Library Stdlib.ZArith.Zbitwise

Require Import BinInt Lia Btauto. Local Open Scope Z_scope.
Import (ltac.notations) BinInt.Z.

Module Z.

Local Infix ".|" := Z.lor (at level 40).
Local Infix ".&" := (at level 40).
Local Infix ".^" := Z.lxor (at level 40).
Local Notation ".~ x" := (Z.lnot x) (at level 35).
Local Notation "x .[ i ]" := (Z.testbit x i) (at level 9, format "x .[ i ]").

Local Infix "^^" := xorb (at level 40).

Local Hint Rewrite
  using solve [trivial] : bitwise.

Local Ltac to_bitwise :=
  let i := fresh "i" in
  bitwise as i ?Hi;
  repeat match goal with H : ?a = ?b :> Z |- _ =>
    apply (f_equal (fun x => Z.testbit x i)) in H end.
Local Ltac prove_bitwise :=
  apply Bool.eqb_true_iff;
  repeat match goal with H : _ = _ :> bool |- _ =>
    apply Bool.eqb_true_iff in H; revert H end;
  rewrite <-?Bool.negb_xorb, <-?Bool.implb_true_iff, ?Bool.implb_orb;
  autorewrite with bitwise;
Local Ltac p := to_bitwise; prove_bitwise.

Bitwise operations alone

Lemma lnot_lnot x : Z.lnot (Z.lnot x) = x.

Lemma ldiff_lor_land x y : Z.ldiff (x .| y) (x .& y) = x .^ y.

Bitwise complement and +1/-1

Lemma succ_lnot x : Z.lnot x + 1 = - x.

Lemma lnot_pred x : Z.lnot (x - 1) = - x.

Lemma lnot_eq_pred_opp x : Z.lnot x = -x-1.

Lemma opp_lnot x : - (Z.lnot x) = x+1.

Lemma lnot_opp x : Z.lnot (-x) = x-1.

Bitwise complement as an input to + or -

Lemma sub_lnot_r x y : x - Z.lnot y = x + y + 1.

Lemma pred_sub_lnot_r x y : x - Z.lnot y - 1 = x + y.

Lemma add_lnot_r x y : x + Z.lnot y = x - y - 1.

Lemma succ_add_lnot_r x y : x + Z.lnot y + 1 = x - y.

Lemma lnot_sub x y : Z.lnot (x - y) = Z.lnot x + y.

Explicit formulas for carry bits during addition. Conceptually, the theory

here matches the bitblasting rules for integers. However, the vector of

carry bits is represented as a Z so it can be used in bitwise operations.

The last three lemmas about addcarries are the main interface, but the

generalization adccarries is provided as the same theory applies.

Bitwise operations, addition, and subtraction

Lemma sub_lor_land x y : (x .| y) - (x .& y) = (x .^ y).

Lemma add_lor_land x y : (x .| y) + (x .& y) = (x + y).

Lemma sub_lor_l_same_l x y : y .| x - y = x .& .~ y.

Lemma sub_lor_l_same_r x y : x .| y - y = x .& .~ y.

Lemma sub_landn_rlandn x y : x.&.~y - .~x .& y = x - y.

Lemma sub_land_same_l x y : x - x.&y = x .& .~y.

Bitwise operations, addition, subtraction, and doubling

Lemma add_lxor_2land x y : (x .^ y) + 2*(x .& y) = x + y.

Lemma sub_2lor_lxor x y : 2*(x .| y) - x .^ y = x + y.

Lemma sub_lxor_2rlandn x y : x .^ y - 2*(.~x .& y) = x - y.

Lemma sub_2landn_lxor x y : 2*(x.&.~y) - x.^y = x - y.

End Z.