Library Stdlib.Reals.Rlogic

This module proves some logical properties of the axiomatic of Reals.
  • Decidability of arithmetical statements.
  • Derivability of the Archimedean "axiom".
  • Decidability of negated formulas.

From Stdlib Require Import PeanoNat.
From Stdlib Require Import Zabs.
From Stdlib Require Import Zorder.
From Stdlib Require Import RIneq.

Decidability of arithmetical statements

One can iterate this lemma and use classical logic to decide any statement in the arithmetical hierarchy.

Section Arithmetical_dec.

Variable P : nat -> Prop.
Hypothesis HP : forall n, {P n} + {~P n}.

Lemma sig_forall_dec : {n | ~P n} + {forall n, P n}.

End Arithmetical_dec.

Derivability of the Archimedean axiom

This is a standard proof (it has been taken from PlanetMath). It is formulated negatively so as to avoid the need for classical logic. Using a proof of {n | ~P n}+{forall n, P n}, we can in principle also derive up and its specification. The proof above cannot be used for that purpose, since it relies on the archimed axiom.

Theorem not_not_archimedean :
  forall r : R, ~ (forall n : nat, (INR n <= r)%R).

Decidability of negated formulas

Lemma sig_not_dec : forall P : Prop, {not (not P)} + {not P}.