type ssrhyps = ssrhyp list
type ssrmult = int * ssrmmod
type ssrindex = int Locus.or_var
type ssrclear = ssrhyps
type ssrtermkind = Ssrmatching_plugin.Ssrmatching.ssrtermkind
type ssrterm = ssrtermkind * Genintern.glob_constr_and_expr
type ast_glob_env = {
ast_ltacvars : Names.Id.Set.t; |
ast_extra : Genintern.Store.t; |
ast_intern_sign : Genintern.intern_variable_status; |
type ast_closure_term = {
body : Constrexpr.constr_expr; |
glob_env : ast_glob_env option; |
interp_env : Geninterp.interp_sign option; |
annotation : [ `None | `Parens | `DoubleParens | `At ]; |
type ssrview = ast_closure_term list
type ssripat =
| IPatNoop |
| IPatId of Names.Id.t |
| IPatAnon of anon_kind |
| IPatDispatch of ssripatss_or_block |
| IPatCase of ssripatss_or_block |
| IPatInj of ssripatss |
| IPatRewrite of ssrocc * ssrdir |
| IPatView of ssrview |
| IPatClear of ssrclear |
| IPatSimpl of ssrsimpl |
| IPatAbstractVars of Names.Id.t list |
| IPatFastNondep |
and ssripats = ssripat list
and ssripatss = ssripats list
type ssrhpats_wtransp = bool * ssrhpats
type ssrintrosarg = Ltac_plugin.Tacexpr.raw_tactic_expr * ssripats
type ssrfwdid = Names.Id.t
type 'term ssrbind =
| Bvar of Names.Name.t |
| Bdecl of Names.Name.t list * 'term |
| Bdef of Names.Name.t * 'term option * 'term |
| Bstruct of Names.Name.t |
| Bcast of 'term |
Binders (for fwd tactics)
type 'term ssrbindval = 'term ssrbind list * 'term
type ssrfwdfmt = ssrfwdkind * ssrbindfmt list
type 'tac fwdbinders = bool * (ssrhpats * ((ssrfwdfmt * ast_closure_term) * 'tac ssrhint))
type 'tac ffwbinders = ssrhpats * ((ssrfwdfmt * ast_closure_term) * 'tac ssrhint)
type clause = ssrclear * ((ssrhyp_or_id * string) * Ssrmatching_plugin.Ssrmatching.cpattern option) option
type wgen = ssrclear * ((ssrhyp_or_id * string) * Ssrmatching_plugin.Ssrmatching.cpattern option) option
type 'a ssrmovearg = ssrview * 'a ssrcasearg
type ssrdgens = {
dgens : (ssrdocc * Ssrmatching_plugin.Ssrmatching.cpattern) list; |
gens : (ssrdocc * Ssrmatching_plugin.Ssrmatching.cpattern) list; |
clr : ssrclear; |
type gist = Ltac_plugin.Tacintern.glob_sign
type ist = Ltac_plugin.Tacinterp.interp_sign
type goal = Evar.t