Library Stdlib.micromega.ZifyClasses
An alternative to zify in ML parametrised by user-provided classes instances.
The framework has currently several limitations that are in place for simplicity.
For instance, we only consider binary operators of type Op: S -> S -> S.
Another limitation is that our injection theorems e.g. TBOpInj,
are using Leibniz equality; the payoff is that there is no need for morphisms...
An injection InjTyp S T declares an injection
from source type S to target type T.
Class InjTyp (S : Type) (T : Type) :=
mkinj {
inj : S -> T;
pred : T -> Prop;
cstr : forall x, pred (inj x)
mkinj {
inj : S -> T;
pred : T -> Prop;
cstr : forall x, pred (inj x)
BinOp Op declares a source operator Op: S1 -> S2 -> S3.
Class BinOp {S1 S2 S3 T1 T2 T3:Type} (Op : S1 -> S2 -> S3) {I1 : InjTyp S1 T1} {I2 : InjTyp S2 T2} {I3 : InjTyp S3 T3} :=
mkbop {
TBOp : T1 -> T2 -> T3;
TBOpInj : forall (n:S1) (m:S2), inj (Op n m) = TBOp (inj n) (inj m)
mkbop {
TBOp : T1 -> T2 -> T3;
TBOpInj : forall (n:S1) (m:S2), inj (Op n m) = TBOp (inj n) (inj m)
Unop Op declares a source operator Op : S1 -> S2.
Class UnOp {S1 S2 T1 T2:Type} (Op : S1 -> S2) {I1 : InjTyp S1 T1} {I2 : InjTyp S2 T2} :=
mkuop {
TUOp : T1 -> T2;
TUOpInj : forall (x:S1), inj (Op x) = TUOp (inj x)
mkuop {
TUOp : T1 -> T2;
TUOpInj : forall (x:S1), inj (Op x) = TUOp (inj x)
CstOp Op declares a source constant Op : S.
In the framework, Prop is mapped to Prop and the injection is phrased in
terms of = instead of <->.
BinRel R declares the injection of a binary relation.
Class BinRel {S:Type} {T:Type} (R : S -> S -> Prop) {I : InjTyp S T} :=
mkbrel {
TR : T -> T -> Prop;
TRInj : forall n m : S, R n m <-> TR (@inj _ _ I n) (inj m)
mkbrel {
TR : T -> T -> Prop;
TRInj : forall n m : S, R n m <-> TR (@inj _ _ I n) (inj m)
PropOp Op declares morphisms for <->.
This will be used to deal with e.g. and, or,...
Class PropOp (Op : Prop -> Prop -> Prop) :=
mkprop {
op_iff : forall (p1 p2 q1 q2:Prop), (p1 <-> q1) -> (p2 <-> q2) -> (Op p1 p2 <-> Op q1 q2)
Class PropUOp (Op : Prop -> Prop) :=
mkuprop {
uop_iff : forall (p1 q1 :Prop), (p1 <-> q1) -> (Op p1 <-> Op q1)
Once the term is injected, terms can be replaced by their specification.
NB1: The Ltac code is currently limited to (Op: Z -> Z -> Z)
NB2: This is not sufficient to cope with Z.div or Z.mod
Class BinOpSpec {T1 T2 T3: Type} (Op : T1 -> T2 -> T3) :=
mkbspec {
BPred : T1 -> T2 -> T3 -> Prop;
BSpec : forall x y, BPred x y (Op x y)
Class UnOpSpec {T1 T2: Type} (Op : T1 -> T2) :=
mkuspec {
UPred : T1 -> T2 -> Prop;
USpec : forall x, UPred x (Op x)
mkbspec {
BPred : T1 -> T2 -> T3 -> Prop;
BSpec : forall x y, BPred x y (Op x y)
Class UnOpSpec {T1 T2: Type} (Op : T1 -> T2) :=
mkuspec {
UPred : T1 -> T2 -> Prop;
USpec : forall x, UPred x (Op x)
After injections, e.g. nat -> Z,
the fact that Z.of_nat x * Z.of_nat y is positive is lost.
This information can be recovered using instance of the Saturate class.
Given Op x y,
- PArg1 is the pre-condition of x
- PArg2 is the pre-condition of y
- PRes is the pos-condition of (Op x y)
SatOk states the correctness of the reasoning
The rest of the file is for internal use by the ML tactic.
