Well-founded Recursion using Equations
Table of content
- 1. Introduction to well-founded recursion
- 1.1 The syntactic guard condition is limited
- 1.2 Well-founded recursion
- 2.1 Using a measure
- 2.2 Using a lexicographic order
- 2.3 Using a custom well-founded relation
- 3. Different tricks to work with well-founded recursion
- 3.1 The inspect method
- 3.2 Improving recursion hypotheses
- We assume basic knowledge of Coq, and of defining functions by recursion
- We assume basic knowledge of the Equations plugin and of obligations, e.g, as presented in the tutorials Equations: Basics and Equations: Obligations
- This tutorial discusses well-founded recursion but no prior knowledge about it is required: we will explain the concept
- To simplify proofs involving arithmetic, we use the automation tactics lia and auto with arith, but they can be used as black boxes
- Equations is available by default in the Coq Platform
- Otherwise, it is available via opam under the name coq-equations
From Equations Require Import Equations.
From Coq Require Import List Arith Nat Lia.
Import ListNotations.
1. Introduction to well-founded recursion
1.1 The syntactic guard condition is limited
Fail Equations nubBy {A} (eq : A → A → bool) (l : list A) : list A :=
nubBy eq [] ⇒ [];
nubBy eq (a :: l) ⇒ a :: nubBy eq (filter (fun b ⇒ negb (eq a b)) l).
Furthermore, it can also happen that the recursive structure of a definition
do not follow the inductive structure of any datatypes, but instead
fully rely on semantic arguments to decide which recursive call to
perform, logically preventing the guard condition from checking it.
A prime example is Euclide's algorithm computing the gcd of
x and y.
It performs recursion on x mod y, which is not a subterm of the inputs.
Yet, it is terminating, because the sum of the two arguments is a sequence
of natural numbers, which strictly decreases and thus cannot go forever.
Consequently, there is no hope for a syntactic guard to accept gcd as
its definition fully relies on theoretic reason to ensure termination.
Fail Equations gcd (x y : nat) : nat :=
gcd x y with eq_dec y 0 ⇒ {
| left _ ⇒ x
| right _ ⇒ gcd y (x mod y)
1.2 Well-founded recursion
- Providing a "well-founded" relation R : A → A → Prop, informally a relation for which there is no infinitely decreasing sequence. For instance, the strict order on nat, < : nat : → nat → nat is well-founded as starting from m : nat, it impossible to decrease infinitely, there is a point at which you must reach 0.
- Proving that all the recursive calls are performed on smaller arguments according to R
More Formally
- 1. There are no elements smaller than a, so you cannot decrease further
- 2. All elements smaller than a are accessible, so there are no infinitely decreasing sequence from them, and hence from a.
Print Acc.
We then say a relation is well-founded, when ∀ (a : A), Acc R a, that is
when all inhabitants of A are accessible.
It ensures that wherever we start at, we cannot decrease forever.
Print well_founded.
Given a well-founded relation R : A → A → Prop, defining a function
f by well-founded recursion on a : A consists in defining f assuming that
f is defined for all a' smaller than a, that is such that R a' a.
When specialized to natural numbers and <, this concept is sometimes
known as "strong recursion / induction": when defining f n one assumes
that f is defined/proven for all smaller natural numbers n' < n.
There are several methods to define functions by well-founded recursion using Coq.
They all have their pros and cons, but as a general rule defining functions
and reasoning using well-founded recursion can be tedious.
For instance, consider the Fix construction of the standard library,
which is a direct type theoretic definition of the concept of well-founded recursion:
Fix : ∀ [A : Type] [R : A → A → Prop], well_founded R →
∀ P : A → Type, (∀ x : A, (∀ y : A, R y x → P y) → P x) →
∀ x : A, P x
We can use it to define gcd as:
In practice
Fix : ∀ [A : Type] [R : A → A → Prop], well_founded R →
∀ P : A → Type, (∀ x : A, (∀ y : A, R y x → P y) → P x) →
∀ x : A, P x
Lemma gcd_oblig: ∀ (a b: nat) (NE: b ≠ 0), lt (a mod b) b.
Definition gcd_Fix (x y : nat) : nat :=
Fix lt_wf (fun _ ⇒ nat → nat)
(fun (b: nat) (gcd_Fix: ∀ b', b' < b → nat → nat) (a: nat) ⇒
match eq_dec b 0 with
| left EQ ⇒ a
| right NE ⇒ gcd_Fix (a mod b) (gcd_oblig a b NE) b
y x.
