering a list by a predicate p. In the case cons a l, the with clause enables us to compute the intermediate value p a and to check whether it is true or false, and hence if a satisfies the predicate p and should be kept or not:

Equations filter {A} (l : list A) (p : A bool) : list A :=
filter nil p := nil ;
filter (cons a l) p with p a ⇒ {
  filter (cons a l) p true := a :: filter l p ;
  filter (cons a l) p false := filter l p }.

This syntax is a bit heavy. To avoid repeating the full clause filter (cons a l) p and to focus on the with pattern, we can use the Fixpoint like syntax in the with clause discussed in section 1.1. This enables to rewrite the with clause of the function filter much more concisely:

Equations filter' {A} (l : list A) (p : A bool) : list A :=
filter' [] p[];
filter' (a :: l) p with p a ⇒ {
  | truea :: filter' l p
  | falsefilter' l p

To show that filter is well-behaved, we can define a predicate In and check that if an element is in the list and verifies the predicate, then it is in the filtered list.

Equations In {A} (x : A) (l : list A) : Prop :=
In x []False ;
In x (a::l) ⇒ (x = a) In x l.

For function defined using with clauses, funelim does the usual disjunction of cases for us, and additionally destructs the pattern associated to the with clause and remembers it. In the case of filter, it means additionally destructing p a and remembering whether p a = true or p a = false.
For regular patterns, simplifying filter behaves as usual when using funelim:

Lemma filter_In {A} (x : A) (l : list A) (p : A bool)
      : In x (filter l p) In x l p x = true.
  funelim (filter l p); simp filter In.
  - intuition congruence.
  - rewrite H. intuition congruence.
  - rewrite H. intuition congruence.

However, simplifying with clauses can make subclauses appear corresponding to the different branches of the with clause. For filter', in the p a = true case, a filter_clause_1 appears, and similarly in the false case. This is due to Equations' internal mechanics. To simplify the goal further, it suffices to rewrite p a by its value in the branch, and to simplify filter again.

Lemma filter_filter' {A} (l : list A) (p : A bool)
      : filter l p = filter' l p.
  funelim (filter l p); simp filter'.
  - rewrite Heq. cbn. reflexivity.
  - rewrite Heq. cbn. reflexivity.

With clauses can also be useful to inspect a recursive call. For instance, with clause enables us to write a particularly concise definition of the unzip function:

Equations unzip {A B} (l : list (A × B)) : list A × list B :=
unzip [] := ([],[]);
unzip ((a,b)::l) with unzip l ⇒ {
  | (la,lb)(a::la, b::lb)

Finally, with clauses can be used to discard impossible branches. For instance, rather than returning an option type, we can define a head function by requiring the input to be different than the empty list. In the nil case, we can then destruct pf eq_refl : False which has no constructors to define our function.

Equations head {A} (l : list A) (pf : l nil) : A :=
head [] pf with (pf eq_refl) := { };
head (a::l) _ := a.

As exercices, you can try to:
  • Prove that both head functions are equal up to Some
  • Prove that a filtered list has a smaller length than the original one
  • Define a function find_dictionary that given a key and an equality test, returns the first element associated to the key and None otherwise

Definition head_head {A} (l : list A) (pf : l nil)
           : Some (head l pf) = head_option l.

(* You may need the lemma le_n_S and PeanoNat.Nat.le_le_succ_r *)
Definition filter_length {A} (l : list A) (p : A bool)
           : length (filter l p) length l.

Equations find_dictionary {A B} (eq : A A bool) (key : A)
          (l : list (A × B)) : option B :=
find_dictionary eq key [] := to_fill;
find_dictionary eq key _ with @to_fill bool ⇒ {
  | _ := to_fill

(* You can uncomment the following tests to try your functions *)
(* Definition example_dictionnary :=
  (3,true::true::) :: (0,) :: (2,true::false::) :: (1,true::) :: .
Succeed Example testing :
  find_dictionary Nat.eqb 2 example_dictionnary = Some (true::false::) := eq_refl.
Succeed Example testing :
  find_dictionary Nat.eqb 4 example_dictionnary = None := eq_refl. *)

3. Where Clauses

As discussed, it often happens that we need to compute intermediate terms which is the purpose of the with clause. Similarly, it often happens that we need to define intermediate functions, for instance to make the code clearer or because a function needs to be generalised.
This is the purpose of the where clause, that enables to define auxiliary function defined in the context of the main one. To define a function using a where clause, it suffices to start a new block after the main body starting with where and using Equations' usual syntax. Though be careful that as it is defined in the context of the main body, it is not possible to reuse the same names.
The most standard example is a tail-recursive implementation of list reversal using an accumulator. As an example, we reimplement it with a where clause rather than with an external definition.

Equations rev_acc' {A} (l : list A) : list A :=
rev_acc' l := rev_acc_aux l []

where rev_acc_aux : (list A list A list A) :=
rev_acc_aux [] acc := acc;
rev_acc_aux (a::tl) acc := rev_acc_aux tl (a::acc).

Reasoning on functions defined using where clauses is a bit more tricky as we need a predicate for the first function, and for the auxiliary function.

Check rev_acc_elim.

The first one is usually call the wrapper and the other the worker. While the first one is obvious as it is the property we are trying to prove, Coq cannot invent the second one on its own. Consequently, we cannot simply apply funelim. We need to apply ourself the recurrence principle rev_acc_elim automatically generated by Equations for rev_acc that is behind funelim.

Lemma rev_acc_rev {A} (l : list A) : rev_acc' l = rev l.
  unshelve eapply rev_acc'_elim.
  1: exact (fun A _ l acc aux_resaux_res = rev l ++ acc).
  all: cbn; intros.
  (* Functional elimination provides us with the worker property initialised
    as in the definition of the main function *)

  - rewrite app_nil in H. assumption.
  (* For the worker proofs themselves, we use standard reasoning. *)
  - reflexivity.
  - simp rev. rewrite H. rewrite app_assoc. reflexivity.

This proof can actually be mostly automated thanks to Equations.
  • We can automatically deal with app_nil and app_assoc by adding them to simplification done by autorewrite as done in 1.1.2
  • We can combine that with a proof search using simp
This enables to rewrite the proof to:

Lemma rev_acc_rev {A} (l : list A) : rev_acc' l = rev l.
  unshelve eapply rev_acc'_elim.
  1: exact (fun A _ l acc aux_resaux_res = rev l ++ acc).
  all: cbn; intros; simp rev app in ×.