There are data-structures and lemmas used to inductively construct
the injected terms.
The data-structures injterm and injected_prop
are used to store source and target expressions together
with a correctness proof.
Record injterm {S T: Type} (I : S -> T) :=
mkinjterm { source : S ; target : T ; inj_ok : I source = target}.
Record injprop :=
mkinjprop {
source_prop : Prop ; target_prop : Prop ;
injprop_ok : source_prop <-> target_prop}.
Lemmas for building rewrite rules.
Definition PropOp_iff (Op : Prop -> Prop -> Prop) :=
forall (p1 p2 q1 q2:Prop), (p1 <-> q1) -> (p2 <-> q2) -> (Op p1 p2 <-> Op q1 q2).
Definition PropUOp_iff (Op : Prop -> Prop) :=
forall (p1 q1 :Prop), (p1 <-> q1) -> (Op p1 <-> Op q1).
Lemma mkapp2 (S1 S2 S3 T1 T2 T3 : Type) (Op : S1 -> S2 -> S3)
(I1 : S1 -> T1) (I2 : S2 -> T2) (I3 : S3 -> T3)
(TBOP : T1 -> T2 -> T3)
(TBOPINJ : forall n m, I3 (Op n m) = TBOP (I1 n) (I2 m))
(s1 : S1) (t1 : T1) (P1: I1 s1 = t1)
(s2 : S2) (t2 : T2) (P2: I2 s2 = t2): I3 (Op s1 s2) = TBOP t1 t2.
Lemma mkapp (S1 S2 T1 T2 : Type) (OP : S1 -> S2)
(I1 : S1 -> T1)
(I2 : S2 -> T2)
(TUOP : T1 -> T2)
(TUOPINJ : forall n, I2 (OP n) = TUOP (I1 n))
(s1: S1) (t1: T1) (P1: I1 s1 = t1): I2 (OP s1) = TUOP t1.
Lemma mkrel (S T : Type) (R : S -> S -> Prop)
(I : S -> T)
(TR : T -> T -> Prop)
(TRINJ : forall n m : S, R n m <-> TR (I n) (I m))
(s1 : S) (t1 : T) (P1 : I s1 = t1)
(s2 : S) (t2 : T) (P2 : I s2 = t2):
R s1 s2 <-> TR t1 t2.
Hardcoded support and lemma for propositional logic
Lemma and_morph : forall (s1 s2 t1 t2:Prop), s1 <-> t1 -> s2 <-> t2 -> ((s1 /\ s2) <-> (t1 /\ t2)).
Lemma or_morph : forall (s1 s2 t1 t2:Prop), s1 <-> t1 -> s2 <-> t2 -> ((s1 \/ s2) <-> (t1 \/ t2)).
Lemma impl_morph : forall (s1 s2 t1 t2:Prop), s1 <-> t1 -> s2 <-> t2 -> ((s1 -> s2) <-> (t1 -> t2)).
Lemma iff_morph : forall (s1 s2 t1 t2:Prop), s1 <-> t1 -> s2 <-> t2 -> ((s1 <-> s2) <-> (t1 <-> t2)).
Lemma not_morph : forall (s1 t1:Prop), s1 <-> t1 -> (not s1) <-> (not t1).
Lemma eq_iff : forall (P Q : Prop), P = Q -> (P <-> Q).
Lemma rew_iff (P Q : Prop) (IFF : P <-> Q) : P -> Q.
Lemma rew_iff_rev (P Q : Prop) (IFF : P <-> Q) : Q -> P.
Registering constants for use by the plugin
Register eq_iff as ZifyClasses.eq_iff.
Register target_prop as ZifyClasses.target_prop.
Register mkrel as ZifyClasses.mkrel.
Register target as
Register mkapp2 as ZifyClasses.mkapp2.
Register mkapp as ZifyClasses.mkapp.
Register op_iff as ZifyClasses.op_iff.
Register uop_iff as ZifyClasses.uop_iff.
Register TR as ZifyClasses.TR.
Register TBOp as ZifyClasses.TBOp.
Register TUOp as ZifyClasses.TUOp.
Register TCst as ZifyClasses.TCst.
Register injprop_ok as ZifyClasses.injprop_ok.
Register inj_ok as ZifyClasses.inj_ok.
Register source as ZifyClasses.source.
Register source_prop as ZifyClasses.source_prop.
Register inj as ZifyClasses.inj.
