Library Stdlib.ZArith.BinIntDef
From Stdlib Require Export BinNums.
From Stdlib Require Import BinPos BinNat.
From Stdlib Require Export BinNums.IntDef.
Local Open Scope Z_scope.
Local Notation "0" := Z0.
Local Notation "1" := (Zpos 1).
Local Notation "2" := (Zpos 2).
Definition square x :=
match x with
| 0 => 0
| pos p => pos (Pos.square p)
| neg p => pos (Pos.square p)
Boolean equality and comparisons
Nota: geb and gtb are provided for compatibility,
but leb and ltb should rather be used instead, since
more results will be available on them.
Definition geb x y :=
match x ?= y with
| Lt => false
| _ => true
Definition gtb x y :=
match x ?= y with
| Gt => true
| _ => false
Infix "=?" := eqb (at level 70, no associativity) : Z_scope.
Infix "<=?" := leb (at level 70, no associativity) : Z_scope.
Infix "<?" := ltb (at level 70, no associativity) : Z_scope.
Infix ">=?" := geb (at level 70, no associativity) : Z_scope.
Infix ">?" := gtb (at level 70, no associativity) : Z_scope.
Definition abs_nat (z:Z) : nat :=
match z with
| 0 => 0%nat
| pos p => Pos.to_nat p
| neg p => Pos.to_nat p
From Z to N via absolute value
From Z to N by rounding negative numbers to 0
Conversion with a decimal representation for printing/parsing
Definition of_uint (d:Decimal.uint) := of_N (Pos.of_uint d).
Definition of_hex_uint (d:Hexadecimal.uint) := of_N (Pos.of_hex_uint d).
Definition of_num_uint (d:Number.uint) :=
match d with
| Number.UIntDecimal d => of_uint d
| Number.UIntHexadecimal d => of_hex_uint d
Definition of_int ( :=
match d with
| Decimal.Pos d => of_uint d
| Decimal.Neg d => opp (of_uint d)
Definition of_hex_int ( :=
match d with
| Hexadecimal.Pos d => of_hex_uint d
| Hexadecimal.Neg d => opp (of_hex_uint d)
Definition of_num_int ( :=
match d with
| Number.IntDecimal d => of_int d
| Number.IntHexadecimal d => of_hex_int d
Definition to_int n :=
match n with
| 0 => Decimal.Pos
| pos p => Decimal.Pos (Pos.to_uint p)
| neg p => Decimal.Neg (Pos.to_uint p)
Definition to_hex_int n :=
match n with
| 0 => Hexadecimal.Pos
| pos p => Hexadecimal.Pos (Pos.to_hex_uint p)
| neg p => Hexadecimal.Neg (Pos.to_hex_uint p)
Definition to_num_int n := Number.IntDecimal (to_int n).
Definition to_num_hex_int n := Number.IntHexadecimal (to_hex_int n).
Definition iter (n:Z) {A} (f:A -> A) (x:A) :=
match n with
| pos p => Pos.iter f x p
| _ => x
Infix "/" := div : Z_scope.
Infix "mod" := modulo (at level 40, no associativity) : Z_scope.
Definition odd z :=
match z with
| 0 => false
| pos (xO _) => false
| neg (xO _) => false
| _ => true
Division by two
Definition quot2 (z:Z) :=
match z with
| 0 => 0
| pos 1 => 0
| pos p => pos (Pos.div2 p)
| neg 1 => 0
| neg p => neg (Pos.div2 p)
Definition log2 z :=
match z with
| pos (p~1) => pos (Pos.size p)
| pos (p~0) => pos (Pos.size p)
| _ => 0
Definition gcd a b :=
match a,b with
| 0, _ => abs b
| _, 0 => abs a
| pos a, pos b => pos (Pos.gcd a b)
| pos a, neg b => pos (Pos.gcd a b)
| neg a, pos b => pos (Pos.gcd a b)
| neg a, neg b => pos (Pos.gcd a b)
A generalized gcd, also computing division of a and b by gcd.
Definition ggcd a b : Z*(Z*Z) :=
match a,b with
| 0, _ => (abs b,(0, sgn b))
| _, 0 => (abs a,(sgn a, 0))
| pos a, pos b =>
let '(g,(aa,bb)) := Pos.ggcd a b in (pos g, (pos aa, pos bb))
| pos a, neg b =>
let '(g,(aa,bb)) := Pos.ggcd a b in (pos g, (pos aa, neg bb))
| neg a, pos b =>
let '(g,(aa,bb)) := Pos.ggcd a b in (pos g, (neg aa, pos bb))
| neg a, neg b =>
let '(g,(aa,bb)) := Pos.ggcd a b in (pos g, (neg aa, neg bb))
Bitwise functions
Definition testbit a n :=
match n with
| 0 => odd a
| pos p =>
match a with
| 0 => false
| pos a => Pos.testbit a (N.pos p)
| neg a => negb (N.testbit (Pos.pred_N a) (N.pos p))
| neg _ => false
Bitwise operations lor land ldiff lxor
Definition ldiff a b :=
match a, b with
| 0, _ => 0
| _, 0 => a
| pos a, pos b => of_N (Pos.ldiff a b)
| neg a, pos b => neg (N.succ_pos (N.lor (Pos.pred_N a) (N.pos b)))
| pos a, neg b => of_N ( (N.pos a) (Pos.pred_N b))
| neg a, neg b => of_N (N.ldiff (Pos.pred_N b) (Pos.pred_N a))
Number Notation Z of_num_int to_num_hex_int : hex_Z_scope.
Number Notation Z of_num_int to_num_int : Z_scope.
End Z.
Re-export the notation for those who just Import BinIntDef
Number Notation Z Z.of_num_int Z.to_num_hex_int : hex_Z_scope.
Number Notation Z Z.of_num_int Z.to_num_int : Z_scope.
Number Notation Z Z.of_num_int Z.to_num_int : Z_scope.