However, doing so has several disadvantages:
The function is much less readable than a usual definition by Fixpoint as:
It also makes it harder to reason about the function as it forces to use recursion
on the accessibility proof, which no longer corresponds to the way we think about
our function.
Moreover, as we had to use curryfication in our definition, we may need
the axiom of function extensionally to reason about gcd_Fix.
To go around these different issues, Equations provides a built-in mechanism
to help us write functions and reason by well-founded recursion.
To define a function by well-founded recursion with Equations, one must add
after the type of the function by wf x R, where x is the decreasing
term, and R the well-founded relation for which x decreases,
and then define the function **as usual**.
For instance, the function nubBy terminates as the size of the list decrease
in each recursive call according to the usual strict order < on nat, lt in Coq.
We hence need to write wf (size l) l to define it by well-founded recursion:
Equations nubBy {A} (eq : A → A → bool) (l : list A) : list A by wf (length l) lt :=
nubBy ... := usual_def;
nubBy ... := usual_def.
Equations will then automatically:
This allows to write our definition transparently and directly as we would like to.
In particular, we do not need to alter the structure of the definition to
get it accepted, and it allows us to separate the proofs that the recursive
call are smaller from the definition, making it easier to read and define
while automatically dealing with trivial cases.
In the following, we assume basic knowledge of obligations and Equations
works together as discussed in the (short) tutorial Equations: Obligations.
The most basic (and actually very versatile) method to define a function by well-founded
recursion is to define a measure into nat to use the well-founded order <,
that is a function m : ... → nat depending on the arguments,
and to prove the measure decreases in each recursive call.
A simple example is the size of an inductive value, i.e. the maximal number of nested constructors.
Is already enough to define the function nubBy, that recursively filters
out the duplicates of a list, by well-founded recursion.
Indeed, the size of a list is its length, and the only recursive call
performed by nubBy is on filter (fun y ⇒ negb (eq x y)) l.
As filter can only remove elements, its length is indeed smaller
than l's, and the function is terminating.
To define nubBy using Equations and well-founded recursion, it suffices to
add wf (length l) lt after typing to indicate on which term, here length l, and
for which well-founded relation, here lt (the relation behind the notation <),
we wish to use well-founded recursion.
An obligation corresponding to proving that the recursive call is smaller,
that is length (filter (fun y ⇒ negb (eq x y)) l) < length (a :: l), is created.
As Equations cannot solve on its own, it then left to us to solve.
Using the keyword Equations?, it is automatically unshelved,
and we simply have to prove it using tactics.
- there is an explicit fixpoint combinator Fix in the definition
- we are forced to use curryfication and change the order of arguments
- explicit proofs now appears directly in the definition of the function (though Program can help for that)
2. Well-founded recursion and Equations
Equations nubBy {A} (eq : A → A → bool) (l : list A) : list A by wf (length l) lt :=
nubBy ... := usual_def;
nubBy ... := usual_def.
- 1. Search for a proof that R is well-founded, using type classes (a database) specific to Equations suitably named WellFounded
- 2. Create an obligation to prove that each recursive call is performed on decreasing arguments, try to prove it automatically, and if it cannot do it on its own leave it for us to prove
2.1 Using a measure
Equations? nubBy {A} (eq : A → A → bool) (l : list A) : list A by wf (length l) lt :=
nubBy eq [] ⇒ [];
nubBy eq (a :: l) ⇒ a :: nubBy eq (filter (fun b ⇒ negb (eq a b)) l).
eapply Nat.le_lt_trans.
- apply filter_length_le.
- auto with arith.
Reasoning on functions defined with well-founded
recursion with Equations, is no different than on regular functions.
Using function elimination (funelim) we can prove our properties directly
according to the pattern of our definition.
In particular, we do not have to do proofs by well-founded induction.
This completely hides well-founded recursion and allows us to reason
about our function directly as we think about it.
This is a very powerful method that, for instance, enables us to prove in a
few lines that nubBy does remove all duplicates.
Lemma In_nubBy {A} (eq : A → A → bool) (l : list A) (a : A)
: In a (nubBy eq l) → In a l.
funelim (nubBy eq l); simp nubBy; cbn.
intros [Heq | H0].