Register TRInj as ZifyClasses.TRInj.
Register TUOpInj as ZifyClasses.TUOpInj.
Register not as ZifyClasses.not.
Register mkinjterm as ZifyClasses.mkinjterm.
Register eq_refl as ZifyClasses.eq_refl.
Register eq as ZifyClasses.eq.
Register mkinjprop as ZifyClasses.mkinjprop.
Register iff_refl as ZifyClasses.iff_refl.
Register rew_iff as ZifyClasses.rew_iff.
Register rew_iff_rev as ZifyClasses.rew_iff_rev.
Register source_prop as ZifyClasses.source_prop.
Register injprop_ok as ZifyClasses.injprop_ok.
Register iff as ZifyClasses.iff.
Register InjTyp as ZifyClasses.InjTyp.
Register BinOp as ZifyClasses.BinOp.
Register UnOp as ZifyClasses.UnOp.
Register CstOp as ZifyClasses.CstOp.
Register BinRel as ZifyClasses.BinRel.
Register PropOp as ZifyClasses.PropOp.
Register PropUOp as ZifyClasses.PropUOp.
Register BinOpSpec as ZifyClasses.BinOpSpec.
Register UnOpSpec as ZifyClasses.UnOpSpec.
Register Saturate as ZifyClasses.Saturate.
Register target_prop as ZifyClasses.target_prop.
Register mkrel as ZifyClasses.mkrel.
Register target as
Register mkapp2 as ZifyClasses.mkapp2.
Register mkapp as ZifyClasses.mkapp.
Register op_iff as ZifyClasses.op_iff.
Register uop_iff as ZifyClasses.uop_iff.
Register TR as ZifyClasses.TR.
Register TBOp as ZifyClasses.TBOp.
Register TUOp as ZifyClasses.TUOp.
Register TCst as ZifyClasses.TCst.
Register injprop_ok as ZifyClasses.injprop_ok.
Register inj_ok as ZifyClasses.inj_ok.
Register source as ZifyClasses.source.
Register source_prop as ZifyClasses.source_prop.
Register inj as ZifyClasses.inj.
Register TRInj as ZifyClasses.TRInj.
Register TUOpInj as ZifyClasses.TUOpInj.
Register not as ZifyClasses.not.
Register mkinjterm as ZifyClasses.mkinjterm.
Register eq_refl as ZifyClasses.eq_refl.
Register eq as ZifyClasses.eq.
Register mkinjprop as ZifyClasses.mkinjprop.
Register iff_refl as ZifyClasses.iff_refl.
Register rew_iff as ZifyClasses.rew_iff.
Register rew_iff_rev as ZifyClasses.rew_iff_rev.
Register source_prop as ZifyClasses.source_prop.
Register injprop_ok as ZifyClasses.injprop_ok.
Register iff as ZifyClasses.iff.
Register InjTyp as ZifyClasses.InjTyp.
Register BinOp as ZifyClasses.BinOp.
Register UnOp as ZifyClasses.UnOp.
Register CstOp as ZifyClasses.CstOp.
Register BinRel as ZifyClasses.BinRel.
Register PropOp as ZifyClasses.PropOp.
Register PropUOp as ZifyClasses.PropUOp.
Register BinOpSpec as ZifyClasses.BinOpSpec.
Register UnOpSpec as ZifyClasses.UnOpSpec.
Register Saturate as ZifyClasses.Saturate.
Propositional logic
Register and as ZifyClasses.and.
Register and_morph as ZifyClasses.and_morph.
Register or as ZifyClasses.or.
Register or_morph as ZifyClasses.or_morph.
Register iff as ZifyClasses.iff.
Register iff_morph as ZifyClasses.iff_morph.
Register impl_morph as ZifyClasses.impl_morph.
Register not as ZifyClasses.not.
Register not_morph as ZifyClasses.not_morph.
Register True as ZifyClasses.True.
Register I as ZifyClasses.I.
Register and_morph as ZifyClasses.and_morph.
Register or as ZifyClasses.or.
Register or_morph as ZifyClasses.or_morph.
Register iff as ZifyClasses.iff.
Register iff_morph as ZifyClasses.iff_morph.
Register impl_morph as ZifyClasses.impl_morph.
Register not as ZifyClasses.not.
Register not_morph as ZifyClasses.not_morph.
Register True as ZifyClasses.True.
Register I as ZifyClasses.I.