- rewrite Heq. left; reflexivity.
- specialize (H _ H0). apply filter_In in H as [Inal eqa].
right; assumption.
Lemma nubBy_nodup {A} (eq : A → A → bool) (l : list A) :
(∀ x y, (eq x y = true) ↔ (x = y)) → NoDup (nubBy eq l).
intros Heq; funelim (nubBy eq l).
- simp nubBy. constructor.
- specialize (H Heq). simp nubBy. constructor.
-- intros Hi.
apply In_nubBy in Hi.
apply filter_In in Hi as [Hl Hneqx].
specialize (Heq a a); destruct Heq as [_ Heqx].
specialize (Heqx eq_refl); rewrite Heqx in Hneqx.
inversion Hneqx.
-- assumption.
For a slighlty more involved consider a gcd function that does not require
the assumption that x > y, by first checking if x or y is 0, and otherwise
compares x and y, and recalls gcd with x - y or y - x depending on
which is greater.
We cannot prove it is terminating either by looking if x or y decreases
(the size of a number is the number itself) as we do not know upfront which
of x or y is bigger.
However, we can use that the measure x + y is decreasing for the usual
well-founded order on nat, as if x and y are strictly greater than 0,
then x + y > x + (y - x) = y and x + y > y + (x - y) = y.
We can define gcd by well-founded recursion by annotating the definition with wf (x + y) lt.
We then get two obligations corresponding to the recursive goals, which
are basic arithmetic goals and can be solved using lia.
Equations? gcd (x y : nat) : nat by wf (x + y) lt :=
gcd 0 x := x ;
gcd x 0 := x ;
gcd x y with gt_eq_gt_dec x y := {
| inleft (left _) := gcd x (y - x) ;
| inleft (right refl) := x ;
| inright _ := gcd (x - y) y }.
all: lia.
For further examples of how functional elimination works on well-founded
recursion and how useful it is on complex definitions, we will now show a
few properties of gcd.
Lemma gcd_same x : gcd x x = x.
funelim (gcd x x). all: try lia.
Lemma gcd_spec0 a : gcd a 0 = a.
funelim (gcd a 0). all: reflexivity.
Lemma mod_minus a b : b ≠ 0 → b < a → (a - b) mod b = a mod b.
Lemma gcd_spec1 a b: 0 ≠ b → gcd a b = gcd (a mod b) b.
funelim (gcd a b); intros.
- now rewrite Nat.Div0.mod_0_l.
- reflexivity.
- now rewrite (Nat.mod_small (S n) (S n0)).
- now rewrite refl, Nat.Div0.mod_same.
- rewrite H; auto. now rewrite mod_minus.
2.2 Using a lexicographic order
Fail Equations ack (m n : nat) : nat :=
ack 0 n := S n;
ack (S m) 0 := ack m 1;
ack (S m) (S n) := ack m (ack (S m) n).
Indeed, it is terminating as the recursive call are all smaller for the
lexicographic order, which is essential to deal with the last case:
To define ack by well-founded recursion, it suffices to add (lexprod _ _ lt lt).
The function lexprod builds the lexicographic order and derive a proof
that it is well-founded provided that both order are.
As we can see, with this order, the obligations generated turn out to be
simple enough to be automatically dealt with by Equations.
- (m,0) <lex (S m, 0) as m < S m
- (m, ack (S m) n) <lex (S m, S n) as m < S m
- (S m, n) <lex (S m, S n) as S m = S m and n < S n
Equations ack (m n : nat) : nat by wf (m, n) (lexprod _ _ lt lt) :=
ack 0 n := S n;
ack (S m) 0 := ack m 1;
ack (S m) (S n) := ack m (ack (S m) n).
Reasoning about ack works as usual whether the pattern is general or specialized:
Definition ack_min {m n} : n < ack m n.
funelim (ack m n). all: eauto with arith.
Definition ack1 {n} : ack 1 n = 2 + n.
funelim (ack 1 n); simp ack.
- reflexivity.
- rewrite H. reflexivity.
2.3 Using a custom well-founded relation
- 1. Define your own relation R : A → A → Prop
- 2. Prove it is well-founded wf_R : well_founded R
- 3. Declare it as an instance so that Equations can find it with Instance name : WellFounded R := wf_R.
Knowing there exists an m : nat such that f m = true, we would like to
actually compute one.
Intuitively, we should be able to just try them one by one starting from 0
until we find one, and it should terminate as we know there exists a m such
that f m = true.
However, it is not clear which classical measure or relation to use to
formalise this intuition. We will hence use a custom relation R n m.
We want to distinguish whether n < m or m ≤ n:
This gives us the following relation and proof of our intuition.
Note that understanding the proofs doe not matter for this tutorial.
- When m ≤ n, we do not care about Acc n as we are supposed to have already found m. As we know that f m = true, to discard these cases automatically, we add ∀ k, k ≤ m → f k = false to the relation to get f m = false.
- By the previous point, we know that Acc m. Consequently, to prove Acc n when n < m, we want to reason by induction on k := m - n. To do so, we add n = S m to the relation.
Definition R n m := (∀ k, k ≤ m → f k = false) ∧ n = S m.
Lemma wf_R_m_le m (p : f m = true) : ∀ n, m ≤ n → Acc R n.
intros n H. constructor. intros ? [h' ?].
specialize (h' m H).
Lemma wf_R_lt_m m (p : f m = true) : ∀ n, n < m → Acc R n.
intros n H.
(* Prove Acc m *)
assert (Acc R m) as Hm_acc by (eapply wf_R_m_le; eauto).
(* Set up induction on k := m - n *)
rewrite <- (Nat.sub_add n m) in × by lia.
set (k := m - n) in *; clearbody k. clear p H.
(* Proof *)
induction k.
- easy.
- apply IHk. constructor. intros ? [? ->]. assumption.
We can now prove that the relation is well-founded:
Lemma wf_R : (∃ n : nat, f n = true) → well_founded R.
intros [m p] n. destruct (le_lt_dec m n).
- eapply wf_R_m_le; eassumption.
- eapply wf_R_lt_m; eassumption.
intros [m p] n. destruct (le_lt_dec m n).
- eapply wf_R_m_le; eassumption.
- eapply wf_R_lt_m; eassumption.
Having proven it is well-founded, we declare it as an instance of the database
WellFounded so that Equations can find it automatically when using the
keyword wf x R.
We are now ready to define our function by well-founded recursion.
Here, for technical reason we use the inspect method to remember the value of f m.
Here, it is not necessary to understand it for our purpose, and we refer to
section 2.1 for more details on the method.
Definition inspect {A} (a : A) : {b | a = b} := exist _ a eq_refl.
Notation "x 'eqn:' p" := (exist _ x p) (only parsing, at level 20).
Even though we want to start a computation at 0, to define our function
by well-founded recursion we need to start at a generic point m : nat,
to actually have a term to do our recursion on:
Equations? exists_nat (m : nat) (H : ∀ n, n < m → f n = false) :
{n : nat | f n = true} by wf m R :=
exists_nat m H with inspect (f m) :={
| true eqn:p ⇒ (exist _ m p)
| false eqn:p ⇒ exists_nat (S m) _
- inversion H0; auto.
- unfold R. split. 2: reflexivity.
intros k ikm. inversion ikm. 1: assumption.
subst. apply H. auto with arith.
Theorem linear_search : {n : nat | f n = true}.
unshelve eapply (exists_nat 0).
intros n Hn0; inversion Hn0.
End LinearSearch.
3. Different methods to work with well-founded recursion
3.1 The inspect method
Section Inspect.
Context {A : Type} {lt : A → A → Prop} `{WellFounded A lt}.
Context (f : A → option A) (decr_f : ∀ n p, f n = Some p → lt p n).
In this case, given an element (a : A), we may be interested in computing
the decreasing chain starting from a specified by f.
Naively, we would like to do it as follows:
first, we check if there is an element smaller than a by matching f a
with a with clause; if there is none, then we stop the computation, otherwise
we get Some p and we returns p added to the chain starting with p,
i.e., our recursive call f_sequence p.
Equations? f_sequence (a : A) : list A by wf a lt :=
f_sequence a with (f a) := {
| Some p ⇒ p :: f_sequence p;
| None ⇒ nil
apply decr_f.
(* What to do now ? *)
Unfortunately, as we can see, by doing so we generate an unprovable
obligation as we do not remember information about the call to f n being
equal to Some p in the recursive call f_sequence p.
To go around this issue and remember the origin of the pattern,
we can wrap our match with the inspect function, which simply packs a
value with a proof of an equality to itself.
In other words, given an element (a : A), inspect (a) returns the
elements (a, eq_refl) : {b : A | a = b}.
In our case, wrapping with inspect means matching first on
inspect (f a) then on the first component which is by definition f a,
rather than directly on the term f a.
This may seem pointless as if one destruct f a in an equality
f a = f a, one would surely get Some p = Some p and learn nothing?
The trick here is that inspect (f a) returns an object of type
{b : A | f a = b}, type in which f a is a fixed constant.
Consequently, destructing the first component, in our case f a,
will only affect the right-hand side of the equality, and we will
indeed get the desired equality f a = Some p.
As it can be seen below it works perfectly, and Coq is even able to
prove the call is terminating on its own leaving us no obligations
to fill.
#[tactic="idtac"] Equations? f_sequence (a : A) : list A by wf a lt :=
f_sequence a with inspect (f a) := {
| Some p eqn: eq1 ⇒ p :: f_sequence p;
| None eqn:_ ⇒ List.nil
apply decr_f. assumption.
End Inspect.
3.2 Improving recursion hypotheses
In some cases, most particularly when using a size or measure,
it can happen that when defining a function by well-founded recursion,
we forget that x is a subterm of a larger term Y,
and then we get stuck proving that "size x < size Y".
In this case, a possible solution is to define a custom function to "carry"
the information that x is a subterm of Y, so it is available when
trying to prove it is well-founded.
For an example, consider RoseTrees, trees with finite subtrees represented
by the constructor node : list RoseTree → RoseTree.
Let's also define the usual size function on it, and an equality test on lists.
Section EqIn.
Context {A : Type}.
Inductive RoseTree : Type :=
| leaf : A → RoseTree
| node : list RoseTree → RoseTree.
Equations sizeRT (t : RoseTree) : nat :=
sizeRT (leaf a) := 1;
sizeRT (node l) := 1 + list_sum (map sizeRT l).
Equations eqList {X} (l l' : list X) (eq : X → X → bool) : bool :=
eqList [] [] _ := true;
eqList (a::l) (a'::l') eq := andb (eq a a') (eqList l l' eq);
eqList _ _ _ := false.
For pedagogical purposes, having define an equality test on list, we would
like to define an equality test on RoseTree using well-founded recursion.
If we try to define the equality test naively as below, Equations generates
the obligation sizeRT l < 1 + list_sum (map sizeRT lt) corresponding to
the case where lt := l :: _.
This is obviously true, but we are stuck trying to prove it as we do not
remember that l is in lt:
Equations? eqRT (eq : A → A → bool) (t t': RoseTree) : bool by wf (sizeRT t) lt :=
eqRT eq (leaf a) (leaf a') := eq a a';
eqRT eq (node lt) (node lt') := eqList lt lt' (fun l l' ⇒ eqRT eq l l') ;
eqRT eq _ _ := false.
simp sizeRT.
(* What to do know ? We have forgotten that x is in l,
and hence that sizeRT l < 1 + list_sum (map sizeRT lt) *)
To go around this kind of issues, a general method is to strengthen the
function that goes through the structure to remember that x in a subterm of Y.
In our case, it means strengthening eqList so that to remember that l is
in lt.
To do so, we ask for the input of the equality test eq of eqList
to additionally be in in l, i.e. eq : ∀ x : X, In x l → X → bool.
This way, in the case (lt := l :: _) we remember In l lt.
Doing so, it is now possible to define eqRT by well-founded on the size:
Equations eqList' {X} (l l' : list X) (eq : ∀ x : X, In x l → X → bool) : bool :=
eqList' [] [] _ := true;
eqList' (a::l) (a'::l') eq := andb (eq a _ a') (eqList' l l' (fun x Inl y ⇒ eq x _ y));
eqList' _ _ _ := false.
Definition list_sum_ine (x : nat) (l : list nat) : In x l → x < 1 + list_sum l.
Equations? eqRT (eq : A → A → bool) (t t': RoseTree) : bool by wf (sizeRT t) lt :=
eqRT eq (leaf a) (leaf a') := eq a a';
eqRT eq (node lt) (node lt') := eqList' lt lt' (fun l Inl l' ⇒ eqRT eq l l') ;
eqRT eq _ _ := false.
simp sizeRT. apply list_sum_ine. apply in_map. assumption.
End EqIn.